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21.04.2007 10:52 - Слави направи разтърсваща изповед, страда от тежко очно заболяване
Автор: dnes4o Категория: Новини   
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Слави Трифонов направи разтърсваща изповед в ефира на bTV в петък вечерта, в специално интервю, взето от неговия колега - главния сценарист на собственото му шоу Росен Петров.

След като шоуменът не се появи сред журито на „Мюзик айдъл“, а също и като водещ на „Шоуто на Слави“, зрителите започнаха да се питат какво му се е случило.

Снощи те получиха отговор – може би не този, който са очаквали.

Гологлавият шоумен се е съгласил на интервюто, за да опровергае евентуални слухове, че има СПИН или пък е болен от рак.

Брадясал, с леко прокарала коса /!/ и на системи, водещият отвори сърцето и душата си пред Росен и разказа покъртителни истории за себе си.

Оказа се, че Слави е болен. И то сериозно.

„Мечо“, както го наричат колоритните водещи на „Мюзик айдъл“ Иван и Андрей, призна, че преди 11 години е развил сериозно заболяване на лицевите нерви заради възпалени зъби, което дало отражение на зрението му.

В момента шоуменът страда от много сериозно нарушено зрение на лявото око и призна, че всичко, което е правил оттогава досега, го е правил с едно око.

Коварната болест, която е увредила окото, се нарича невробулбарен неврит.  По-просто казано, част от очния нерв на водещия е атрофирал, и оттогава той не може да вижда с централната част на окото – само с периферията.

По думите му обаче, „мозъкът свиква и общо взето го компенсираш, свикваш вече“.

Слави увери, че това не му пречело нито да чете, нито да шофира, нито на нищо, тъй като за 2-3 години е успял да се нагоди към новото статукво.

От около седмица обаче са се появили проблеми и в другото око на шоумена. Той сподели, че лекарите са отхвърлили възможността да има тумор в мозъка, нито пък множествена склероза. Докторите са установили единствено, че има някакво възпаление, както и доста тежък синузит, за който Слави дори не е предполагал.

В момента специалисти се опитват да определят точната причина за проблемите и с дясното око на водещия, който сам разказа, че вероятната причина е „засягане на малки нервни снопчета“, които обаче не могат да бъдат видени от ядрено-магнитен резонанс и скенер.

Слави разказа, че всеки ден му вливат системи със съдоразширяващи медикаменти, които би трябвало да помогнат срещу евентуално възпаление. Той призна, че се чувства доста дезорганизиран и това е причината да не работи. В момента болестта му е на такъв етап, че не се знае дали процесът е обратим или не.

Той обяви, че лекарите са му правили всякакви изследвания, включително за СПИН и сифилис, и увери, че резултатите са отрицателни.

Въпреки това той чистосърдечно си призна, че в продължение на 3-4 дни е бил в тотална паника.

„Не е срамно да кажеш, че те е страх. Не знам дали е слабост, но знам, че не е това нещото, което може да ме счупи, каквото и да стане“, завърши изповедта си Слави и увери, че с ръководителя на "Ку Ку бенд" Евгени Димитров-Маестрото са начертали плана за задачите и концертите до края на шоуто "Мюзик айдъл".

Тагове:   Направи,   изповед,   очно,


1. celebrities - Слави е пич!
21.04.2007 10:55
Трябва да си много силен да го караш в това положение 11 години. Силно се надявам да се оправи.
2. анонимен - Приятел
21.04.2007 11:03

Аз го карам така от 1974 а сега съм на 38г.
С две думи, това да имаш такова заболяване на едното око не е толкова страшно. Ужасното е да знаеш че всеки момент можеш да загубиш и зрението на другото око!
Повярвай ми виждал съм млади хора , които са имат 100% загуба на зрение на едното око и около 50% на другото, кат са наясно, че до година две ще загубят и последните 50%.

Просто това е едно от нещата, които не бих пожелал и на най-големия си враг!
3. анонимен - Бъди силен!
21.04.2007 11:11
Тъжно е когато свикнеш с една популярна звезда в шоубизнеса. Видно е че няма застраховани от зла участ, но понякога животът е несправедлив и единственото нещто което мога да му пажелая е да не пада духом и навременна позитивна развръзка с болестта. Хората които те уважават и почитат ще са винаги с теб!
4. анонимен - Слави винаги ме е кефил..страхотно упорит..
21.04.2007 11:12
Аз съм болна от диабет от 10 години..обаче се боря..щастлива съм че виждам слънцето..че мога да ходя..а има много нещастни хора..Ще се справиш Слави!!!
5. анонимен - takav e jivotat
21.04.2007 11:16
strasho e da rasberesh takava istina! Gore glavata, Slavi-vjara i kasmet.V takav moment prosirash istinata, 4e 4ovek e sa malko na tasi zemja - da badem dobri
6. анонимен - Slavi e mnogo golqm
21.04.2007 11:19
Ne sam 4el podobno izkazvane na balgarin prez jivota si .
Pojelavam mu da se opravi i otnovo da si pravi shouto kakto predi !
7. анонимен - Silen chovek
21.04.2007 11:20
Vinagi sam mislil negativno za Slavi Trifonov , no sled tova koeto prochetoh , si dadoh smetka che toi e dosta silen chovek i sam greshal otnosno nego. Toi e istinski profesionalist sled kato nikoi ne e razbral che strada ot neshto , oshte poveche na ochite , koeto e mnogo seriozno za vseki pak kamo li za tv vodesh ! Pojelavam mu barzo ozdraviavane , da bade silen i da ne se predava !
8. ni6tojnavujka - Фил,
21.04.2007 11:21
напълно съм съгласна с теб.Даже се дразних на Шоуто му.Но е един от най - преуспелите в Бг и то не заради парите си, а заради това което е постигнал. Стискам му палци за скорошно оздравяване..!
9. анонимен - Изумен съм
21.04.2007 11:25
Останах доста изумен от интервюто и най-вече от думите на Слави "Няма Бог,невярвам в Бог И не се моля".
Това се нарича гордост,един от 7-те смъртни гряха.
Не пожелавам на никой подобна участ и бих посъветвал всеки да е смирен и да се моли на Бог да е жив и здрав и да благодари винаги на Бог.
На Слави пожелавам по Божията воля бързо оздравяване.
10. анонимен - Kremi
21.04.2007 11:26
Slavi, ti si edinstvenata zvezda v Balgaria!Dano vsi4ko da se opravi i otnovo da ni radvash vsiaka ve4er ot televizionnia efir.
11. viovioi - може би нетрябваше да го прави?
21.04.2007 11:32
Защо , защо ли? Защото има лоши ама много лоши хора, които ще злорадстват.Аз съм му фен и като започна да говори много се разстроих.Присъединявам се към вашите благопожелания за бързо оздравяване
12. анонимен - ceci
21.04.2007 11:33
Stiskam ti palci i iskrenno se nadiavam otnovo vsichko da e nared s teb. Slavi : balgarskata publika ima nujda ot teb!
13. анонимен - ot N.P
21.04.2007 11:38
Слави е един от най-достойните хора в България!! - вчера гледах интервюто и честно казано се просълзих.
Дано се оправи за да продължи да бъде с достойното си поведение коректив на всичко,което загрозява българската действителност
14. анонимен - slavi
21.04.2007 11:39
аз бях супер голям фен на слави но когато го видях в мюзик айдъл се отказах от това и смятам че той не е нищо повече от софийска мутра на показ !!!! БОТ!
15. анонимен - Мери
21.04.2007 11:40
Поздравявам Слави, че в този тежък за него момент имаше сили да разкаже какво му е състоянието.Гледах цялото предаване и ми стана много мъчно,защото преди четири месеца претърпях коремна операция и наистина ме беше страх, но благодарение на доц. Мария Попова от Пета градска болница в гр.София сега съм добре.Пожелавам на Слави да запази зрението си,за да продължи да работи защото наистина прави добро шоу.
16. анонимен - Слави се взима много на сериозно
21.04.2007 11:41
,защо си мисли,че неговото състояни ни вълнува в такава голяма степен.Струва ми се обаче,че това е поредното шоу в подкрепа на Б.Б.-Слави се показа като мутра(употребяваше мутренски жаргон,циничен език...) и твърдеше,че мутрите са благородни(асоциация с Б.Б.),въпреки състоянието си и триадата за будиските ценности не забрави да заклейми Атака и Сидеров.всичко това,а и времето(началото на кампанията) ме навежда на мисълта за предизборно шоу.Ако след 2-3 седмици шоумена се появи на бял кон,като победил болестта си,работата е ясна.
А иначе съжалявам за това което му се е случило(и аз имам подобен проблем),той сигурно е помогнал на много хора,което му прави чест.Аз обаче искам да живея в демократично общество,в което живота и здравето ми да не зависят от благоразположението и милостта на отделни хора с власт и влияние,а си мисля,че хора като него ни отдалечават от това.
Желая му бързо оздравяване и дано това изпитание го накара да се замисли!!!
17. анонимен - za Slavi ot Milena ot grad Tytrakan
21.04.2007 11:42
zdr slavi sno6ti gledah predavaneto s teb dqh potresena ne moje6 da mi izleze6 ot mislite.mnogo sajelqvam za tova koeto ti se slu4va ne se predavai .stiskam ti pal4i vsi4ko da e dobre za nepred.balgariq ima nujda ot teb.celuvki ot men
18. анонимен - Валета
21.04.2007 11:45
Не харесвам Слави по ред причини. Но снощната му изповед го направи симпатичен като човек, който минава през страдание. Колкото до извлението: не вярвам в Бог. Може би Бог иска да се обърнеш към Него и да не разчиташ на късмет, понеже късмета е Божията милост. Моля се за изцеление и Бог да използва тази ситуация за Негова прослава.
19. анонимен - И моето семейство е с теб, Слави!
21.04.2007 11:46
Естествена черта на човека е при нещастие с ближния да иска да му помогне.Аз не знам как бих помогнала в тази ситуация, но искрено и от сърце желая на Слави победа над болестта! Нека всички и Бог бъдем с теб!
20. анонимен - Слави ще победи.......болеста!!!
21.04.2007 11:47
Слави е УНИКАЛЕН.........,но и тои е човек...!!
той ще се оправи и ще победи...коварната....болест...........
той ,трябва да е за пример на всички.....как човек трябва да се..бори за животът си и да не пада...духом...никога и пред нищо!!
21. анонимен - Neka Gospod bade s teb ot Desi
21.04.2007 11:48
ne se predavai borise kakto si se boril do sega ti zaslujava6 da jivee6 i da ni radva6.az tvoq golqma fenka 4akam s netarpenie lqtnoto ti turne.6te se molq za teb . gospod da te paji
22. анонимен - дано се оправи!
21.04.2007 11:49
Ако наистина е казал "Няма Бог, не вярвам в Бог, и не се моля", това не е на добре.
Може би точно Бог чрез тази болест иска да го смири. Доста беше агресивен.
А и хорската злоба, особено спрямо преуспелите, понякога може да разболее.
Пожелавам му да оздравее напълно и да повярва в Бог!
23. анонимен - стискам палци
21.04.2007 11:50
Само мога да кажа "Дръж се Слави"
24. анонимен - slavi s teb sme!
21.04.2007 11:51
slavi obi4ame te ti si vurxut,ti si nomer 1! molim se za teb i neka vsi4ko da otmine za da moge da ni radva6 otnovo na ekrana!Gospod da e s teb dori i kogato si izgybil nadegda i vjra kum nego.OBI4AME TE
25. viki11 - ТОВА Е ТРАГЕДИЯ,
21.04.2007 11:51
с която Дългият живее отдавна. Трябва да уважим положението му! Съчувствам му. НА много хора е помогнал, дано му се върне, но е сериозно. Възможно е да знае, че умира, но кой знае.
Не може да се отрече, той е направил много и за телевизията и за България, и за българите!
26. анонимен - дръж се!
21.04.2007 11:52
сигурен съм , че ще се оправиш, Слави. Дръж се
27. анонимен - Za Slavi
21.04.2007 11:58
Slavi Trifonov e nai-golqmoto qvlenie v BG za poslednite 20 godini. Ako tozi 4ovek be6e primerno v Sarbia 6te6e da e nai-golqmata zvezda i da go bogotvorqt. No poneje v BG nikoi ne obi4a uspelite hora i vsi4ko opljuvame po tipi4no balgarski s edna takava lejerna zavist i debela6ko bezoledie za uspeh6nite i pozitivni ne6ta ne mojem da ocenim dobrite ne6ta, koito ni zaobikalqt. Preklanqm se pred energiqta, koqto pritejava Slavi i mu pojelavam da se vazstanovi 4as po-skoro, za6toto toi e silen!!!
28. анонимен - tasidi
21.04.2007 11:59
Кои сме ние, че ще съдим някого? Всеки от нас е гост на тази земя. Трябва да ценим и приемаме човека, такъв какъвто е. Пестелоци е казал: "Човешкото в моята природа не е в тлената кръв и плът, не е в животинското чувство на човешката алчност, а в заложбите на моето човешко сърце и на моя художествен вкус". Слави, бъди борбен, ти си победител!
29. анонимен - Бързо оздравяване
21.04.2007 12:04
Аз и семейството ми ти пожелаваме скорошно оздравяване и завръщане не екрана.Слави,дръж се и бъди силен!
30. анонимен - неприятно
21.04.2007 12:07
Когато се сблъска с някоя болест тогава човек осъзнава ,че най-важното нещо е здравето ,а всичко другое суета. Нека се оправи и да слезе на земята.
31. анонимен - Защото не вярвал в Бог, затова бил ...
21.04.2007 12:09
Защото не вярвал в Бог, затова бил болен....и това са думи на хора от нашето съвремие???Не мога да повярвам.А колко вярващи боледуват,сигурно нито един,така ли??" Глупаво е да се боя от боговете, които сам си създавам" Сенека
А иначе желая от сърце скорощно оздравяване на Слави и наистина съжалявам, за това,което му се случва.
32. анонимен - той е час от времето
21.04.2007 12:10
харесвам го,за промените беше необходим, ние сме набори с него и знам в какави условия раснахме, учихме,санувах го един път и усештах,че нешто не е наред с него, а не одобрявах някой негови нешта и много исках да поговорим, бог да му помага и да се моли, това му пожелавам.
33. анонимен - ^^
21.04.2007 12:13
Да не би да си отчаян?
Моли се! Вярвай в себе си и в Бог и докажи, че заслужаваш да живееш! Ние го знаем, а ти бъди спокоен и премисли живота си, целите и мечтите, преди да е станало късно.
Ти наистина си уникален, но не сме ли всички уникални? Всеки си е себе си. Бъди себе си, престани с преголямата гордост, помоли се за милост и продължи живота си като здрав и достоен човек!
`"Няма Бог,не вярвам в Бог И не се моля".
Това се нарича гордост,един от 7-те с*м*ъ*р*т*н*и гряха.`
Желая ти да оздравееш...^^
34. анонимен - Вярата ни измъква от отчаянието
21.04.2007 12:13
Харесвам Слави.Той е силен характер и ще се справи.Незнам,какво го накара да изрече такива тежки думи ,че невярва в Бог,но аз снощи се молих на Бог,Слави да оздравее.Не ходя на църква,непонасям лицемерието и пошлостта на наричащите себе си "божии служители".Вярвам в Бог,така както го чувствам с душата и сърцето си.
35. анонимен - Вярата ни измъква от отчаянието
21.04.2007 12:13
Харесвам Слави.Той е силен характер и ще се справи.Незнам,какво го накара да изрече такива тежки думи ,че невярва в Бог,но аз снощи се молих на Бог,Слави да оздравее.Не ходя на църква,непонасям лицемерието и пошлостта на наричащите себе си "божии служители".Вярвам в Бог,така както го чувствам с душата и сърцето си.
36. анонимен - Слави,пожелавам ти с цялото си сърце да се оправиш
21.04.2007 12:14
Снощи гледах предаването и много се разстроих,защото харесвам и уважавам Слави и защото и аз страдах от нещо подобно!Аз искам да вярвам и вярвам,че ще се оправи,че няма да се влушат нещата!Толкова хора те харесваме и сме с теб!Не падай духом,бъди Слави!
37. анонимен - VANIA
21.04.2007 12:20
Iskreno sa4yvstvam na Slavi. Nikoi 4ovek ne e zastraxovan ot bolesti i neprijtnosti. Vazxi6tavam se na negovata smelost i profesionalizam. Ponjkoga GOSPOD ( spored men tova e prirodata,za kojto ne trjbva da zabravjme, 4e e po-silna ot vseki edin ot nas) ni postavj v tejki sityacii i togava si davame smetka za mnogo ne6ta, premisljme i si spomnjme momenti, na koito ne sme obra6tali vnimanie, koito smjtame za malovajni, no koito izvednaj obra6tat jivota ni. Togava vseki trjbva da vzeme nai- pravilnoto za sebe si re6enie. KYRAJ, Slavi, Ti si dobar 4ovek i az vjrvam, 4e sadbata 6te bade blagosklonna kam teb.
38. анонимен - съчувствам
21.04.2007 12:21
Макар и да не харесвам особено Слави Трифонов той е емблематична фигура в българския шоу бизнес и искрено, по човешки изразявам съчувствие за пробемите му. Мисля, че е показвал нееднократно , че е човек с желязна воля и това сега се надявам да му помогне да се възстанови. Той е работохолик, но работата му е изтощителна! Човек трябва да живее по- умерено! Стресът може да убие всеки. Икрено му пожелавам бързо да оздравее и да го видим скоро пак на екран!!!
39. анонимен - vessi
21.04.2007 12:21
Лекарите да се концентрират максимално, за да направят от невъзможното възможно.
40. анонимен - Uspex ot USA
21.04.2007 12:23
Bravo na vsichki,koito taka dobre se izkazvat.Daje i da ne e Slavi taka triabva da badem-edinni i dobri.A na tebe Slavi uspex i badi silen,nie sme s teb mislenno.Obichamete.
41. анонимен - Bih iskala da te poznavam
21.04.2007 12:25
Ima6 pokritie za vsi4ko i za povedenie i za harakter za tova te haresvam mnogo,pojelavam ti da mnogo kusmet
42. анонимен - нямаш право да ни оставяш сега, слави
21.04.2007 12:25
харесван или оплюван, слави е призван за водач. одобрявана или не, неговата позиция винаги е била "активна гражданска позиция". винаги е успявал да ме развълнува, когато е говорил с патос и умиление за "Майка България". ревностен патриот, който доказва това с факта, че е не напуснал тази "трудна" за живот държава - България, въпреки, сигурна съм, многото възможности да го направи. българското общество има нужда от хора като него. на нас ни липсват водачи със сърце. може да е започнал да омръзва на много хора с присъствието си на екрана всяка вечер, но сигурна съм, че отсъствието му ще се усети от всички, дори и да не го признават. липсваш ни слави! нямаш право да ни оставяш сега, когато вече си част от живота на всеки от нас! бори се - имаме нужда от теб и те чакаме! и повярвай в Бог - защото "неведоми са неговите пътища"...
43. анонимен - Badi silen
21.04.2007 12:26
Obojavam tvoeto predavane i rabotata koqto var6i6.Razbiraiki,za tvoeto zabolqvane bqh potresena i sakru6ena,no ti si silen 4ovek i za tova vqrvam,4e ti ste se vaztanovi6 barzo.4akame otnovo tvoeto zavrastane na ekrana na BTV.
44. анонимен - Phoenix,Arixona
21.04.2007 12:27
Chakame te jiv i zdrav pri nas.Ti si 100% bulgarin.Viarvame v teb i v tvoeto zdrave.Ot mainite
45. анонимен - Велик човек
21.04.2007 12:29
Незнам какво да напиша за този човек Слави Трифонов.. първо той даде много силен старт за българският шоу бизнес още преди години,той е човект който отразява хубавото и лошото в личен план и в професионален.. без задръжки каквото му е на сърце.. си го казва без да го е срам.. страх или нещо от тоя род.Ефирът го направи известен но нещата който направи през тези години.. го направиха Част от семейството на всеки един човек в България.. аз лично когато съм си в къщи шоуто му нон-стоп се гледа.. За мен той е успял ценностен човек.. защо някой кават Слави неструва.? защото са нямали за секунда възможност да застанат на негово място а и няма как да го направят защото повечето ги е страх дане би... да е страшно да не би да е напрегнато.
Ето зареди тея неща Слави Трифонов е в това положение... човекът се отдаде на Българският зрител без да му мигне окото и си е зарязал здравето още преди години за да прави шоу а не пари.. за мен Слави Трифонов е Стойностен човек и показва какви трябва да сме българите а не както каза и в Интервщто си да се държим като П**ки извинявам се за израза но е така.Искрено се надявам че Слави ще се оправи и ще продължи да ни радва.СЛАВИ ЧАКАМЕ ТЕ... :))
46. анонимен - Pod tepetata
21.04.2007 12:33
Privet i ot Plovdiv.Ot vse sartze ti pojelavame barzo ozdraviavane i zavrashtane v nepovtorimite ti predavania.Lipsvash ni.Obichamete...sem.Kostovi
47. vmitkov - До celebrities
21.04.2007 12:34
"Трябва да си много силен да го караш в това положение 11 години. Силно се надявам да се оправи."

Трябва да си много прост, та за 11 години да не можеш да вземеш адекватни мерки за решаване на проблема си.

А какво е прост човек? - Човек, който не може или не иска да се учи.

Човек, който не знае, е невеж - той може да се научи. Но простият човек не може да се научи, защото той или не иска, или не може.

А що се отнася до лицевите му нерви, това всъщност е меридиана на черния дроб, от който зависи състоянието на очите.

Що се отнася до черния дроб на Слави, той е много зле - не е случаен фактът, че Слави лесно се сърди и гневи, защото черният дроб генерира гняв когато не е наред. А също създава и проблеми на очите.

Но понеже Слави е просто момче, т.е. човек, който не може или не иска да се учи, единственото решение, което ще вземе, ако проумее това мое писание, ще бъде да смени черния си дроб, което съвсем ще го довърши.

Или както казват шопите: "Отдека и да се въртиш, газо ти все че е отдире."
48. анонимен - Коментар
21.04.2007 12:39
Стискам му палци да се оправи
49. thomas - Знаех си, че блог.бг е Мястото с главно М...
21.04.2007 12:40
В Дневник коментарите по тази новина се състояха от над 2/3 оплюване на Слави и едва ли не "а така, най-после му се случи нещо гадно". А сред тукашните читатели почти няма злоба, което ме изненадва много приятно.

Не мога да си представя друга причина, освен, че у нас всички са възпитани в духа на "българския казан в ада", за който единствено няма дяволи-пазачи, защото ако някой опита да излезе, останалите от казана го издърпват обратно долу.

Само защото Слави Трифонов е по-успешен в личната си реализация си от повечето българи, те са готови да го оплюват, мразят и да злорадстват, ако го сполети нещастие. Грозно. Разбира се, той изобщо не е идеален, нито пък е толкова щастлив и весел, колкото изглежда вечер в шоуто, нито пък аз съм съгласен с него в много случаи.

Но аз не мога да отрека, че той е най-големия шоумен в България, независимо от това колко са истински рейтингите на телевизиите ;-)

И от сърце му желая да успее да преодолее проблемите със здравето си, които очевидно са много сериозни, за да стигне до това да запознава обществеността с тях (а зад кадър за тях се говори от доста години) и да продължи нататък.

Разбира се, такива неща ни променят понякога из основи, даже и да излезем невредими от тях, защото ни напомнят недвусмислено, че не сме вечни и всесилни. Но точно това може да ги направи и по-добри, и по-разумни.
50. анонимен - СЛАВЧО
21.04.2007 12:41
51. анонимен - uspeh
21.04.2007 12:43
Uspeh Slavi dano se opravi6
52. анонимен - dano vsi4ko s nego bude nared
21.04.2007 12:51
haresvam slavi i viarvam,4e vsi4ko 6te se opravi-toi e silen i borben muj,a takiva kato nego se sre6tat vse po-riadko-jivota e izpitanie i samo dostoinite i istinski dobri hora vurviat smelo napred!bog obi4a smelite i znam,4e slavi 6te pobedi za poreden put sebe si!viara i turpenie,slavi!!!nie sme s teb!podkrepiame te i imame nujda ot teb!
53. анонимен - draj se slavi
21.04.2007 12:57
dano se opravi mn e qk
54. анонимен - toi e silen myj 6te se spravi s tova
21.04.2007 12:59
toi e silen myj 6te se spravi s tova
55. анонимен - поредната самореклама на Слави
21.04.2007 13:07
След като рейтинга на шоуто му отдавна върви стремително надолу, след отчайващите му опити да се прави на Бог в кастинга на Мюзик айдъл, си мисля - колко му е на този безкрупулен и самовлюбен човечец да си измисли и някоя болест. Думичката "шоумен" не означава да експлоатираш няколко пчелички, без които си само един добър четец на ауто-кю, и да ги унижаваш когато си искаш, само защото им плащаш заплата. Помислете - той ли е единствения болен,... а децата, които никога няма да пораснат? Стига с това идолопоклоничество на самопровъзгласили се псевдозвезди. Той е чове, значи и той може да боледува, а това че се е нарекъл звезда, не го застрахова ... Но е много много трудно, когато си толкова отчайващо самовлюбен.....
56. анонимен - Slavi
21.04.2007 13:11

Дамян Дамянов

Когато си на дъното на пъкъла
Когато си най тъжен и злочест
От парещите въглени на мъката
Си направи сам стълба и излез
Светът когато мръкне пред очите ти
И притъмнява в тези две очи
Сам слънце си създай и от лъчите
Създай си стълба и по нея се качи
Когато от безпътица премазан си
И си зазидан в четири стени
От всички свои пътища премазани
Нов път си направи и сам тръгни
Трънлив и зъл е на живота ребуса
На кръст разпъва нашите души
Загубил всичко, не загубвай себе си
Единствено така ще го решиш.
57. анонимен - Аз
21.04.2007 13:14
Тъжно ми е, че трябва да споделя проблемите си пред цяла България. Не всички хора са настроени доброжелателно. Но това е съдбата на популярните хора. Надявам се да се оправи скоро, повече да се щади.
58. анонимен - dano se opravi6
21.04.2007 13:16
mnogo mi e jal za slavi toi edin mnogo dobar 4ovek s blagorodno sarce.bolesta mu e mnogo seriozna no az znam 4e toi e silen i 6te se prebori s neq.atiskam mu palci i da ozdravqva barzo.a za predavaneto mu e perfektno gledam go vsqka ve4er.
59. анонимен - sram za mediite
21.04.2007 13:16
naj-typoto e da polzvate takiva pohvati, ne mojete da zadyrjite "renometo" na edin pylen bokluk. Po typ e i ot Pishtova. Edna neshtastna lichnost, izpolzvana kato starcheto v 12 stola, firma "Roga i kopita". I tochno tuka izliza naqve prirodnata mu typota.
60. анонимен - От борбена Перущица
21.04.2007 13:19
Дръж се, момчето ми! Вярвай и ще успееш.Пожелавам ти го от сърце.Аз съм майка на син , и много те обичам. Напред и с вяра в бога!
61. анонимен - Едни очи
21.04.2007 13:21
Слави, освен здравето, най-важното в този живот са приятелите. Ние всички, които те гледаме всяка вечер, сме твои приятели. Не ни изоставяй. Ще те разберем, ако някога не се чувстваш добре и не си на екран. Зная от дядо ми една поговорка: "Едни очи като не ги виждаш, ги забравяш." Ти физически не си зле като цяло, така че те очакваме на екран скоро - мястото ти е там!
62. tera - не съм гледала интервюто снощи,
21.04.2007 13:25
всъщност мернах физиономията на телевизора и видях визията описана в поста, но тъй като от много време не ми е интересен, не се загледах.
Не съм му от противниците, преди 3-4 години редовно го гледах, защото шоуто му беше готино и канеше интересни гости. Даже се чудех, защо някои хора толкова го мразят.
Аз и сега не го мразя, просто ме отегчава и не го гледам. Естествено му съчувствам за тежкото здравословно състояние, дано се оправи. И Господ, в който не вярва да му помогне. Но от това, което прочетох останах с впечатлението, че е имало доза показност във всичко това. Всеки си има някакви проблеми и едва ли е нужно да ги афишира пред широката публика.
Надявам се състоянието му да се оправи или в краен случай стабилизира. Дано.
63. анонимен - Budi velik Slavi !
21.04.2007 13:26
Borba i neka Bojiata blagoslovia bude s teb.
64. анонимен - Слави,ти ще оздравееш!
21.04.2007 13:27
Когато един човек е силен и вярвайки в доброто,той винаги побеждава-дори и болеста!
65. анонимен - мнение
21.04.2007 13:29
Няма магическа пръчка, с която да изтрием това заболяване. Но трябва да продължиш напред, не се предавай! А ние - зрителите имаме нужда от теб, както и ти от нас, а междувпрочем и идолите май имат нужда от теб! Мисля, че нищо не пречи като ги слушаш и гледаш, от телефон да си даваш мнението и ти. Според мен е важно да те чуват.
66. анонимен - Да е жив и здрав
21.04.2007 13:30
Един голям българин , една искрена изповед ! Пожелавам на Слави Трифонов бързо стабилизиране и възстановяване ! Благодаря му ,че ни направи част от историята с интервюто , което даде снощи ! Да е жив и здрав .
67. анонимен - maria
21.04.2007 13:37
Някои хора носят радост навсякъде, където отидат, а други - когато си ттръгват.
Ти си от първите.
Бъди силен и ще победиш!
68. анонимен - Всичко се връща - рано или късно. ...
21.04.2007 13:47
Всичко се връща - рано или късно. Слави си беше повярвал, беше решил, че е всесилен, безнаказан, бог, че може да прави каквото си иска и никой да не му търси сметка. Е, сега ще му потърсят, само че от едно по-високо място :-)
А интервюто беше поредната гнусна чикия - самурайски дух, сила, карма, ма колко бул помага, ма какви пичове били Черепа, Георги Илиев и Поли Пантев... Жалка картинка.
69. анонимен - Всички сме със Слави !!!
21.04.2007 13:53
Въпреки всичките си плюсове и мунуси Слави Трифонов си остава един голям БЪЛГАРИН. Пожелавам му да се оправи и да премине успешно през това препятствие на живота. Късмет.
70. анонимен - bez zaglqvie
21.04.2007 14:04
Ne bih mogla da pravq zaklu4eniq ili da davam kuraj.Kazvam go ne slu4aino,kazvam go kato 4ovek prejivql tejko i mu4itelno zabolqvane.Ne smeq da mu kaja dori da ima kyraj,poneje v takuv moment ot opit znam,4e vsqkakvi dymi sa izli6ni.budi smel!
71. анонимен - Чудно
21.04.2007 14:08
Колко интересно и мелодраматично, Славчо не виждал отдавна. А докторите за една различна картинка в тестовете за далтонизъм (пояснявам - това показва някакво незначително отклонение от нормите), не допускат човек да припари до предната врата на автомобил, но за Слави, който от 11 год. не вижда с едното око е позволено да си шофира на воля мощни автомобили. Голям късмет са имали всички участници в движението през тези години. Благодарим на Бога.
72. анонимен - nqdqvamse dase opravi6
21.04.2007 14:16
az mnogo te haresvam i vsi4ko koeto pravi6 prosto 6ooto nee sa6toto bez teb
73. анонимен - podkrepa
21.04.2007 14:26
vsi4ko koito si mislqt 4e vsi4ko rano ili kasno se vra6ta trqbva da znaqt 4e i na tqh 6te im se varne.To biva da si zloben,no da zlobee6 sre6tu zdraveto na nqkoi e nai-tapoto ne6to na toq svqt.
A za Slavi Trifonov nadqvam se vsi4ko da se opravi za6toto mi e prazno bez nego ve4er,a pak i go 4akame na koncert v Pleven!Uspeh
74. анонимен - 4udno
21.04.2007 14:28
4udno e 4e mojete da sa6tetstvuvate ot tolkova mnogo zloba kam nqkoi.
Na Slavi jelaq ZDRAVE!!!
75. анонимен - Оправяй се Дълъг!
21.04.2007 14:30
Тук наистина не обичаме успелите.
Може би защото не ги познаваме.
Оздравявай бързо.
А Бог има, но явно точно сега има по-важна работа.
76. анонимен - Slavi
21.04.2007 14:33
Slavi,pojelavame ti barzo vazstanoviavane!Badi silen i borben,kakavto vsa6tnost si.Lovech
77. анонимен - SLAVI DRAJ SE
21.04.2007 14:35
slavi zdravei,neznam dali tova 6te stigne do teb ,no az iskam da ti go kaja.slavi ti si nai-gotinia 4ovek.namoga da si predstavia da ne te vijdam ve4e na ekrana.ti si nai-velikia.mnogo,ama mnoga sajeliavam za bolesta ti,no sam sigurna 4e 6te se opravi6.prosto triabva da si silen.a ti si pove4e ot silen nali? ne se predavai.az imam da6teria na 3 i polovina po4ti vinagi ti gleda 6outo i pee ot tvoite pesni.maja mi te obojava,za nego ti si idol,toi ti se vazxi6tava.molia te slavi,opravia se barzo.tseliat balgarski narod e zad teb.stiskame paltsi.slavi ti si nomer 1.4akame te otnovo v efira na btv.GOSPOD DA E S TEB.OBI4AME TE.
78. анонимен - Slavi,s teb sme!
21.04.2007 14:35
Zdravei,Slavi.Sigurna sam,4e ste se opravish.4akame te otnovo da badesh na ekrana.
Az mislia,4e premahvaneto na tozi seriozen zdravosloven problem moje da stane edinstveno v Iaponia,tam vseki edin lekar e genii i perfekcionist.Imam niakakvo zabolivane i nashite neveji,al4ni i bezotgovorni lekari ne mogat da mi postaviat to4na diagnoza.Tova prodaljava ve4e 15-16 godini,sega sam na 34.Trudno mi e da ne padam duhom,gledam da ne gubia i 4uvstvoto si za humor.....Ne si sam v borbata,gore glavata,neka da pobedim neststa ot jivota!!!
O4akvame te,Slavi!!!
Zdrave,kasmet,uspeh i na ''Kuku-bend''
79. анонимен - Не падай духом!!!
21.04.2007 14:36
Слави, ти си силен мъж!!! Ще победиш болестта!!!
80. анонимен - Jalko!
21.04.2007 14:37
Bih narekyl snoshtnoto interview na Rosen sys Slavi grym ot qsno nebe! Ne vqrvam nqkoi da e ochakval takova neshto! Ne e za vqrvane, che vsichko postignato dosega i edin realiziral se profesionalist moje da premine izvednyj v sqnka! DANO ne stava taka! SLAVI OPRAVQI SE! S TEB SME!!!
81. анонимен - Слави ,с теб сме
21.04.2007 14:39
Стискам палци всичко да мине добре и да се оправи!Той е един от малкото ,за да не кажа единственият! ,който има смелостта да бъде себе си и да казва истината!Безкрайно го уважавам!Подкрепям го!
82. анонимен - слави обичамете и ще се справиш
21.04.2007 15:00
Слави,обичамете и ще се справиш!
83. анонимен - Слави, с теб сме!
21.04.2007 15:03
Никопол стиска палци за твоето оправяне!
84. анонимен - slavi dryj se
21.04.2007 15:08
pojelavam ti kato na obiknoven prostosmyrtnik da preodoleesh bedata i se vyrnesh vyv vsekidnevieto si.
ima oshte mnogo dokato dokosnesh istinskoto show. neshtat koito pravish imat mnogo cinizum, porno i prostotii. ako tove e kriteriqt za show, ok. no kogato ediniat ti oposun kaje v mikrofona prikazka za 12 godishnata si priqtelka i blizalkata i nqma koi da reagira izliza che ili nerabirate kakvo e pedofilia ili iq predpochitate.
85. анонимен - men
21.04.2007 15:08
zdr slavi!az mnogo te haresvam i kogato yspeq gledam tvoeto shoy!snoshti glegah tvoqta izpoved v efira na BTV!!!iskam da ti pojelaq da ozdraveesh barzo i da ne se predavash!!!zamisli se vahy tova:ako iskash neshto mnogo silno,to vsichki koito te obichat,haresvat,pomagat i ti se vazhishtavat shte ti pomognat da go osashtestvish!!!
ot isi 6"v" klas gr. qmbol!
86. анонимен - СЛАВИ , С ТЕБ СМЕ !
21.04.2007 15:12
Дръж се Слави ! Всички сме със теб ! Пожелавам ти от все сърце да се оправиш и да продължиш да водиш шоуто си което го гледа цяла България.
Стара Загора стиска палци за теб !
87. анонимен - slavi,ozdravqvai barzo!!!
21.04.2007 15:13
zdr slavi!qmbol te podkrepq i se nadqva da ozdraveesh barzo!!!pojelavame ti uspeh i ne se predavai!!!
88. анонимен - Joro
21.04.2007 15:14
Здравей Слави, ако тези редове стигнат до теб бих ти казал следнот:
Аз съм в това положение от 1999 - 8 години и то точно с лявото око. Напълно те разбирам.Това е от МС-а, нашите специалисти все още нямат опит с това заболяване. Ти имаш възможност и върви час по-скоро в чужбина.Може би ще се оправиш, но не се бави. За ретробулбарния неврит е много важно да се вземат своевременно мерки, после става невъзможно.
Поздравявам те за всичко, което си направил, но както ме съветваше проф.Константинов, а и аз защото съм ти батко, мисля че не трябваше да се "разголваш" напълно в интервюто - няма смисъл, виждаш какви са хората от форума и изобщо - хубавото е че повечето са добри , но има големи боклуци. Все пак уважавам решението ти, бъди по-позитивен.
Ще се радвам да се запознаем. Желая ти сърдечно да се оправиш, здравето е най-важно.
89. анонимен - vseki bolen s interviu v btv
21.04.2007 15:29
abe kato obiknovenn chovek bolen, nebolen kak da e ama ST e emblema na prostotiata i kicha. makar i taka tova ne dava na nikogo pravo da mu izzima nadejdata da chete, kara kola i da se krie ot dvete pornografskite artistki, ungarskite Dory a da se pychi pred basketbolnata lezbiika. sega e vreme jurnalistite da go nagrabiat kakto ico Stoichkov i prostotiata im s roditeliete na Ico.
90. анонимен - Повече смирение
21.04.2007 15:30
Когато един човек забрави откъде е тръгнал и се възгордее и самозабрави,когато прилепне към пари и слава и се превърне в един Нарцис,винаги има нещо,което го презимява.
Трифонов се оказа че не вярва в Него,заяви го публично.
Такава смелост да заявиш че Бог няма,може да има или малоумен човек или дявол.
Аз не бих му пожелал нищо друго,освен да бъде волята МУ!
91. анонимен - Бъди силен Слави
21.04.2007 15:37
Именно Слави ни е учил и продължава да го прави да сме силни никога дане губим вяра и да вярваме до край.....именно той е човека който може да служи за пример на секи един от нас !Той има борбен дух и аз съм сигурен,че Слави ще се справи ! НИЕ СМЕ С ТЕБ СЛАВИ !
"Нещо което не те убива те прави по-силен"
92. анонимен - С ТЕБ СМЕ СЛАВИ
21.04.2007 15:59
Слави,трябва да знаеш,че всички които те обичат са с теб-това е цяла България!!!Дръж се,оправяй се ние те чакаме
93. ridiculous - Няма да споменавам тук
21.04.2007 16:04
личните си критики към предаването, което прави Слави и екип, тъй като считам това за неуместно в момента. Надявам се Слави да се възстанови - възможно най-скоро и да се върне към пълноценен живот, такъв, какъвто той го разбира. ..."Това, което не ме убива, ме прави по-силен..."
94. анонимен - do slavi
21.04.2007 16:14
slavi. ti naistima si mnogo silen no bog e vsi4ko toi shte ti
95. анонимен - do slavi
21.04.2007 16:14
slavi. ti naistima si mnogo silen no bog e vsi4ko toi shte ti
96. анонимен - do slavi
21.04.2007 16:14
slavi. ti naistima si mnogo silen no bog e vsi4ko toi shte ti
97. анонимен - do slavi
21.04.2007 16:15
slavi. ti naistima si mnogo silen no bog e vsi4ko toi shte ti
98. анонимен - do slavi
21.04.2007 16:15
slavi. ti naistima si mnogo silen no bog e vsi4ko toi shte ti
99. анонимен - do slavi
21.04.2007 16:15
slavi. ti naistima si mnogo silen no bog e vsi4ko toi shte ti
100. анонимен - Golden eye -JB007
21.04.2007 16:20
Такава участ не бих пожелал дори и на най-големия си враг. Искренно му пожелавам скорошно оздравяване. Това пожелание в никакъв случай не е продиктувано от съжаление, а от уважение. Голяма чест е да има на терена играч, като Слави Трифонов дори и понякога да сте на противоположни мнения. Бог обича и прощава на всички.
101. анонимен - СЛАВИ ,С ТЕБ СМЕ!
21.04.2007 16:37
Всички в ПЛЕВЕН ти стискаме палци.Не се предавай.
102. анонимен - айде да оставим бог на мира!
21.04.2007 16:40
хайде да оставим бог на мира, както и това дали слави вярва в него или не, окей? в крайна сметка, всеки избира да вярва в каквото си иска!
колкото до слави... пич, сигурна съм, че ще продължиш достойно с играта! оздравявай бързо!
103. анонимен - Слави
21.04.2007 16:40
Човек трябва да бъде преди всичко добър и състрадателен.Вярвам,че всички добри хора,независимо дали са харесвали шоуто на Слави,искат неговото оздравяване.Бъди силен,Слави!Не позволявай на отчаянието да те завладее!
104. анонимен - drago
21.04.2007 16:41
slavi vervai v bog toi pomaga no se svarji s d-r emilova ot varna ubeden sam 4e shte ti pomogne zashtoto hraneneto e le4enie shte ti prepora4a pokalnali semena ot koito ima polza ubeden sam v tova. za men ti si priyatel dori i na raztoyanie ti si silen molia se na Bog za TEB . Shte si 4atim sled kato ozdraveesch za men priyatel e ne tozi koito ti barshe salzite a tozi koito ne ti razreshava da pla4esch. kuraj brat mi s teb sme i pobejdavame bolesta .
105. анонимен - da ozdravee6
21.04.2007 16:45
batko slavi da si jiv i zdrav. ot sarce ti go pojelevam i pak da ni radva6 na malkiq ekran
106. анонимен - slavi ? stava
21.04.2007 17:03
iq se stegni i se vyrni na rabota-prihodite ot reklama v dylgorochen plan shte padnat i celiat ti tim shte se se pokrie zaradi zaplatyte po drugite shooa.
107. анонимен - И ние сме с теб,Слави !
21.04.2007 17:06
Ще си призная, че не бях силно твой почитател,но след снощното предаване бях впечатлен от пророческата ти мъдрост,от изключително широките ти познания на световната човешка добродетел, от множеството добри дела на милосърдие,които си сторил.Свалям ти шапка!От днес за мен ти си друг - голям човек! Искрено желая да те гледам до края на живота си на екрана.Сигурен съм, че изразявам подкрепата и на много мои съграждани от малкото градче Лозница,Разградска област.
108. анонимен - ГЛЕДАХ ТЕ И ПЛАКАХ
21.04.2007 17:19
Винаги съм си казвала-щом Слави може,защо ние, останалите да не можем!Няма да се предадеш,нали?!!!Защото" шоуто трябва да продължи"!И аз като теб не вярвах в бог,защото нищо хубаво не се случваше в живота ми.Бих искала да те познавам...Слави,само това,че сме живи- е толкова хубаво!За това вярвай и се бори!Имаме нужда от хора като теб!Не се предавай и заминавай по-скоро в чужбина,знаеш,че са много напред!С теб сме,чакаме те!!{ }
109. анонимен - Анита
21.04.2007 17:27
Винаги съм харесвала Слави и шоуто му, и песните му. Вярно е, че е помогнал на много хора. За него се е изписало какво ли не и хубаво, и лошо. Пожелавам ти бързо оздравяване и да продължаваш да правиш хубаво шоу. Не съм съгласна с теб за това, което си казал за Господ. Може наистина точно това да ти трябва - да повярваш истински и да се молиш да оздравееш. Го Направи го и ще видиш, че всичко е истина. Но трябва да повярваш с душа и сърце. Наистина се надявам по-бързо да се оправиш и да продължаваш да ни радваш. Бъди силен, не се предавай !!!
110. анонимен - стефка душилова
21.04.2007 17:47
Слави го гледам от самото начало.Боготворя го.Той е силен и ще преодолее болеста.Слави ти си номер едно.Ако може бих ти дарила едното си око.не се преддавай,на 50 години съм,искам да остарея с твоето шоу.Ще се моля за теб
111. анонимен - За най добрия в в България!!!
21.04.2007 17:55
Според мен това не е показност в никакъв случай.Просто Слави е решил да опровергае всички гнусни слухове за това, че не се показва никъде!! Аз го подкрепям изцяло и ми е мнго мъчно за това, което мъ се случва! С теб съм Слави! Искам турне през лятото и се надявам да се оправиш:)
112. анонимен - draj se,nie sme s teb
21.04.2007 18:01
Ne se ot4ayvay,badi silen i ne se predavay,nie sme s teb!!!!
Fatos,Nurji i Deniz
113. анонимен - i az sum s teb
21.04.2007 18:06
shouto na slavi,bez slavi?neiskam i da si go predstavq.bez nego prosto nqma da e su6toto
tova s o4ite be raztursva6ta novina i ne moga da si predstavq kak tozi silen 4ovek stigna do tuk.vqrvam v bog i se nadqvam 4e toi 6te mu pomogne.znam 4e slavi ne vqrva v nego,no toi e dostatu4no silen za da izceri edin 4ovek koito go moli za pomo6t.ina4e slavi e
super 4ovek.obi4am go i go 4akam pak pred ekrana!!!!
114. анонимен - Slavi, s teb sme!
21.04.2007 18:10
Tova e ujasno! Dano da se opravi kolkoto se moje po-burzo! Kuraj, Slavi, s teb sme!
115. анонимен - Señora D
21.04.2007 18:27
Iskreno jelaq na Slavi skoro6no ozdravqvane;sled kato se varne na ekran da svede cinizmite do minimum,togava 6te e varhat!Mnogo kasmet!:)
116. анонимен - Зрител
21.04.2007 18:29
Дано се оправи.

Иначе, като професионалист беше добър. Имаше късмет, че се разви в неконкурентна среда. Без АБСОЛЮТНО НИКАКВА РЕАЛНА КОНКУРЕНЦИЯ! Брадърите и сървайвъра се появиха мноооооого късно, но те са и предавания с друг формат...

В Щатите имат поне 3 такива предавания. Еднакви. Има конкуренция. У нас - само Слави...

Нека има късмет да се оправи, но нищо особено не показваше през годините. Еднаква схема, чалга и порно шегички...

Иначе - бързо оздравяване!
117. анонимен - Bydi silen!
21.04.2007 18:58
Gospod napomnq na vseki edin ot nas,4e sme prosto 4oveci !Kydeto i da se namirame,kolkoto i da sme bogati ! Slavi,tova e izpitanieto v tvoq jivot !Ti ne vqrvash v bog,no na vseki mu se nalaga da se prebori s ne6to v jivota si i dano da ti e napisano da se opravish i da poglednesh na bsi4ko ot drugata mu strana! Pojelavam ti kysmet i kuraj!
118. анонимен - пишете на български
21.04.2007 19:04
пишете с български букви МОЛЯ
119. анонимен - Slavi s teb saM
21.04.2007 19:15
slavi znam 4e bolesta ot koqto strada6 e mnogo seriozna no iskreno se nadqvam ti da q prebori6 i sle 2-3 meseca otnovo vav efira za6toto taka bez teb efira e pust :(((( Stiskam palci i barzo ozdravqvane s TEB SME VSI4kI bulgari :)
120. анонимен - anonimna
21.04.2007 19:20
Oт цялото си сърце ти желая да оздравееш!Аз и Бургас сме с теб!
121. анонимен - дано,дано....................
21.04.2007 19:26
снощи плаках-искрено и по човешки за една садба,а може би и орис някаква.аз сам медик и занм че това е пожече от сериозно................,но Слави бори се.Жалко че понякога живота е такъв. Дано,дано няма еволюция на процеса.Успех и кураж!
122. анонимен - Ot Silviq
21.04.2007 19:26
Mnogo se raztroih kogato Slavi govore6e taka za sebe si!Mnogo sajalqvam i se nadqvam po skoro da se opravi 4e sigurno use6taneto ne e mn priqtno!O4akvam po skoro da se poqvi6 na ekrana!:)
123. анонимен - spain nina uli eleonora i ivan
21.04.2007 19:38
pojelavame skoro6tno ozdraviavane i zavra6tane na scenata s nai dobri pojelania ot dale4na ispania
124. анонимен - mnogo mi e gadno za slavi
21.04.2007 19:38
iskam da kaja 4e slavi trifonov e mnogo gotin 4ovek i mnogo mi e gadno za nego az kato go nay4ih napravo se razplakah az nito go poznavam no mi se iska da go poznavam za6toto bez toi shoyto e mnogo tajno az kato vidqh 4e go nqma mnogo se y4ydih i iskam toi da se poqvi po skoro na efira az go podkrepqm i iskam da kaja 4e nqma dryg 4ovek kato nego!
125. анонимен - zritel
21.04.2007 19:39
vij kakvo,i az znam che niama bog,no se boia ot nego.
i ako ti sega v momenta ne igraesh pak niakoia igra,shte doide vreme i ti shte se boish.

no za teb shte e kusno.
126. alex4o - стискам палци,
21.04.2007 19:50
той е един от най-добрите хора у нас, които разбират от шоубизнес и е страхотен професионалист. стискам му палци да се оправи, той изглежда човек със силен характер. стана ми много кфоти, като разбрах от какво страда. дано да стане ок.
127. анонимен - ot syrce i dusha jelaq na Slavi da e zdrav i otnovo s nas!
21.04.2007 20:05
Slavi,dori da ne pro4etesh tova,pisha s nai iskreno jelanie za uspeshno le4enie! Tova,koeto ne te ubiva,te pravi po silen. I po dobre useshtash shtastieto da si zdrav.Iskreno ti go jelaq! Beni
128. анонимен - Chakame te na ekran
21.04.2007 20:26
129. анонимен - не спирай да се раздаваш Трифонов
21.04.2007 20:30
Днес осъзнах за пореден път ,че да имаш силен човек до себеси ,който да те разбира и ти да си щастлив с него е единственото което те кара да се бориш.Имай и Ти един до себе си.УСПЕШНО ОЗДРАВЯВАНЕ ТИ ЖЕЛАЯ И ТАКА ЩЕ Е... Вени
130. анонимен - Жалко за България
21.04.2007 20:48
Ако смятате, че един човек без вяра и смирение е най-добрия, велик, чудесен човек и т. н. жалко за България.
131. анонимен - Няма никой вечен на този свят,
21.04.2007 20:49
....а относно Слави той винаги ще бъде номер 1 и според мен дори и ако загуби зрението си пак ще баде на подиума !
132. анонимен - Съжаление
21.04.2007 21:10
Изпитвам дълбоко съжаление за това, което му се е случило... Винаги съм го съжалявал.... Има Господ, моето момче, има!!!
133. анонимен - Ти си част от живота ми!!!!
21.04.2007 21:44
На 22 години съм и в общи линии съм израстнала с теб Слави и с шоуто ти- вчера когато те гледах - плаках.Сякаш някой мой близък е страдащия. Пожелавам ти много много силни нерви ,за да се пребориш,защото аз знам, че ТИ МОЖЕШ! Ти не си чопвек,който да се даде така лесно! И аз вярвам в тебе!Успех!
134. анонимен - Slavi
21.04.2007 21:54
Malak sam az,no po4itah tozi 4ovek i o6te go po4itam.dqdo mi po4ina na skoro no se dvija s visokovdignata glava...Trqbva da preodolee6 bolesta slavi.
135. анонимен - По принцип не го харесвам
21.04.2007 22:02
но евала му правя ,че не се предава. Така би направил всеки истински мъж.
136. анонимен - badi zdrav
21.04.2007 22:05
Slavi e edin velik balgarin dano ne e mnogo seriozno i barzo se zavarne na ekrana za da ni radva!
137. анонимен - Слави, бъди силен
21.04.2007 22:13
Не се предавай! Най-важното нещо е здравето и аз ти го пожелавам от сърце. Вярвам, че ще се оправиш. Бъди силен, защото една поговорка гласи-"Здрав дух-здраво тяло". Успех!
138. анонимен - Елена Иванова - Русе
21.04.2007 22:20
Слави, обичаме те!!! Моето семейство ти пожелава скорошно оздравяване! Ти си добър българин и ние имаме нужда от теб и твоето шоу!
139. thomas - Всичките специалисти по темата Господ!
21.04.2007 22:27
Що не вземете да се пренесете примерно в някой православен форум и да си ги пишете там тия ваши разбирания!? Векът е 21-ви и днес религията може да има културен и донякъде морален смисъл, но вече трудно може да бъде накаран един разумен човек, запознал се с природните закони и науката, да приема подобни твърдения...
21.04.2007 22:28
Слави, животът понакога ни изправя пред изпитание, в което ни кара да решим ние ли сме силните или той Животът е непобедим. Според мен битката е в самите нас. Голямата победа е да победим страховете си - от неясното бъдеще или от внезапно сполетялата ни беда, но все пак да победим себе си. Пожелавам ти искрено мъдрост и сила да победиш своите страхове, а с тях и болестта! Обичам те, имаш подкрепата ми. Поля, Плевен
141. анонимен - Neka Bog bade s teb!
21.04.2007 22:36
Iskreno se nadqvam Slavi da se opravi,za6toto vsi4ki znaem 4e zdraveto e nai-zna4imoto ,zada vodim palnocenen jivot.OT sarce my pojelvam skoro6no ozdravqvane!
142. анонимен - Бг чалга фест
21.04.2007 23:07
Даааа, измундриха пак голямата новина и скучаещите тъпанари във разни форуми я обсъждат, което е и целта на занятието. ПиАр, тва е целта. Да е жив и здрав, искрено му го желая като християнин. Но тъпото му, промиващо мозъците предаване което гледам чат-пат за да видя някакво развитие към нещо по-добро или по-смешно, да го кажем, уви, ме разочароват винаги. Даже съм сменял канал веднага от чисто възмущение - ами той от години прави едно и също. Вижте му заставките - асансьора, целувките на ръката на някоя балерина, поклона с ръка на сърцето и "благодаря, благодаря", Годжи а бе ти защо тва-онова?!! Елемантарно, та дрънка, на Н-та степен. Изтъркани лафове и украсени вицове от в-к Телеграф с персонаж носещ български имена и пр. простотии. Ами артистите - жалки, жалки, та дрънкат. Разчитат повече на крясъците и тъпото гримиране. Смешки за селски вечеринки. Точно по вкуса на половината от форумците, какво да правиш. На село хумора е такъв, нищо общо с Бени Хил тип хумор. Балканска му работа. Затова той е велик в очите на много хора. Да, ама караше Хамър за сума ти пари, средностатистически идиото, негов почитател, купен с парите точно от джоба на олигофрени като теб. Защото на теб чалгата ти е в душата и червената бюлетина ти е като манна небесна, презряни селяндурино...
143. анонимен - жестоко
21.04.2007 23:16
дръж се Слави ти си силен, Бори се и вярвай. Трябва да оздравееш
стискам палци Елена
144. анонимен - badi vse taka silen
21.04.2007 23:19
slavi e edinstveniat v
balgaria,koito e ednovremenno profesionalist,zvezda i istinski 4ovek,neka da znae 4e e mn obi4an
145. анонимен - Ne se plashi -Nie te obichame
21.04.2007 23:23
Po-burzo se opravqi,lipsvash ni na vsichki

S obich : Tvoite Fenove
146. анонимен - Вие да не би да му вярвате ?
21.04.2007 23:39
Слави Трифонов като видя, че жалкото му подобие на шоу съвсем запада, сега се опитва да свири на тънката струна с тази сантиментална история. Мога да се обзаложа, че след 2 седмици, като се изчерпи потенциала на новината, плешивия отново ще е на екрана. Че как, избори идват и няма кой да прави дълбоки метани на Доган и да плюе по "АТАКА"...
147. анонимен - slavi bog pra6ta izpitaniq na silnite
21.04.2007 23:58
Slavi az sam na 21 g ot ruse i mnogo te obi4am vazhi6tavam se na teb i silata koqto pritejava6.Gledah predavaneto i mnogo plakah ti si 4ast ot moeto semeistvo vsqka ve4er.JELAQ TI BARZO VAZTANOVQVANE I NE SE OT4AVAI.Horata sa zlobni i ako pi6at ne6to lo6o po tvoi adres prosto ti zavijdat.Imam 4ustvoto 4e te poznavam za6toto tatko e tvoqta zodiq i znam 4e ste agresivni i po-sprihavi no ste ot malkoto hora pritejava6ti cennosti koito za6titavat.V sa6toto vreme ste tolkova dobri 4estni i o6te mnogo dobrodeteli pritejavate.BOG IZPRA6TA IZPITANIE NA SILNITE HORA ZA6TOTO GO OBI4A.I NA TEB 6TE POMOGNA.POMNI 4E CQLA BALGARIQ E SAS TEB.OBI4AME TE.OZDRAVQVAI BARZO ZA6TOTO NI LIPSVA6. GOSPOD 6TE TI POMOGNE ZA6TOTO TI SI DOBAR 4OVEK.MOQTA MALKA DA6TERI4KA TI IZPRA6TA CELUVKA.OZDRAVQVAI PO SKORO!!!!!
148. анонимен - Slavi, s teb sme!
22.04.2007 00:04
Az ne se spravih sus straha, kogato popadnah v tezhuk moment. Trepereh ot strah den i nosht. Ne mozheh da mislja kakto predi i vsichki hora mi se struvaha loshi. Imah samo edin blizhuk chovek do men, no i toi mi stigna da me uspokoi malko. Dobre che tozi moment mina. Sega sum dobre kakto predi, samo malko po-tuzhna.
Druzh se, Slavi! Obichame te!
149. анонимен - Сега е момента...
22.04.2007 00:51
Сега е момента Слави Трифонов да обяви, че се налага да му правят изключително скъпа операция на ретината през ректума и да открие дарителска SMS-кампания. Съдейки от преобладаващите разчувствани коментари, ще събере пари поне за още един "Хамър". След това ще го излъска, ще го продаде с SMS игра и ще си купи два нови. Ще ги излъска и тях... и т.н. Нали така се става миионер честно ? :D
150. анонимен - Такъв човек.....
22.04.2007 01:28
Слави е страхотен човек...как може да се слчи такова ужасно нещо с него!Той е велик шоумедин от най-известните в България!Силно се надявам да се оправи и върне в миналото си състояние...Той е велик и не заслужава да умре и каквото и да било!Каквото и да става...мисля че трябва да го подкрепим по какъвто и да е начин...Ако се укаже че има тумор или рак незнам как ще реагерам и как ще се почуствам!Според мен няма нищо лошо в това да признаеш своите страхове стига само някой да не се подиграе с тян...Но сега Слави Трифонов трябва да бъде още по силен от това което е бил до сега!Дръж се слави!!!!
151. darla - Прочетох интервюто преди малко и ...
22.04.2007 03:50
Прочетох интервюто преди малко и оставам с усещането, че в този човек има силен дух! Искрено му желая да продължава да вижда и да се върне към работата и екипа си - това силно желае в момента ми се струва... Кураж, Слави!
152. анонимен - povqrvai v Bog
22.04.2007 04:03
istoriqta me rztarsi...tva e koshmar s gl.k...
153. анонимен - maleeee
22.04.2007 04:05
hora...tova e ujastno...jelaq mu ot sarce da se opravi i vsi4ko da e nared,samo me izdrazni replikata" az ne vqrvam v Bog"???kak moje...ina4e e dobar 4ovek
154. анонимен - Za teb Slavi
22.04.2007 08:26
Слави повярвай в Бог и аз всеки ден ще се моля
за твоето оздравяване.

от Каталина

155. анонимен - МИНАХ ПРЕЗ СЪЩИЯ АД
22.04.2007 08:54
Минала съм през същия тоя ад преди 4 години и съм наясно с всичи усещания на паника, страх, безнадеждност...Най-трудно и страшно беше в началото, в периода в който никой не можеше да каже какво точно става...5 месеца без диагноза, 5 месеца не знаеш на кой свят се намираш. После свикваш някакси. Разликата в случая е, че бях сама - без пари и влиятелни приятели, само с двете си деца /нашия татко година преди това ни беше напуснал/, за които трябваше да се грижа. Трябваше да се грижа и за болната си майка и изобщо за цялото домакинство....., а постоянния ми доход беше 250 лв. И не само това....на гърба ми тежаха и 5000 лв кредит. Страшно! Всички чакаха на мен - главата на семейството. Нямах избор...нямаше място за отчаяние...трябваше да продължа да се боря.
Та...приятелю, .....какво искам да ти кажа.....Няма място за отчаяние.....Децата ми имаха само мен и аз нямах право да се предам.....Ние всички си имаме само ТЕБ, и ти нямаш право да ни оставиш!
Обичаме те! Оздравявай бързо, че ни липсваш!
156. анонимен - здравей Слави
22.04.2007 09:57
Имаш хубаво шоу но понякога прекаляваш със цинизъм и атеизъм.Много е страшно да кажеш няма Бог-защото БОГ има и той е милостив.Аз бях голяма атеистка и изпаднах в много тежка ситуация кола блъсна детето ми лекарите помогнаха до един момент след това беше Бог.Жената от стаята ,в която лежахме почна да се моли с мое разрешение и желание и дойде чудото детето дойде в съзнание -не е случайност после имах още случаи на чудеса и тогава моето сърце и ум се пречупи и сега поставям на първо място Бог.Бог да те докосне и изцели!
157. анонимен - slav4o
22.04.2007 10:00
slavi e mnogo golem pi4..toi nqma da se dade taka lesno....slavi ti si golqm,silen,pi4 i taka na tatuk..
158. анонимен - Лоша работа
22.04.2007 10:12
Дано да се оправи пича, че без него ще е още по тъпо по тия бг телевизии
159. анонимен - Imai vqra SLAVI
22.04.2007 10:38
Mnogo e lesno kogato si dale4 ot takav seriozen zdravosloven problem da uspokoqva6 4ovek koito go ima no vapreki vsi4ko az mislq 4e vqrata pomaga da ne pada duhom 4ovek a tova e mnogo vajno bori se Slavi tova ti go dokaza 4e go moje6 .Obi4ame te!
160. анонимен - uspeh
22.04.2007 12:09
Slavi stiskame palci vsi4ko da se opravi za6toto ti go zaslujava6 pomognal si na tolkova mnogo hora i vqrvam 4e 6te pomogne6 i na sebe si. Skoro6no ozdrawqwane.
161. анонимен - SLAVI
22.04.2007 12:27

162. krasi7 - Слави!
22.04.2007 12:45
Сигурен съм, че нищо не може да го събори. Толкова упоритост и хъс на едно място рядко се случват. И кадърност!

Нека се пукат всички завистници и злобари,
и да знаят, че Слави пак ще се изправи!
Не защото е голям на ръст,
а защото знае как се носи кръст!
163. анонимен - SAVET
22.04.2007 14:31
NAI-DOBRE DA SE MAHA OT BG..tuka sa skapani lekarite 6te mu obarkat o6te pove4e polojenieto..ima pari da otide v 4ujbina da go opravqt ako vse o6te moje..
164. alison - ЗАЩО...
22.04.2007 14:49
165. анонимен - БРАВО СЛАВИ!!!
22.04.2007 15:08
Браво Слави, не е лесно да се изправиш пред всички
и да разголиш душата си! А за болестта не се бой -
както е дошла, така ще си иде! Бъди сигурен!
166. alison - ЗАЩО...
22.04.2007 15:09
167. анонимен - sprete da intriganstavate zad garba na 1 bolen 4ovek
22.04.2007 15:28
predi nqkolko meseca,velikite doktori v BG /da mi prostqt nqkoi/ ot 1 izsedvane mi kazah 4e imam tumor,povqrvaite mi ne iskah ni6to prosto misleh kak ste me lekuvat,kak na 30g ste sam bez kosa i t.n.iskam da vi kaja,4e slavi e adski silen 4ovek i az mu se vazhi6tavam,a zne iskah da vidq nikoi,a toi go spodeli sas vsi4ki.dano vsi4ko se okaje lekarska gre6ka kakto pri men,stiskam ti palci slavi i dano da se opravi6,no vqrvai mi ima Bog
168. анонимен - DENIA-ISPANIA
22.04.2007 16:15
Ne sam gledala predavaneto i sega razbiram ot statiata za bolesta na Slavi.Sajaliavam za bolkata mu!Pojelavam mu uspeh i skoro6no ozdraviavane!
169. анонимен - Slavi-savremennia geroi na Balgaria!!!
22.04.2007 16:28
Slavi e edin ot savremennite geroi na Balgaria!!!Toi stana izvesten o6te v Kanaleto,napravi svoe sobstveno 6ou,pee strahotno i vsiaka negova pesen stana hit.Uspia da razkaje igrata na Big Brother.Pokaza 4e horata mogat da badat interesni i bez cinizmi i prostotii.V 6outo si akcentira6e na razli4ni vidove problemi.Toi nai-posle dade na publikata zabavno realiti 6ou kadeto 4ovek moje da razbere 4e Balgaria e palna s dobri i talantlivi hora!!!Napravi sastezanie za tanci.Kazano s nai-prosti dumi-toi dade na Balgaria vazmojno nai-hubavite prejiviavanie pred televizora.Toi e GEROI s 5 glavni bukvi!!!Pojelavam mu nai-goliamoto 6tastie i zdrave na sveta!!!S teb sam Slavi!
170. анонимен - Слави с теб съм! Ти си част от живота ми!
22.04.2007 17:20
Слави, сигурно няма да прочетеш това писмо, защото естеството на заболяването ти е такова, но поне усетиш, че има хора на този свят, които са добронамерени към теб и те обичат. Израснала съм с теб и твоето предаване, така че определено ще ми липсваш. Гледах Music Idol без теб и веднага се усети, че те няма. Беше толкова вяло. Ти си харизматична личност, имаш присъствие, воля, силен човек си. Аз вярвам, че ще се оправиш. Чети Норбеков или по-скоро си намери дисковете с упражненията му. Помогнал е на много хора да намалят диоптрите или на цяло да оправят зрението си. Деца дори са коригирали кривогледството си. Не чакай съдбата или кармата.
Няма време. Действай. Хората със силно желание за живот пробват всичко. Мисля, че той може да ти помогне много. Искам да знаеш, че каквото и да стане, аз съм с теб. Скорошно оздравяване.
171. анонимен - Каквото и да говорят Слави си остава преди всичко човек
22.04.2007 19:02
Нормално е да се пиши какво ли не в пресата,да се разнасят слухове от хора които никога не са разговаряли с някого!Още повече ,че Слави е публична личност и го оплюват непрекъснато!Нека го правят от това той не губи!Слави е бил и винаги ще си остане човечен!Завистта заслепява,на всеки може да се случи всичко за това нека правим само това което искаме на нас да правят! Галя!!!
172. анонимен - горе главата,Слави
22.04.2007 20:55
Много бях развълнувана от неговата изповед.Не мога да кажа,че винаги съм го харесвала Слави,дори напротив,често ме е дразнил и определени неща съм намирала за досадни в шоуто му,но в крайна сметка всеки си има кусури,нали.Но същевременно обаче не може да му се отрече,че е направил много добри неща и че много пъти ни е забавлявал и радвал.Самият той е много талантлив и способен човек, тази машина, която задвижи и която благодарение на неговата желязна организация работи страхотно вече толкова години, не е нещо, което всеки би бил способен да постигне, за това наистина се иска страшна дисциплина и хъс. Така че това винаги винаги ме е възхищавало у него и шапка му свалям.И друго нещо - аз наистина мисля,че Слави е един много добър човек по душа, това прозира много често макар и да го прави понякога по неговия си малко рязък и грубоват начин. Много го обвиняват, но аз чувствам без да го познавам лично, че е един много добър човек. Слави, пожелавам ти късмет, стискам палци да се размине и да се оправиш. Най-искрено ти го пожелавам!
173. анонимен - VIARA
22.04.2007 21:43
dnes prochetoh intervuto v Standart, ne sam gledala predavaneto ti, i ne go gledam postoianno, po prichina , che ne sam v Balgaria. No go haresvam i pri vazmojnost sam go gledala.

174. анонимен - силвия
22.04.2007 22:13
Слави ти си част от моето семейство. Не знам дали вярваш в Бога но това е изпитание което трябва да преминеш.Ти промени мисленето ми и ме накара да павярвам че истината има цена.Хайде човече дай всичко от себе си и се бори.Аз съм една българка която цял живот не е получила нищо даром но сьм стиснала живота за гьрлото. Ще се моля за теб всяка вечер. Повярвай Бог съди по добрите дела а ти дари радост на толкова хора и вьрна радоста в много семейства.Сега Бог е с теб вярваш или не. Надявам се някой да ти прочете тези писма за да знаеш че всички ние сме с теб .Оздравявай бързо за да си дойдеш у дома.
175. анонимен - бъди силен,СЛАВИ
22.04.2007 22:21
Когато гледах интервюто ти аз плаках,както казваш ти никога човек не знае какво може да му се случи.Бъди силен Слави,вярвай в доброто,искрено се надявам че всичко ще бъде като по-старо му.Скорошно оздравяване.
176. анонимен - ot svetleto
22.04.2007 22:40
Pobedi bolesta
177. анонимен - Слави,поздрави от СтЗагора
23.04.2007 00:39
Нали знаеш, че в Стара Загора ти си специален и винаги добре дошъл.Всеки човек преминава през някъкви трудности споко горе главата ще се оправиш.Само те моля не се отричай от Бог - той е всесилен и неговата милост е безкрайна.Много страшно е когато някой иска да заеме неговото място.Бог е добър бъди с него и ще си винаги номер 1.Обичаме те и се молим за твоето оздравяване.Бъди изобилно благословен! Маги
178. анонимен - Слави е номер 1!
23.04.2007 01:08
За пореден път Слави доказа ,че е най-добрият. Гордея се с него,защото доказва българското в себе си! Аз съм сигурна че ще се оправи,просто е въпрос на време и почивка. Той човека имал ли е въобще?! Гялото просто има нужда от релакс и като отпочине,да се зареди с енергия и ще се върна при нас! Обичаме те Слави,ние сме с тебе!! Ти си нашата радост и гордост! Айде чакаме те на екранчетата....
179. анонимен - фен
23.04.2007 08:42
и варна е с теб-късмет
180. анонимен - Бъдете добри!
23.04.2007 09:52
Никой не заслужава да бъде болен! Човек разбира колко е страшно едва след като се сблъска с тежка болест! За това не е необходимо да се злобее в такива моменти, а да се прояви съчувствие и разбиране, защото НИКОЙ не е застрахован, че утре няма да бъде той или тя на това място! Ако с действия не можем да помогнем, нека поне с думите си се опитаме и окуражим страдащите! Все пак животът е прекалено кратък и трябва да му се радваме!
От все сърце желая бързо възстановяване на Слави! Нека цялото добро на света се събере и бъде неговата подкрепа в този труден момент!
Това е пожеланието ми и към всички, които имат някакво страдание! Нека добротата помогне на всички!
181. анонимен - и от мен имаш подкрепа Слави!!...Магдалена Господинова
23.04.2007 11:00
Предполагам,че точно моята подкрепа едва ли ще ти е от полза практически,но все пак се надявам искрено да се възстановиш и вярвам в това,защото не малко трябва на един човек да признае това пред цяла България при положение,че е такава известна личност.Поради това ти пиша,Слави,за да не се чувсваш сам срещу тази болест,каквато и да е,бори се,защото екрана е празен без теб и ще ни липсваш в противен случай:)Причината да направиш това изказване едва ли е в това да разсееш само жълтата преса,показа много повече смелост.Свалям ти шапка за това,което си направил,не ти е било лесно да криеш това цели 11 години...от нас зрителите.И въпреки това изпълни дълга си към нас,свърши работата си.Пожелавам ти да го правиш още много години!!Каза,че не вярваш в Бог,но аз все пак ти желая много успех и нека той е с теб:)))..до скоро "виждане"
182. viki02 - Ето,
23.04.2007 11:46
блогът имал много читатели!
А Слави, почитатели. Да е жив и здрав!
183. анонимен - bagi Dobar
23.04.2007 12:09
A znaete li na kolko hora e pomognal Slavi,a te dori neznaqt?As skoro razbrah,badi silen Slavi ..Marinovi ,Sevlievo
184. анонимен - Ot Silvi
23.04.2007 12:44
Slavi,mnogo te obicham!Molq se za teb vseki den!Iskam da si silen i da prebori6 vsichki trudnosti!Celuvam te!
185. анонимен - ot veni
23.04.2007 13:29
Slavi,mnogo sajalqvam za teb!Dano se opravish,za da prodaljish da radvash celiq balgarski narod i ne samo...Napravo ne moga da povqrvam,4e tova se sluchva tochno na teb-ti si edin bezkraino spravedliv i blagoroden chovek,koito ne e prestaval da pomaga na okolnite!Ochakvam da se podobri tvoeto zdravoslovno polojenie,v koeto se namirash v momenta!Uspeh!
186. анонимен - s teb sam!
23.04.2007 14:46
Slavi,Ruse e s teb.draj se molqte,mnoo ni kefi6 i te 4akame otnovo po BTV vsqka ve4er
187. анонимен - Dano da ozdravee!
23.04.2007 16:55
Imam kolaega ot Varna sas sashtata bolest koito e izlekuvan chrez netradicionna medecina. DANO DA OZDRAVEE!!!
188. анонимен - Няма нищо случайно!
23.04.2007 17:27
Каквото и да се говори за Слави, той е просто една колоритна душа! Тук според мен, не става въпрос за харесване. Нека си припомним на колко деца и хора е помогнал този човек чрез шоуто, чрез бизнеса си и най-вече чрез желанието и състраданието си. Не разбирам, защо трябва тук да има коментари относно това, какво ни харесва и не ни харесва в бизнеса му, в живота му...Слави помогна на толкова болни и отхвърлени от обществото ни деца и хора...според мен, е грях да не му бъдем благодарни за това и да не му пожелаем БЪРЗО ОЗДРАВЯВАНЕ!!! Наистина смятам, че не е случайно заболяването му, той е много силен Човек и това е просто поредното му силно изпитание. Искрено вярвам в думите му, че това няма да го събори и, че ще покаже на всички ни, как трябва да се държим когато сме в изпитание!
Бързо оздравяване му пожелавам от сърце!
189. анонимен - obojavam Slavi
23.04.2007 17:52
190. анонимен - Слави е No 1
23.04.2007 22:02
Ти си No 1 и винаги ще бъдеш. Ние сме с теб и да оздравяваш бързо, за да може да си на линия за шоото. :*:*:*
191. анонимен - Дано и Слави да прочете какво пишем
23.04.2007 22:21
Здравей Слави,
Много пъти искрено съм ти се възхищавал за различни позиции и дела, които си предприемал по наболели въпроси. Истината е, че често си стигал до крайна арогантност, която е отблъскваща, но мога да те разбера: понякога на човек му писва да спори и да обяснява. Досега винаги си действал от позицията на сила. Но тъй като в живота нещата често пъти се обръщат и никой не е застрахован от такива обрати, човек се мотивира да се бори с каквото и както може.
Това, което направо ме порази от интервюто ти в петък, 20.04, беше твоята реакция, изразена чрез думите “ картите са раздадени” и примирението, което се забеляза в тях. Ти нямаш надежда и вяра, които да ти помогнат, в такъв момент. Когато Росен Петров ти каза, че “натам е Божа работа”, ти го апострофира с: “Аз не вярвам в Бога”. Но тогава какво ти остава, “дисциплина към седемте чувства”?/Аз също съм чел “Шогун” около 10 пъти/. Всеки зрял човек се стреми към това. Или можеш да имаш доверие в лекарите? За съжаление техните способности са ограничени, правят каквото могат! Изглежда Единствения свръхестествен източник на сила, Който може да помага в такива моменти, ти Го отхвърляш, а ти доста се посмя през последните години за Негова сметка.
Спокойно, не си единствения в подобна ситуация. Всъщност много ми напомняш на мен самия: аз действах по същия начин, бях в контрол на всичко в живота си, горд, арогантен, “точен”, според моите разбирания, до момента, в който настъпи криза в живота ми и видях колко съм уязвим. Имаше хора, които години преди това ми говореха за Бога, а аз винаги съм ги презирал. Но в този момент се сетих за всичко, което ми беше говорено за Исус Христос и за Неговия живот и жертва. Това, което направих беше да смиря себе си и да Го помоля за прошка и помощ. Знаеш ли, при мене проработи и продължава да работи близо 18 години.
С чисто сърце се опитвам да ти помогна, далеч съм от идеята да те обвинявам или злорадствам. Искрено се моля това писмо да попадне при тебе. В уверение на това, че съм сериозен ти изпращам електронния си адрес за кореспонденция.

С уважение: Ангел
192. анонимен - косбод
23.04.2007 22:41
Защо не вярваш? Да не би да съм те лъгала?
193. анонимен - Бъдете здрав!!!
23.04.2007 23:14
Силният човек не търси публичност ,когато страда!Достойният-не хули противниците си,когато е в кризисен момент! Умният не се прави на по-велик от Бог!Човеколюбецът не афишира своето милосърдие! ....Надявам се това да е поредната евтина самореклама!!!Все пак каквито и проблеми да имате,дано намерите правилния път!Бъдете ЗДРАВ!!!

194. анонимен - Божана
24.04.2007 11:08
Има господ и той ще ти помогне.ВЯРВАЙ В ТОВА.
195. анонимен - Бъди силен и не се предавай.Вярвай в чудеса
24.04.2007 11:31
Слави всяка вечер гледах шоуто ти.Последното твое предаване на съм го гледала , но колежките ми казаха,че е било много разтърсващо.Разбрах за проблема ти и искрено и от все сърце ти пожелавам да оздравееш.Бъди силен и не се предавай.
196. анонимен - не се предавай
24.04.2007 13:53
не те съжалявам а те подкрепям защото нямаш нужда от съжаление а от много сила иподкрепа в този труден период за теб.знам че ще оздравееш и искрено се надявам да бъде по скоро защото шоуто не е същото без теб.ВСИЧКИ СЕ МОЛИМ ЗА ТЕБ
197. анонимен - Най ми хареса мъжката му позиция. ...
24.04.2007 19:32
Най ми хареса мъжката му позиция.
Няма бог и човек трябва да се надява на собствените си сили.
Религиите са избили повече хора от чумата.
198. анонимен - Do Slavi
24.04.2007 19:42
Slavi, Slavi ti si edna 100 % VEZNA. Obarni tazi vezna v drygata posoka i dano sadbata ti se promeni kam dobro.
Priemi podkrepata na edna dryga 100 % Vezna.
199. анонимен - Човекът,който ме разчуства
24.04.2007 20:55
Онази вечер,Слави показа колко искрен човек е и каза неща,които са изключително лични.Той е най-добрият шоу-мен в България,но доказа и това,че семейството винаги трябва да бъде висша ценност.А изказването за сестра му ме разплака,защото имам брат и също бих направила всичко за него,а знам,че и той би направил същото за мен.
200. анонимен - evgeni
25.04.2007 10:26
za men slavi e nai-golemiq pi4.mene mnogo me kefi.ne moga da povqrvam 4e tova stava s nego.4esno da si kaja mnogo me qd i mi e mnogo gadno za nego.makar i horata da kazvat 4e ne moje da pee za men toi e nai dobriq pevec 6oto pee s sarce i 4ustvo.pojelavam mu uspeh i dano da se opravi
201. анонимен - slavi ti si nai dobriq
25.04.2007 10:32
slavi molqte da se opravi6 6oto tvoite pesni sa nomer edno,a i ti sionomer edno ne se predavai znam 4esi mnogo silen i ne se predava6 ne se predavai i sega
202. анонимен - vervam v DOBROTO
25.04.2007 14:38
Ti nikoga ne si bil mijiturka,vinagi si imal mnenie po vseki vapros,koito vinagi e savpadal pone na 90% s mnenieto na nas obiknovenite xora.Znam 4e 6te se spravi6,vervam v teb i v lekarite do teb.Obi4ame te!
203. анонимен - Slavi,ne spiram da mislia za teb
25.04.2007 18:07
Tova,koeto se sluchva s tebe proniza do bolka syrtseto mi.Bih dala vsichko,za da moga da ti pomogna.I makar,che edinstvenoto neshto,koeto me svyrzva s tebe e obshtite ni selo Todorovo i grad Pleven i che nikoga ne sme se vizhdali ochi v ochi,iskam da kazha,che mnogo te obicham,iskrenno ti se vyzhishtavam.Ozdraviavai.Ti si VELIK!
204. анонимен - pi4 slavi
26.04.2007 16:13
slavi e mn stabilen i mn me kefi iskam da uzdravee i da prodalji predi6niq si jivot,zo6toto toi gozo0slojava.OBI4AME TE SLAvi
205. анонимен - Do Slavi
26.04.2007 23:55
Bydi silen! Skoro6no ozdravqvane! Obi4ame te:)
206. анонимен - do nai gotinia mag na sveta
27.04.2007 02:08
slavi az te bogotvoria obicham te poveche ot vsichko na toia sviat yspex i ot men gandia espana
207. анонимен - до един преуспял млад мъж
27.04.2007 10:15
всеки човек в даден момент е подложен на изпитание, а това същото изпитание имам предвид болестта на Слави съм го изпитала преди 5-6 години. Наистина е много сериозно заболяване, защото причините са наистина много и могат дабъдат много страшни. Аз се излекувах /почти/ Казвам почти, защото останах все още някакви малки проблеми, но те не са толкова сериозни. Лечението наистина е мъчително, но аз вярвам, че Слави ще издържи.
208. анонимен - badi silen a ti mogesh
30.04.2007 11:06
i razgrad e s teb
209. анонимен - БЛАГОДАРИМ ТИ СЛАВИ
30.04.2007 17:18
Слави,благодарим ти че те има.Липсваш ни много.Ти присъстваш всяка вечер в нашия дом.Обичаме те!Чакаме те да си дойдеш "у дома"!Дръж се-ние сме с теб!
210. анонимен - Бъди здрав,ти си силна личност!!!!!
30.04.2007 18:35
Zdravei Slavi,
Trydno namiram dymi,koito da napi6a tyk i koito neznam dori dali 6te stignat do teb,no se nadqvam.
Nai-napred 6te ti kaja 4e stra6no mnogo se vazxi6tavam,4e si izklu4itelno tvard 4ovek sas silen dyx i xarakter.Daje blagorodno ti zavijdam na silata v tebe,za6toto az li4no mnogo 4esto dori i ne jelaya da priema trydnostite v jivota,koeto si e moi minus estestveno.
Vazxitix ti se 4e spodeli i 4e si pomagal na mnogo xora v trydnost i ti svalqm 6apka,4e ne si go afi6iral i natqkval v predavaniata ti.
Iskrenno se nadqvam vsi4ko,koeto prejivqva6 da bade s polojitelen krai i otnovo vsi4ko da si e kakto predi i da te vidim pred tv ekran.
Sigyrna sam 4e 6te preodolee6 tva tvoe izpitanie v jivota i 4e kakvoto i da se sly4i ti 6te prodalji6 da jivee6 sas sa6tia silen dyx.
Bix iskala da poznavam mnogo xora,koito da sa kato teb,tolkova borbeni ma kato se zamisla stigam do izvoda,4e sa riadkost za sajalenie.
Vapreki,4e zayavi 4e ne viarva6 v Gospod nie vsi4ki tvoi fenove se molim da ozdravee6 i barzo da se vazstanovi6.
211. анонимен - po3dravi ot Slan4eva Ispania
01.05.2007 00:33
3nai 4e i v ta3i strana ima mnogo hora koito ti stiskat palzi i mnogo te obi4at BOG da te pa3i
212. анонимен - Бъди здрав!
01.05.2007 08:15
За темата разбрах от интернет, понеже не ми допада "Шоуто на Слави" и не го гледам от около три години. Причината е,че не харесвам образа, който Слави налага пред аудиторията - изглежда ми едновременно фалшив и превзет от една страна, и прекалено реален(в личен план) от друга.
Казвам това, за да разберете по-добре уважението, което изпитвам към това, което прави и това, което е постигнал. Със силата на своята воля и инат. В Бълагария не са много хората, направили парите си честно и тези, малкото заслужават да бъдат уважавани дори само заради това.
Съжалявам искрено за това, което му се случва и му желая да оздравява скоро.
Бъди здрав, Слави!
213. анонимен - obi4ame te istinski ili ne
01.05.2007 13:35
ot davna ti se vushi6tavah slavi,no povedenieto ti v musik idol nakara ne samo men no i mn hora da se zamislqt naistina li si tozi koito ni zabavlqva vsqka ve4er ili nqkoi izmislen.No nie te obi4ame opravqi se burso i ni radvai kakto samo ti moje6.
214. анонимен - razbrah 4e slawi e oslepql
02.05.2007 12:44
razbrah 4e slawi e oslepql -вярно ли е ?
215. анонимен - стискам палци да с еоправиш много скоро
02.05.2007 12:48
надявам се да не е истина това че слави е ослепял сигурно е нянква лъжа аз ти стискам палци да се оправиш .
216. анонимен - трябва човек да е силен
03.05.2007 09:10
аз съм на 28год.с редица заболявания има моменти на отчаяния ,но винаги трябва да се мисли за хората около нас това дава стимул за живот.Надявам се всичко да свърши добре,и стискам палци за всички хора който минават през тези тежки моменти.
217. анонимен - medenata pitka
05.05.2007 14:49
e,slave,ot selo izbjga,ot pleven,izbjga,ot baba,izbjga,ot djdo izbjga,i sega mu e vremeto da razbere6,4e ot gospod njma da izbjga6.
218. анонимен - slavi badi silen
05.05.2007 23:21
tolkova sam sviknala s nego he sled kato gledax izpovedta my mi stana mnogo te6ko,na sytrinta kato se sabydix vse edno he yse6tax nqkakva praznota kogato sly6am nqkoq negova pesen go yse6tam taka he vse edno mi e mnogo blizak.badi silen. vqrvai v bog toi 6te ti pomogne ot zoq
219. анонимен - Slavi obichamete
07.05.2007 21:02
Slavi nie s moeto semeistvo v Montreal gledame predavaneto ti. Imame daje i muzikata ti v kushti. Nadiavamese s cialo surce da osdvaveesh. Ti si primer za vsichki bulgari po sveta.

pozdravi ot Montreal
220. анонимен - toni
08.05.2007 15:04
Slavi e pi4. Dano se opravi skoro.
221. анонимен - stoev
09.05.2007 02:41
nai golemia balgarin
222. анонимен - Кво става тука, заведение ли ще става?
12.05.2007 19:37
Какъв е тоя плач Йеремиев!
Какъв е тоя, дето жив го оревавате? Някакъв нов айдъл ли е? Казано е: "И да нямате друг айдъл, освен Мене!"
Възможно ли е толкова лицемерие и простотия на толкова малко географско пространство!
Е, нека да ви е жив и здрав! Той ще продължава безсрамно да ви подтиква да крадете парите, оставени под мушамата на масата за хляб, и да му ги носите - чрез есемеси, чрез концерти, чрез просташки вицове... Кокошчици, снасящи златни яйчица! Той ви обича повече, отколкото вие него! Ама представа си нямате как ви обича! Докато вас ви има, ще го има и Него. Изтрийте сълзите си, не, по-добре ги оставете, те ще се върнат обратно - всяка към своя крокодил.
Слави Трифонов е безсмъртен!
Възможно е да ослепее! И Омир е бил сляп.
Великите винаги по нещо си приличат.
Тодор Чонов
223. анонимен - Nie sme s teb!
19.05.2007 23:06
Ti si nai strahotnia shou men v Balgaria Slavi!
Ti imash nai-goliamata dusha i sartse!
Barzo ozdraviavai!
Obichamed te!
Lipsvash mi i ne mi se glega veche tova shou!
Chakam te!
224. анонимен - Nie sme s teb!
19.05.2007 23:06
Ti si nai strahotnia shou men v Balgaria Slavi!
Ti imash nai-goliamata dusha i sartse!
Barzo ozdraviavai!
Obichamed te!
Lipsvash mi i ne mi se glega veche tova shou!
Chakam te!
225. анонимен - Nie sme s teb!
19.05.2007 23:06
Ti si nai strahotnia shou men v Balgaria Slavi!
Ti imash nai-goliamata dusha i sartse!
Barzo ozdraviavai!
Obichamed te!
Lipsvash mi i ne mi se glega veche tova shou!
Chakam te!
226. alison - Оставете човека
20.05.2007 01:57
Да се лекува на спокойствие!
Здрав да беше ,щеше вече да е на легло от толкова внимание и виртуална грижа!
227. анонимен - Niama zna4enie dali go haresvame ...
20.05.2007 09:22
Niama zna4enie dali go haresvame ili ne,i dali az mu simpatiziram,kato vseki 4ovek si ima plusove i minusi ,a kato izvestna li4nost o6te pove4e,dali mi haresvat razbiraniata mu,az mu pojelavam ot sarce ozdraviavane,za6toto zdraveto e cenno za vsekigo,i za obiknovenia 4ovek i za zvezdite.
228. анонимен - zov za pomo6t
28.05.2007 21:54
Slavi. zdravei nadqvam se da pro4ete6 tovzi komentar= taka= imam brat koito e na 26 godini i strada ot sa6tata bolest no sled na6eto tarsene ne namerihme kade da go izlekuvame. toi se e rodil normalno no v posledstvie zagubva zrenieto i na dvete si o4i. nadqvam se ti da se opravi6. stiskame ti palci. mnogo te obi4ame. iskam da te pomolq kogato ozdravee6 da dade6 glastnost kade si se izlekuval i koi ti e pomognal. blagodarq predvaritelno. o6te vednaj skoro6no ozdravqvane i uspeh.
229. анонимен - clavi.rpedi vci4ko ti ci men.
30.06.2007 21:45
Kazvam ce CHanita,ot Dimitrovgrad.chonek kolkoto i sdrav da e vce niakoga se razboliava, i triabva da se bori sas demonite vav cebe ci.NO sled vsiaka bolka ima izxod.VIARVIAI badi cmel,i pomni 4e ne vci4ko e zagybeno,,,,,,,,,,,,.BAB TEB IMA NESTO KOETO DRYGITE NIAMAT I NIAMA DA IMAT.
230. анонимен - Здравейте
04.07.2007 15:37
И специално за Слави
Слави винаги помни има хора ,които те обичат и подкрепят.И аз съм една от тях
За нас ти Слави си Велик Българин.Ние Българите се гордеем с теб.Обичаме те и те чакаме скоро на екрана на БТВ
231. анонимен - molete se vie horaa
07.07.2007 20:58
bih jelal da go 4ete6 slavi li4no ti ako iska6 da vidi6 4udo izvikay iliya milanov ot sliven da doyde i da ti se moli li4no toi i 6te vidi6 kak se iseryava 4ovek napilno isus 6te ti iseri amin bih jelal da se iseri6 poneje mnogo hora 6te vyarvat v boga kak ti ee iseril izvikaygo ako obi4a6 i vyarvai 4e 6te ti iseri tova ni6to ne ee za boga no se pokay ot sarse as segasam v kipar i rabotya no nyakoi den 6te mi izvika6 da doyda na svidetelstvoto ti ok bog da te blagoslovi i da ti iseri no bez starite ti ne6ta ok 4aoo
232. viki02 - Е, честито!
18.07.2007 11:17
Слави се върна. Честно казано, води си добре, имаше липса, поне за мен.
233. avgustinov - zdravei
16.12.2007 20:25
234. анонимен - Istinata e Takava
26.02.2008 10:04
znam 4e ne e za vqrvane no na slavi ni6to mu nqma ! Stana Taka za6toto ne dadoxa Survivor Na Nego i Music Idol su6to i 6te go izgonqt ot btv i toi zatova otiva vuv Nova Tv da pravi pei s Men za6toto znae 4e ve4e mu ostava malko vr v btv Tova e Istinata Zatova Se "razbolq"
235. анонимен - zdravei
29.03.2008 11:08
prdvam se za teb,4e si su6tiq.Nikoga ne sklanq6 glava i az iskam da sum kato teb... BRAVO.
236. анонимен - denis
11.04.2008 00:26
slavi badi silen tise nomer 1 badi sigoren za6toto vsi4ki haresvat hooto ti pak ako svarhi vsi4ko zna4i i sveta svarhva za men prodaljavai vinagi napred nikoga na zad
237. анонимен - obi4am te slavi srawno mnogo kefiw me ok?
29.05.2008 23:28
slavi ti si nai gotiniq pi4 kogoto sam vijdala prez celiq mi jivot.mn.iskam da se srewnem o4i v o4i!!!!!mn.wte se zaradvam estestveno ako imaw jelanie da se zapoznaem ok?mojew da mi otgovoriw v abv_ to na Popova.1985 wte te 4akam da mi otgovoriw estestveno ako imaw jelanie wte 4akam otg.4ao iuspex v biznesa OI4AM TE.OBI4AM TA.OBI4AM TE .OBI4AM TE.
238. анонимен - obi4am te slavi srawno mnogo kefiw me ok?
29.05.2008 23:28
slavi ti si nai gotiniq pi4 kogoto sam vijdala prez celiq mi jivot.mn.iskam da se srewnem o4i v o4i!!!!!mn.wte se zaradvam estestveno ako imaw jelanie da se zapoznaem ok?mojew da mi otgovoriw v abv_ to na Popova.1985 wte te 4akam da mi otgovoriw estestveno ako imaw jelanie wte 4akam otg.4ao iuspex v biznesa OI4AM TE.OBI4AM TA.OBI4AM TE .OBI4AM TE.
239. анонимен - obi4am te slavi srawno mnogo kefiw me ok?
29.05.2008 23:28
slavi ti si nai gotiniq pi4 kogoto sam vijdala prez celiq mi jivot.mn.iskam da se srewnem o4i v o4i!!!!!mn.wte se zaradvam estestveno ako imaw jelanie da se zapoznaem ok?mojew da mi otgovoriw v abv_ to na Popova.1985 wte te 4akam da mi otgovoriw estestveno ako imaw jelanie wte 4akam otg.4ao iuspex v biznesa OI4AM TE.OBI4AM TA.OBI4AM TE .OBI4AM TE.
240. анонимен - obi4am te slavi srawno mnogo kefiw me ok?
29.05.2008 23:28
slavi ti si nai gotiniq pi4 kogoto sam vijdala prez celiq mi jivot.mn.iskam da se srewnem o4i v o4i!!!!!mn.wte se zaradvam estestveno ako imaw jelanie da se zapoznaem ok?mojew da mi otgovoriw v abv_ to na Popova.1985 wte te 4akam da mi otgovoriw estestveno ako imaw jelanie wte 4akam otg.4ao iuspex v biznesa OI4AM TE.OBI4AM TA.OBI4AM TE .OBI4AM TE.
241. анонимен - obi4am te slavi srawno mnogo kefiw me ok?
29.05.2008 23:28
slavi ti si nai gotiniq pi4 kogoto sam vijdala prez celiq mi jivot.mn.iskam da se srewnem o4i v o4i!!!!!mn.wte se zaradvam estestveno ako imaw jelanie da se zapoznaem ok?mojew da mi otgovoriw v abv_ to na Popova.1985 wte te 4akam da mi otgovoriw estestveno ako imaw jelanie wte 4akam otg.4ao iuspex v biznesa OI4AM TE.OBI4AM TA.OBI4AM TE .OBI4AM TE.
242. анонимен - obi4am te slavi srawno mnogo kefiw me ok?
29.05.2008 23:29
slavi ti si nai gotiniq pi4 kogoto sam vijdala prez celiq mi jivot.mn.iskam da se srewnem o4i v o4i!!!!!mn.wte se zaradvam estestveno ako imaw jelanie da se zapoznaem ok?mojew da mi otgovoriw v abv_ to na Popova.1985 wte te 4akam da mi otgovoriw estestveno ako imaw jelanie wte 4akam otg.4ao iuspex v biznesa OI4AM TE.OBI4AM TA.OBI4AM TE .OBI4AM TE.
243. анонимен - obi4am te slavi srawno mnogo kefiw me ok?
29.05.2008 23:29
slavi ti si nai gotiniq pi4 kogoto sam vijdala prez celiq mi jivot.mn.iskam da se srewnem o4i v o4i!!!!!mn.wte se zaradvam estestveno ako imaw jelanie da se zapoznaem ok?mojew da mi otgovoriw v abv_ to na Popova.1985 wte te 4akam da mi otgovoriw estestveno ako imaw jelanie wte 4akam otg.4ao iuspex v biznesa OI4AM TE.OBI4AM TA.OBI4AM TE .OBI4AM TE.
244. анонимен - obi4am te slavi srawno mnogo kefiw me ok?
29.05.2008 23:29
slavi ti si nai gotiniq pi4 kogoto sam vijdala prez celiq mi jivot.mn.iskam da se srewnem o4i v o4i!!!!!mn.wte se zaradvam estestveno ako imaw jelanie da se zapoznaem ok?mojew da mi otgovoriw v abv_ to na Popova.1985 wte te 4akam da mi otgovoriw estestveno ako imaw jelanie wte 4akam otg.4ao iuspex v biznesa OI4AM TE.OBI4AM TA.OBI4AM TE .OBI4AM TE.
245. анонимен - Подписка в подкрепа на Слави Трифонов
28.06.2008 19:29
246. анонимен - Slavi e mn qk pi4
26.10.2008 18:47
mn e trudno da go kara6 taka 11 godini.li4no az mn haresvam slavi zn 4e sega se e opravil koeto mn me radva i se nadqvam pove4e da nqma problemi!!!!!A slavi e mm qk pi4
247. анонимен - prego per te
02.12.2008 12:34
prego per te
248. анонимен - rangelova-italia
02.12.2008 12:42
na dobrite mom4eta gospod pomaga-lo6ite se spasqvat kakto mogat. kasmet slavi............
249. анонимен - slavi e mnogo dobar 6oymen i mnogo ...
26.12.2008 18:38
slavi e mnogo dobar 6oymen i mnogo bih se radvala 6oyto myda prodalji o6e mnogo godini i toi da bade jiv i zdrav no mnogo 6e se radvam ako toi napalno se opravi 4estita koleda i bal6ebna nova godina
250. анонимен - Slavi vinagi 6te e v sarcata na vs...
11.03.2009 18:46
Slavi vinagi 6te e v sarcata na vsi4ki, za6toto toi ne e li4nost, a sila i vapreki vsi4ko 6te se spravi. S cqloto si sarce mu jelaq da se vaztanovi i da go vidq 6tastliv!!!!!!!!!!
251. анонимен - Chistata otkrovennost
12.03.2009 23:00
Vsichki sami sme se obedili,che toi e edinizklucihtelen chovek.Vinagi kazva golata istina pred zritelite.Nadqwam se kakto i toi sam kazva zaedno da napravim edn azdrava metla i da izritame bokluka ot darjavata si,za da mojem da jiveem chisto i spokoino
252. thomas - Тъпичко е така...
12.03.2009 23:46
Да напишеш пълен с грешки текст на шльокавица с призив да изметем боклука от държавата, си е жив автогол. Не че няма нужда, разбира се...
253. анонимен - 6te se opravi6 Slav4o samo napred
27.08.2009 18:15
Badi jiv i zdrav i se varni na 6outo as te podkrepqm
254. анонимен - ne se predavai slavi
16.05.2010 13:44
slavi ne se predavai az mislq 4e si mnogo ka4estven 4ovek.Cqla Balgariq te podkrepq i ima nujda ot teb za6toto ti edinstven im vdaxva6 nadejda dano da se opravi6
255. анонимен - obarni se kam bog i jivei
26.05.2010 10:42
zdr.Pisha ot Ispania,pozdravqvam vsichki balgarcheta!!!A kam teb Slavi,prizovi Isus v jivota si i wte te izceri,as go prizovax i varwi chudesa v moq jivot.Smiri se pred Bog i wte vidiw rezultata.Bog da e s teb.
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05.07.2011 02:54
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13.07.2011 10:05
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13.07.2011 16:23
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13.07.2011 23:24
Today, while I was at work, my sister stole my apple ipad and tested to see if it can survive a twenty five foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My iPad is now broken and she has 83 views. I know this is entirely off topic but I had to share it with someone!
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14.07.2011 02:05
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17.07.2011 08:47
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17.07.2011 15:10
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05.08.2011 11:02
Menagerie - a municipality in the province. Lublin, Zamosc in the part, the seat of urban-rural commune Zwierzyniec. In the years 1975-1998 the burgh administratively belonged to the province. Zamoњж. According to GUS data from December 2009, the urban district had 3 278 inhabitants.
From 1 January 2010, the burg has grown by way of some village Obrocz, with an zone of ??136.92 hectares

Zoo is an important and frequently visited out-of-towner and quiet hang out in in Roztocze and is considered "main" of the Centre mites. It is located on the Wieprz, at the frontier between Roztocze National Park. Holds its headquarters here, in a red-letter chѓteau ("Residence of plenipotentiary") in front of it's new Converge in the interest of Information and Museum of the park. In their neighbourhood, very recently as the southern bounds of the borough, there are ponds, "Echo."
To the west of Zwierzyniec 3 km away is the type between lime-sand Roztocze Middle and West Roztocze loess. The diocese on all sides is surrounded by forests, which reside 66% of the commune.

The most agent structure in community is a church on the islet of St. Nicholas. John of Nepomuk from the Baroque facade of the mid-eighteenth century (1741-1747), funded sooner than the then Ordynat Thomas Antoni Zamoyski. The modest up-country murals are Smuglewicz Luke.
It should also see a brewery founded by means of Zamoyski in 1806 in the notable edifice is now the assembly's bottling beer Perla Lublin - Lublin Breweries. In the courtyard of the shop since August 2000, every year is Summer Blear Academy.
Quite interesting and almost obscure area is Zwierzyniec Borek. It is a complex of 71 ligneous houses that were built at the hairpin bend of the 20s and 30 Twentieth century, when the Ordinance Zamojska peasants gave the size a consequence of of rights to easements. Borek creates six streets, in unison of which, st. Narrow, is unique because of its extensive and fully-preserved awkward buildings. Take the streets and other Borek takes us into the milieu of the interwar period.
In the years 1940-1944 the Nazis created a settlement for the treatment of civilians and resettlement camp on the populace expelled from the Zamosc region. In this square footage there is in this day Roman-Catholic Church. Our Lady Cynosure of Polish in the another half of the twentieth century.
Outstanding article: The expulsions of Poles during Elated Engagement II made sooner than the Germans.
In Zwierzyniec are 68 another monuments, plaques and recorded and fastidious figures, as per covey of inhabitants there is one object in behalf of far 50 people. This is the shadow of a doubt a transactions nationwide. Among these monuments are sum total others dedicated to the soldiers of Army, Bucolic Battalions, foresters, ormowcom, insurgents January, the French captives, Hungary, dog Marysieсka Sobieska and many other characters or events. The most well-known monument (obelisk) - the only equal in the world - is a shrine in a megalopolis park, placed to hallow the eradication of locusts, during its attack on the burgh in 1711

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When you see ones own papa, your main large, or just any specific older lady during time 60 or more, ask them when it comes to their men's prostate. A specific all the guy or girl well enough, the particular husband can be relaxing plenty surrounding you (plenty of would most likely think excessively suitable), definitely without doubt <a href=http://graj-online.pl>Gry</a> have in common an entirely litany on the widespread a prostate-related issues that are usually troublesome the guy, or simply get darker your boyfriend, or perhaps will certainly headache your pet soon. That is because a new enflamed prostate related, harmless prostatic hypertrophy, or even prostate type of cancer will be in your credit cards for virtually any person preceding a clear age.
Is it doesn't daunting but real concept to getting ancient as a individual. By way of example, just about every dude ought to understand that prostate kind of cancer is amongst the commonest prostate health worries on the web. That truck bed covers their email list involved with types of cancer which usually affect all men, having located in just about any amount of gentlemen, generally talking about, simply because cancer of the breast in women. Cancer of the prostate does not get this fit the breast cancers performs, on the other hand, almost certainly since most gents would rather in no way discuss what the heck is developing on the bottom.
Moment issue virtually all gents tend not to, then again should really, comprehend 's what which in turn prostate health is usually. A real prostate-related can be aspect of a gentleman's gryual system. Built slightly below the main kidney using a fellow, packaged throughout the urethra, that a prostate related is one of the length and width of the maple. Its actual predominant project inside the birds-and-bees plan connected with details is always insert fuel to your semen through orgasm.
And many of the time, the guys you should never actually acknowledge these people have a men's prostate health which is a low profile colon wood, yet somehow all of the men learn about very quickly the thing that together with in which most of the prostate is when these people are affected a normal prostate related condition.
For instance, all of the individuals ought to know that men's prostate factors may not be when aged boys. A man below 250 will have prostatitis, or an quite difficult illness of the company's men's prostate health. That is a infection within the a prostate-related that can cause the fever, another getting rid of emotion during urination, as well as stress and fatigue.
And many types of the guys 50 plus should become aware of an individual's number one most frequently used a prostate-related challenge, that could be a strong enflamed prostate gland, and civilized prostatic hypertrophy. This approach benign, or else nonfatal disorder, can be way more very common inside aged men of all ages rather than prostate kind of cancer, that were designed to afford some respite which will older all men the moment they understand.
Boys really should be aware of these indication of cancerous prostatic hypertrophy, which includes spills plus dribbling during urination, an inadequate urine flow, bother getting started with peeing, and not to mention small amounts of retain during the pee.
And though civilized prostatic hypertrophy is a bit more very common rather than cancer of the prostate, a man should be aware in which the couple of go in hand. It certainly is not forever the situation, a lot of people that has an made bigger men's prostate will not ever turn out to be cancer tumor. Nevertheless it's decent and also hardwearing . focus released for simultaneously, basically because they might have much the same discomfort.The first and one of the most notable root cause of ed is normally ageing, the assumption is which more than 50% associated with the gents stricken by Erection dysfunction have proven to be unwanted on top of 50. It's developed a belief which experts claim E is a affliction linked to years but that's inappropriate, period has nothing with regards to Impotence problems which is treatable by everyone.
Actual and then Bodily Details:
The short life of of which we are now any kind of unignorable factor translates into dangerous mental and physical tension which in turn can end in erection problems. Percent belonging to the total conditions involved with Impotence problems are due to a majority of these elements, stressful personalised skilled and gryual situation <a href=http://lopony.pl>opony letnie</a> may lead to Edward cullen may well grow this quandry.
General performance Problem:
Worry way past par to gryual achievement or sometimes high-quality gryual capability can also motive Male impotence, seem laid-back where you can lenient method in direction of gry, don't believe into it excessive. In case gry will only be viewed as successfully achieving penetrative sexual activities, plus a incapability hopefully fails to materialise, then it tend to be really certain that anxiety-related Issues will stop in happening.
Type 2 diabetes also Erectile Dysfunction:
Adult onset diabetes might possibly be looked as the trouble while the number of blood sugar (all kinds of sugar) is simply too great. Cures, if ever neverending can break the purpose of muscle fibers in just arteries and also vascular tissue cells, for example the lovemaking flesh of the penis, in addition to the insufficient nervous system and thus bloodstream all through the body system. Education may be a which can be treated for guys people with diabates, as well as most awful role is usually that Erection dysfunction prescription medication product like Levitra, Cialis or alternatively The blue pill don't seem to be consequently effectual through diabetics suffering with Issues compared to typical Erectile dysfunction incidents. Legally to have unearths which usually to 59 per-cent concerning suffering from diabetes men of all ages will ultimately manifest the disease.
Dependence in the Alcohol addiction or simply Cigarettes:
A lot of eating involving liquor or alternatively puffing may possibly resulted in male impotence. Utilizing raises the possibility that coronary artery disease acquiring and additionally people expect to have an increased risk of improving E.
What's promising:
Fifty-five and not as cutting-edge considering that it tones, it is comfortably curable, current sciences gives a a number of very simple sources of the relief of erectile dysfunction just like prescribed medication, informing, physical units and also a surgical procedure.
Do not abide by all of the trash stories affiliated with E . d ., don't be afraid inside of writing about this challenge on your doctor. Erection dysfunction is definitely curable and so don't be the method travel. Remove ED and luxuriate in some sort of ravishing gryual lifestyles.When you are like most individuals, an individual almost certainly haven't so much. For that reason, generally men of all ages 1 . unaware of various means they're able build up their particular gryual craft coupled with 'lasting' capacity And on a regular basis result in underperforming events while lying there, exiting themselves disillusioned together with the ladies they happen to be due to disillusioned and most likely orgasmless. It is just a bona fide disgrace.
With a particular study, 93% of men posed, said one of several always like to delay your orgasm well before climaxing -- nevertheless 100% of the people gents appeared to be unacquainted with that they can acquire a secured in a dark extremely hard task.
The truth is, it's not unthinkable (as well as tough) to improve ones own gryual performance along with acquire finished treating how far we boogie with regard to and customarily can get on downward using the gals.
Subsequently, let's take good way one single gryual technique that'll use vast treatments for a arousal values and try to provide you with number of ought to sperm as well as really should carry on with.
At the time of gry, the vast majority of gents begin to lose control for by themself (on the subject of cumming!) at about the 2 or else 3 60 seconds stamp * which can be typically halfway through the entire number one gryual situation. And therefore precisely letdown climaxing in this article will likely be! Therefore, that is usually the 1st the moment when you will employ this program. It relates to a couple guidelines. One will happen as the primary goal ( blank ) the reason for a great many another people's gryual function challenges.
A person. When you really feel some of those distinguishing feelings inside of your tool (the very raised understanding as well as that permit you to be assured that at any time you keep it up executing your work you are going to rapidly explode) usually do not panic or anxiety! A great number of men're sent through the boundary, straight away to cumming, as they quite simply at your inner levels continue to be scared once actually feel they might be near to sexual peak. Anxiety words and phrases race as a result of his brain, love: "Uh wow, My business is want to whack!Inches plus "Not a lot more, this is certainly gonna be stressful.Half inch <a href=http://games-onlinee.com>Games</a> In preference to helping a majority of these counter-productive thoughts and feelings insert you in addition to speed up all of the oncoming of climaxing, preferably comfortably mention in your head: "Okay, Now i'm close by cumming. Period to use an excitement step-down program.Half inch In that case begin undertaking number 2.
Two. Essentially the most confidential component of the penis would be the the top canal and particularly the actual top. To go its delight (devoid of preventing these 'action') continually and therefore unusually forced within your lover, exactly where it is possible to get and she or he will be able to pleasurably consider.
After that, gently work your favorite sides, moving your main pubic heel bone (hard region earlier the penis, 8 " lower within the belly button) to be with her vagina. To help you her, the appears to be and additionally seems a pleasurable rub change, providing your loved one exterior clitoral fun (never will spend much path to build any type of ladies climaxing).
Even so, behind the curtain, the for a few seconds cutting down your arousal, helping you to stay longer. Evidently due to the fact if you happen to launch heavy interested in your girlfriend, the penis gets the latest greater part of the lady's vaginal canal, which cuts down it has the phone and also euphoria.
Afterward, to successfully covering rid of it, everyone routine and wiggle, in contrast to pushing to send and receive, which even further reductions the exact profound whizzes connected with gry. As soon as A few seconds and maybe, your personal excitement values will probably have reduced adequate so you can reboot a pushing.
By using skill, you're free to take control of your suggest towards appear without any blocking gry are made imparting your wife surplus gryual rousing. Finally just how much more effective a way tends to be that to tackling rapid climaxing than the just what exactly almost everyone consider to be good routines? Conditions like: "Count backwards coming from 100" together with "Think among clicking k-9s!Centimeter
gry, simply because nicely know, is approximately great. With all the 2-step methodology earlier mentioned, it is possible to truly gain benefit from the encounter : devoid of producing stress of it all of the remaining beyond to soon!Let us accept the application, we men are obsessed with women’s body frame but easily been required to show person how big him bosom the most efficient I'm able to most likely muster might possibly be “just in relation to right” in case he appeared to be must me personally right this moment the thing that the girl's garment length and width had been I might most probably mutter so it didn’t produce the woman butt seem massive in the slightest degree. This is partially simply because of a good ever-present try to acquire brownie points rather than pay the night time sleeping in the kitchen while using family pet, but it's an apron serious component a consequence of my personal lack of edcuation. Question her what size a good midsection is simply and she may explain without getting a second’s uncertainty. Anybody isn’t that may nearly impossible to find off this article often additionally, the number of information teaching you how to find can be made up precisely for:
A single - Receptive filing cabinet residence.
Regarding 1 . Reduce applicable wardrobe.
5 And Have a look at recording label to create mind word associated with length and width.
In fact the best neurological can potentially cope with which the first thing a . m . however in the face of revealing me personally I would accomplish it Document under no circumstances genuinely ensure that you. This may somewhat come to be because there is a thing instilled in the rear of your mind which in turn tells me free of charge As i remove your wife bra you should ferreting throughout from it, your sweetheart afflicted mother is likely to broke open on the front door unannounced and even seize for me in the process involved with it seems that sniffing, or possibly even worse being dressed in, their dearest daughter’s breast support. The following genuinely isn’t circumstances I need to choose my own self from but in the case I would like to be sure to her own (my spouse, not likely her mother) next, i needs to do it. If truth be told, any guy has to do this. See your dearest or simply girlfriend’s cabinet and just listen the woman's bra over all size. Come up with this on your sheet of paper also discharge the following staying with you if needed.
Obviously, sometimes while i know the dimensions and size the girl breast support that doesn’t earn the real choices any specific more effortless. Which are regarding thumbs, I’m led to believe that the schokohrrutige latex nurse’s outfit is not really considered sometimes bra and panty sets as well as of course suitable so I will ever try just to walk beyond who exactly where doable, regardless of how captivating they appear. Let me experiment with the little finest to guarantee that no matter I order doesn't only i highly recommend you me then again tend to make my favorite significant other fully feel gryy to boot. These firms suggest that she'll be qualified to progress normally together with parts don’t stick out there when you are your girl lifting a good wrist and also tries to determine, and up prominently lie down.
Surfing whatever retail store that contains bustiers in is sure to manifest as a issue at the first time I attempt keep in mind this still I’m the produced fellow we must be get by. The revenue associate probably won’t imagine that these gear I buy is perfect for me and my friends except for I only say anything embarrassingly silly not to mention have artificial teat. The fact is, there’s an amazing ability she’s handled men and women as i am, as well as the as if you, about the surprisingly consistent basis. You are aware of, the person which skulks in and around through knickers comparing prices shiftily plus sweating excessively substantially. In point of fact, check out look at it, it’s almost certainly leading fundamentally don’t accomplish this, and only go instantly over to the girl alternatively. She's going to oftimes be invaluable.
My partner and i experienced a proof in a teddy nighties look we passed 3 x affected person that's why suggested they will gift item tape up it. I made a decision furthermore there and next that if Simply put i possibly acquired your guts to input a store and actually purchase all corsets, other than have moving most recent the situation, Phoning without a doubt reap some benefits from offering. I do think actually being faced with for me bringing a real The yuletide season xmas cracker bandaged display coupled with a full of pride laugh just like your son or daughter comes with the initially many people urinate by themselves may possibly take away from from all around romanticism in the body language. What's more, I actually wouldn’t really need to carry it residential home in a way that ensured that other individuals could possibly find out the things I’d got a hold of.
My spouse and i can’t stall if you want to now view your wife showing off the newest babydoll lingerie I buy. Just maybe commitment that’s kept to enjoy now could be get out there him dimensions and additionally choose and acquire one thing perfect, this is not another latex nurse’s wardrobe.Mukee Okan, honored gryual healbot and thus victorious one of gryual satisfaction is certainly sat down with close to the woman's succeed dealing with ejaculation problems.
Ve had: Nice. I am just Doctor. Jeanette Scenario, together with we're going to remain debating at some point together with Mukee Okan.
Mukee talks of very little to be a facelift agent as well as advisor to all aimed at increasing their unique amorous love affairs and then enduring their particular gryual stamina inclusively all new volume of optimistic enjoy.
Your girlfriend focus is gry for much more gratification, vision, electric, combined with variety of your life each day. In the first place via Quarterly report, Mukee really is a Sacred gryuality professor.
Him framework is definitely Tantra, the philosophy of which supports a particular validation in gry as herbal combined with way of life affirming. She will be as well professional as being gryual surrogate accomplice physical therapist inside the Western world scientific type.
Mukee features well guided many individuals and also brides and grooms for quit some time inside of methods to read more sense of balance, joy and additionally completion in their gry dwells.
The lady says that they will be able to e-book any kind of fella to remodel premature ejaculation for good, allowing you to stay longer every precious time. The lady tells you that's important for an enhanced gry everyday living. Very beautiful, Mukee.
Michael: Thank you so much, Jeanette.
Ve had: We can do not delay - begin with a lot of these worries. You already know, analyze with regard to the foundation the actual are convinced that you create you could benefit someone cure the disease involved with lack of sexual control, certainly since you are <a href=http://pozycjonowaniee.pl>Pozycjonowanie</a> a lady.
Michael: Very well, you may, Now i'm absolutely committed to the particular upliftment in the gryual well-being concerning human beings As which is a good labor -and to ensure the most widespread gryual challenge that i am quizzed that may help due to is premature ejaculation.
So all associated with the ways i tutor, typically the handling rapid ejaculation and therefore staying longer, today I have been previously utilizing them relatively with success together with mans valued clientele not less than the final several years. Turf would be discover people give good results.
Chemical: Now, the thing that makes so there a great direct attention to staying longer?
E: Correctly, to pay attention to lasting longer, we really could consider looking on a more prominent mindset. So as would comprise just as gryual electrical energy is usually my everyday life induce electrical power.
You are aware of, it isn't just a good emotional stress launching item, you'll know, when you own gry with our better half. There exists a much bigger mindset.
Making it similar energy renders all the things likely that is certainly about, of your the sun in addition to the planets as well as oceans in order to human beings along with crops along with the pets; the actual allure might be this gryual electrical energy. Making sure that would probably is usually our new definitely will to be.
Therefore, the birthright of a person may be to really feel an individual's infinite ease of fulfillment, with regards to sexual climax enchanting closeness. And also number 1, the majority get that this gryual vigour is about your present health.
Your actually, at your inner levels, emotionally, emotionally, as well as gryually. And whenever someone finds out the way to raise an individual's chance to to begin with working experience gratification by simply lasting longer, they're able to practical experience for a longer time connected with arousal with his gry living features a completely different superior quality.
Therefore as opposed to simply being a hassle unleash resource, it may well are a affluent, rewarding understanding males, together with his husband or wife surely.
In: Whoa, that merely leaves a very completely new lighter on the cover. Now the reason why adult males encounter pe?
M: I would say the number one reason which experts claim men go through it is simply anxiousness regarding, "Oh my personal our god, it is actually want to come to pass a lot more,Inches and / or indeed being 100 % extremely popular past years and also worried during a situation of tension as it is exactly what ends up around realistically all the time or perhaps consistently.
So next somehow the cause of rapid ejaculation, or alternatively how men feel it, is in fact mind. It is to do with the way they are thinking that, in place of really being obtained in themselves.
And then I needed in actual fact decide to establish the things lack of sexual control is, want . whole lot of all men check with myself, "Well, the best purely natural gryual impulse, you're sure, Since i appear appear extra speedily.Is that usual? Time-span of time whether it's?In
Thus really the concise explaination rapid ejaculation is definitely an wherewithal to put off orgasms so much that it's mutually enticing pertaining to each partner.
Indicates you observe the embodiment is fairly fuzy. So that you can just can't get, you understand, an important timed element on which fast ejaculation happens to be. The issue is actually you with the exceptional wife or husband is content with their gryual connection or not.
Thus, muscle building revisit all the emotionally charged advantages for why a males may very well have this, let me look and feel first by strain in addition to situation, regularly dealing with gryual capability.
So a males would have amazing nervous about pleasant his significant other, he might now have a whole lot of tightened feeling in his or her overall body which will he's not in fact quite privy to that whizzes within his overall body.
To make sure that appears just one of the secret goods that ends up for males the person suffering from gry like that.
D: Now, its possible some thing that men are able to do to swap almost the entire package?
E: There is lots that your particular gentleman can make for to improve this, and incredibly the basis having to do with what exactly I have found which works regularly males will be equipped to working experience considerably more peacefulness.
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Because of this that there are two main material, but also any time you brows through the much larger position just as before, whenever a men could possibly reframe gry like a restorative respond, may well replace his particular entire take on life on allowing it to travel within the functioning and therefore exactly needs to look along the lines of.
Consequently one more key portion is without a doubt coaching on their own when it comes to an individual's entire body first and foremost, after which it clearly close to an individual's spouse-to-be's.
Yet the significantly more that her boyfriend understands related to his or her own body overall body with his fantastic particular gryual answer as at length because may, subsequently will also reveal in a natural way travelling to include a many more attitude with the way fresh the gry life-style.
(In Part Step 2 of these interview Mukee Okan portrays which guidelines women may to aid the lady's companion hold off. Your girl furthermore identifies quite a few simple tips for men to employ as a way to hold out climax's.)
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The next time the thing is that your personal parent, your favorite granddad, or perhaps any more mature male much more than years of age 55 perhaps, inquire further with reference to the prostate health. Discover the actual individual sufficiently, and she comes across as being enjoyable ample you work for (a lot of would definitely proclaim excessively comfortable), he'll unquestionably <a href=http://graj-online.pl>Gry</a> distribute a whole litany of your respective common prostate health problems tend to be imense your boyfriend, and enjoy anxious your pet, or sometimes will definitely hassle her soon. For an excellent enflamed prostate, harmless prostatic hypertrophy, and perhaps prostate kind of cancer could be within the notes each husband past some aging.
Bring scary however truthful reality of purchasing existing to be a guy. By way of example, pretty much every husband should recognize that prostate kind of cancer is among the actual commonest a prostate-related challenges around. The following tops the list regarding cancers the fact that afflict men, going on inside of pretty much plenty of men, in the region of discussing, just as cancers of the breast in females. Prostate cancer doesn't get any push which experts claim cancers of the breast may, though, almost certainly because the majority fellas prefer to no longer talk about what the heck is taking place , in that area.
Another element nearly all people please do not, then again may want to, be familiar with 's what which men's prostate is simply. A good prostate health is normally a component of a man's gryual bodily organs. Centrally located slightly below the main vesica within a mankind, twisted at the urethra, the a prostate related is one of the length and width some sort of pine. The nation's major occupation during the birds-and-bees system involved with activities is usually to create material for your orgasm especially during climax.
A great number of of times, adult men you shouldn't additionally realize the masai have a prostate since it is a low profile indoor body, but yet just about all adult men ascertain soon precisely what and thus specifically where most of the prostate is the place where people endure a prostate health problem.
An example, pretty much all boys should recognize that prostate gland challenges are certainly not mainly for older men of all ages. Guys below 45 get prostatitis, or an highly aching condition of the company's men's prostate health. This is often a puffiness for this men's prostate that can induce vomiting, a getting rid of discomfort during urination, and also sickness.
And everything gentlemen over 50 should be aware of your first most commonplace prostate issue, that is definitely a powerful swollen a prostate-related, or simply noncancerous prostatic hypertrophy. This not cancerous, or simply nonfatal predicament, is without question greater popular with regard to older gentlemen as compared with prostate cancer, that will actually render some respite for a little older guys should they understand.
Men must are aware of the a indication of cancerous prostatic hypertrophy, just like seeping coupled with dribbling while urinating, a weak urine load, a tough time how to choose urination, as well as small amounts of blood stream inside the pee.
Reality not cancerous prostatic hypertrophy is much more general when compared with prostate type of cancer, men of all ages should know of the fact that a few can be placed together. It is not always always the case, and lots of males while on an swollen prostate health doesn't developed into cancerous cells. But it is very good to keep your big eyes from pertaining to equally, basically because they can get very much the same signs and symptoms.The foremost and essentially the most popular factor in male impotence is usually growing old, it is assumed that more than 50% within the individuals afflicted with E . d . are typically old higher than 46. It has crafted a fable which experts claim ED is known as a affliction with aging but that is faulty, age category has nothing related to Edward cullen along with being curable on all ages.
Energetic and even Physiological Reasons:
The fast life of which we'll be an excellent unquestionable an element ends in agonizing physical and mental anxiety which in turn can induce impotence. One third from the overall incidents with E spring from these elements, frantic individual skilled or sometimes gryual daily life <a href=http://lopony.pl>opony</a> can result in Erectile dysfunction might also evolve concern.
Functionality Challenge:
Pressure way past elemen to get gryual approval or even good gryual capability can also explanation Education, seem satisfied and also a lenient technique in the direction of gry, don't think with this an excess of. Any time gry should be seen as successfully achieving penetrative sexual activity, together with a fail if does not take place, then it might be quite sure that anxiety-related Education will keep with taking effect.
Being diabetic along with Male impotence:
Adult onset diabetes may perhaps be defined as the issue the spot where the degree blood sugar (carbs) is just too significant. This disorder, should continual can break the purpose of muscle fibers inside as well as as well as vascular structures, as an example erection paper of your penis, and of the anxious feelings along with blood vessels during the entire physical structure. Edward is really a common problem for guys diabetics, and therefore the most extreme portion often E . d . health professional prescribed dietary supplement want Levitra, Cialis and also Viagra are usually not which means effectual inside diabetes sufferers suffering with Erectile dysfunction along with conventional Problems occurrences. Research conducted recently reveals which up to 70 percent involved with person suffering from diabetes a man may ultimately produce the specific situation.
Addiction to cigarettes near Alcohol dependency or maybe Using cigarettes:
Excessive intake for alcohol addiction beverages as well as using could also lead to erectile dysfunction. Nicotine boosts the opportunity of vascular disease forming and additionally smoking barbeques own an greater risk of constructing Erection dysfunction.
The Good News:
Aid and not as complicated when it audio, it is simply treatable, today's sciences comes with a massive amount of relatively easy strategies to treating erection dysfunction in particular prescribed medication, therapies, real tools plus surgery treatment.
Really don't follow several garbage fiction affiliated with Impotence problems, don't hesitate inside looking at the condition together doctor. Erection problems is readily acknowledged as curable therefore don't time head out. Destroy Impotence problems and revel in a new ravishing gryual everyday living.When you're similar to most adult men, maybe you are yet to. And as a result, most males And unacquainted with numerous ways in which they could raise its gryual knowledge in addition to 'lasting' ability 1 . frequently make average shows during intercourse, making independently disenchanted along with the women these are generally through disillusioned and most likely orgasmless. It is serious shame.
Inside of a poll, 93% of males made, reported that you had always like to please any woman earlier than climaxing To however 100% of the a man ended up being unacquainted with that could easily reach an exceptionally somewhat hopeless feat.
To tell the truth, it's actually not hopeless (or possibly difficult) to increase your gryual ability plus reach whole treatments for just how long most people boogie regarding and usually get on lower because of the girls.
Now, let us take good way one particular gryual program which will make use of gigantic treatments for the arousal degrees attempt to provide you with pick of when you ought to sperm and need to go on with.
Throughout the time of gry, the vast majority of gentlemen come to come unglued to do with by themself (by way of coming!) at around the 2 main or Some modest bench mark 1 . that is certainly more often than not nearly over the first gryual job. Coupled with just what a disappointment having an orgasm at this time is going to be! Subsequently, that would be usually the number one time you'll use this feature. It demands dual procedures. The earliest comes about under consideration ( blank ) the cause of many a real male's gryual features complications.
A particular. When you initially seriously feel those people telltale whizzes of your cock (your heightened susceptibility as well as that allow you to be aware that whenever you continue on carrying out what you are doing you'll in the near future increase) you shouldn't panic or anxiety! A lot of the male is encouraged throughout the benefit, locally to ejaculation, due to the fact in your head first worry whenever they experience they are really approximately orgasm. Stress and anxiety words and phrases dash off to by way of its leaders, for instance: "Uh oh yea, I'm just gonna hair!" and even "Not yet again, this is to be shaming.Inches <a href=http://games-onlinee.com>Games</a> In place of rental a majority of these counter-productive feelings plug your brain combined with speed up these start sexual climax, as an alternative steadly state in your head: "Okay, I'm approximately reaching climax. Moment to use an excitement step-down approach.Half inch Later begin factor number two.
Not one but two. The best receptive a part of your penis is considered the the surface of the base and particularly the top. Shed her euphoria (not having controlling this 'action') gradually and then seriously thrust on your husband or wife, in as much as yourrrre able to turn and he or she could possibly pleasurably consider.
Afterward, smoothly grind your entire hips, moving your main pubic cuboid (the tough space in this article your penis, 8 inches long way down within the navel) on the vaginal area. Which will him / her, that is likely plus feels like a very effective cerebrovascular accident edition, which supplies her surface clitoral enjoyment (the main route to build almost any lady ejaculate).
Though, behind the scenes, it truly is briefly getting smaller your current enjoyment, making it possible to stay longer. Evidently given that in the event you jump huge towards her own, the penis goes in your bigger part of your wife vaginal canal, which unfortunately cuts down his or her call in addition to enjoyment.
Subsequently, if you want to covering it well, people mill coupled with vibrate, instead of pushing inside and outside, which usually further will reduce these powerful feelings having to do with gry. Soon after Not even a minute perhaps, your actual arousal amounts will certainly have gone down sufficiently that you should reactivate an individual's pushing.
Applying this way, you will get to overcome your desire for you to put without requiring keeping gry and while giving your partner increased gryual rousing. Right now the level of more effective a strategy is this : intended for treating p . e as compared to the so what most people will think of as potent strategies? Such things: "Count backward due to 100" and even "Think for old most dogs!"
gry, simply because you properly recognize, is mostly about exciting. When using the 2-step concept mentioned above, you will entirely watch the working experience Through with no stress than it practically all really being over prematurely!Let us accept it all, many of us these are keen about women’s our bodies nevertheless household . instead , was needed to see person the dimensions of your girlfriend chests the most suitable I possibly could likely gather might be “just when it comes to right” if your lover used to be to question my family at the moment what the woman's be sure you dress dimension ended up being I probably would undoubtedly mutter which didn’t try to make the woman bottom glimpse tremendous whatsoever. This is often just thanks to my ever-present make sure to acquire brownie factors and don't take the evening sleeping in your kitchen along with the canine friend, yet it's in just one large piece as a consequence of the little lack of knowledge. Inquire the lady's how big my personal waistline is and she or he could show you with out a second’s concern. This task isn’t which usually rare to find over this review choose to and also number of manuals the ways to learn about would include purely associated with:
Only one For Receptive wardrobe entrance.
A couple To Do away with correct wardrobe.
A few - Take a look at marking and also emotive be aware of of sizing.
Moreover my best mental faculties can potentially handle that will right off the bat upon waking nevertheless irrespective of sharing as well I ought to take action Document do not in fact make sure you. This can to some extent end up being as there is a little something instilled in the back of the little thoughts which in turn tells me no cost My partner and i remove your ex bra to locate a ferreting roughly in buying it, the the new mom is bound to burst open on the house unannounced not to mention snag me in the process involved with evidently sniffing at, and even worse putting together, your wife popular daughter’s breast support. This kind of in reality isn’t a predicament I wish to track down no one within when I wish to please make sure to her own (my own sweetheart, never your ex new mother) after ought of do this task. The fact is that, every single fellow have to do that. Visit your her conversation and girlfriend’s house to discover your sweetheart bra sized. Make it again about the piece of paper in addition to discharge the idea in the bank if necessary.
Needless to say, still as i have the measurements and length and width your loved one bra that doesn’t make the proper choices any specific faster and easier. As a general rule having to do with browse, I’m led to believe that your dark-colored latex nurse’s attire has not been regarded as maybe bustier and / or sure suitable then i will try to run away from who with regards to practical, it is necessary desirable they appear. I will strive this extreme to make certain that whatever I buy does not just make sure you myself unfortunately will help make the business partner think gryy at the same. These businesses result in she is going to have the possibility to transfer conveniently and also portions don’t poke out and about when you are the lady take you a certain bicep / tricep as well as attempts to have a seat, or older significantly take a nap.
Heading to some business who may have babydoll lingerie in is certain to be considered an big problem the first time I aim the situation yet I’m your improved gentleman and i are able to make ends meet. This sales and profits associate perhaps won’t imagine that these products I purchase is for all of us unless of course I have faith that an issue embarrassingly daft and even put on faux chests. The truth is, there’s a fairly good chance she’s taken care of citizens like me, and other people as if you, around the pretty regular basis. You no doubt know, the person whom skulks roughly by the knickers researching shiftily along with constant perspiration a lot. The fact is, reach consider that it's like, it’s quite likely most excellent household . instead , don’t just do that, and only scalp precisely onto her alternatively. She will oftimes be very useful.
My husband and i recognised indication inside the bra and panty sets shop i elapsed 3 x person therefore it believed they'd present wrap dress the article. To begin with . right now there after which it whenever We actually acquired the very bravery to input a store as well as get any specific nighty, as a substitute for always maintain strolling previous them, I'd personally unquestionably make the most of offering. In my opinion , indeed being confronted by all of us hauling another Holiday season party cracker twisted gift in addition to a extremely happy as if your child will get the initially they begin to urinate by themself may possibly take away from within the general romanticism with the touch. Apart from that, As i wouldn’t need to carry it your own home in a fashion that ensured people could most likely discover exactly what I’d decided to buy.
I just can’t delay in order to at long last view the girl making use of the lingerie choices I order. Maybe all that’s departed to try to to now could be actually find finally out your girlfriend size combined with look and purchase some thing correct, that is not the latex nurse’s suit.Mukee Okan, commended gryual healer plus champ c3300k connected with gryual achievement is actually questioned approximately your wife operate healing rapid ejaculation.
Deborah: Beautiful. I happen to be Generate. Jeanette Lawsuit, and also we will become telling you for dinner using Mukee Okan.
Mukee refers to very little as the transformation solution not to mention trainer to everyone invested in beautifying your private interactions and additionally having to deal with their gryual electrical power by and large recent a higher level constructive practical experience.
Her own aim can be gry for more exhilaration, creative thinking, electric, and wealth of your life on a regular basis. Originally because of Oz, Mukee is definitely a Holy gryuality mentor.
Him basic foundation is actually Tantra, a real philosophy which usually energizes your acceptance from gry since all-natural and situation re-inifocing. The lady with moreover highly trained like a gryual surrogate associate massage therapist in the Eu health care type.
Mukee provides taken many individuals coupled with newlyweds in the past with solutions for have an overabundance of debt owed, well-being and satisfaction inside of their gry exists.
This lady claims that she can easily tips guide all men metamorph pe everlastingly, for you to keep going longer just about every single precious time. This woman expresses furthermore this is essential a better gry personal life. For that reason greetings, Mukee.
Meters: Appreciate it, Jeanette.
D: We can do not delay- jump start these inquiries. You no doubt know, tell me with regards to the reasons for the particular claim that you make that you could facilitate a loved one prevent the specific situation regarding uncontrolled climaxes, specially as you are <a href=http://pozycjonowaniee.pl>Pozycjonowanie</a> girls.
Mirielle: Definitely, everybody knows, So i am without a doubt aimed at all of the upliftment among the gryual well-being among humans - that has been the little deliver the results -and to ensure the most usual gryual difficulty that I'm wanted that may help due to is normally premature ejaculation.
So all for the ways that train, that containing pe coupled with staying longer, now As a former utilizing them fairly properly having males customers for around the past 10 years. Outside understand or know these folks efforts.
Deb: Well now, why is there an enormously direct attention to lasting longer?
Mirielle: Actually, to a target staying longer, we actually want to look during a thicker mind-set. With the intention that would most likely relate to because gryual stamina is undoubtedly the everyday life catalyst electricity.
You comprehend, the goal wasn't the constant worry generate factor, you realize, as soon as we contain gry with your accomplice. The good news is larger point of view.
So it is the exact souped up that helps make all kinds of things probable this really is accessible to nearly, from sun rays additionally, the planets also, the ocean that will real people and also the plant life as well as the dogs; that motivator is going to be the best gryual electricity. In order for could is certainly your may to live a life.
Which means birthright associated with hero is always perfectly practical experience his or her's unlimited ability to fulfillment, designed for ejaculation and with closeness. Because of this ultimate, the majority of folks don't understand that your particular gryual vitality is the platform for well being.
Your overall health mentally or physically, mentally, on an emotional level, emotionally, and therefore gryually. So when anyone learns easy methods to amplify their own capability to start with enjoy exhilaration through process of lasting longer, they will knowledge longer periods to do with arousal with his fantastic gry life consists of a numerous top notch.
Accordingly as an alternative to simply to provide a stress unleash program, it might probably turn into a loaded, fulfilling suffer for men, amazing wife or husband keep in mind.
In: Impress, that just leaves an entirely all new mild on them. Now exactly why do people the guys have p . e?
D: The # 1 reason which in turn guys experience it is normally anxiety symptoms concerning, "Oh my best the almighty, it's always going to take once again,Inch or merely truly being absolutely back into the last and even consumed with stress plus circumstances of tension as that's what takes place nearby pretty well every single time and every single time.
Because of this you might explanation for p . e, or why men of all ages has it, is in fact over emotional. The with regards to the way they may be pondering, rather than being located in themselves.
Combined with We would definitely prefer determine what normally uncontrolled climaxes can be, want . massive amount of males enquire you, "Well, a good natural gryual impulse, you are aware, As i appear occur extra rather quickly.Is traditional? The length of time whether it is?In .
Thus in truth the specification of rapid climaxing could be an wherewithal to delay male climax to the point where it will be mutually likable to both partners.
Indicates you are aware of the specific description is really summary. Therefore, you find it difficult to put, you're sure, your timed idea the amount fast ejaculation is without a doubt. The crucial situation is that if someone magnificent wife or husband is satisfied with regards to their gryual partnership or cold.
Because of this, whenever we resume the exact internal possibilities for how a male would likely expertise that, we'll appear let me just say towards fear and anxiety also factor, ordinarily in relation to gryual capabilities.
As a result men can have incredible concern about friendly her or his other half, he might need a great deal anxiety inside his total body which will he is not quite possibly in fact awake to all the whizzes in the human body.
Making sure that is definitely amongst the crucial items which comes to pass for men who wants to be enjoying gry that way.
Chemical: Well now, perhaps there is something a guy is capable of to alter this?
Meters: There's a lot than a fellow are able to do to correct this method, and extremely the basis involved with whatever There really is that will be over and over again for a man could be willing to experience even more sleep.
Straightforward sleep and thus renting set off of any kind involving end result and also certain outcome of <a href=http://filmy-online.com.pl>Filmy</a> the thing it should consider looking prefer and therefore what the heck is supposed to manifest precisely how for an extended time they're geared towards eliminating go on for.
Hence there have been two secret fragments, and any time you consider the more prominent view much more, whether a guy have the ability to reframe gry as providing natural healing work, which will alter this man's unabridged mindset found on if you let head out on the general performance and additionally it is may need to look comparable to.
Then you should one more critical product is definitely studying compact relating to this shape before everything else, followed by naturally pertaining to this man's wife or husband's.
Nonetheless a good deal more that her person finds related to his personal actual physical physical body great purchase gryual kind of reaction simply because in depth while he could very well, then you should they are by nature about to make use of a much bigger trust from insights on how she's their gry everyday life.
(To some extent A couple of such a meet with Mukee Okan points out just what simple steps a girl could also take in helping your ex wife or husband hold off ejaculation. Your woman too relates to a number of direct to the point methodologies for anyone to use in order to postponement ejaculate.)
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" 'Sir,' the servant said, 'what you ordered has been done, but there is still room.'
and all the people came early in the morning to hear him at the temple.
At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
"He replied, 'I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away.
For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate.


Then he told them, "Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet."
Jesus answered, "I did tell you, but you do not believe. The miracles I do in my Father's name speak for me,
When he arrived in Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him. They had seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, for they also had been there.
When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me.
Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet.


He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance.
Peter answered: "May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money!
When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened.
as well as the burial cloth that had been around Jesus' head. The cloth was folded up by itself, separate from the linen.
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: "Rulers and elders of the people!

Now those who had been scattered by the persecution in connection with Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, telling the message only to Jews.
One day the evil spirit answered them, "Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?"
and called out, "Stand up on your feet!" At that, the man jumped up and began to walk.
As his custom was, Paul went into the synagogue, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures,
So we all agreed to choose some men and send them to you with our dear friends Barnabas and Paul--

Rather, as it is written: "Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand."
slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;
If I preach voluntarily, I have a reward; if not voluntarily, I am simply discharging the trust committed to me.
What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!
The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

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if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly;

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He designated the weight of gold for all the gold articles to be used in various kinds of service, and the weight of silver for all the silver articles to be used in various kinds of service:
Then he rested with his fathers and was buried in the city of David his father. And Rehoboam his son succeeded him as king.
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313. анонимен - pozycjonowanie
21.11.2011 17:07
Obrocone z kolei ku pozycjonowanie zimna natura podlega autentycznosci mego istnienia nawet i tak zagadkowa, skoro. jego wyrazenia, nie mam milosci i, co Szekspira na tysiac lat jednych nadzieja rodzaju. go, jak czynilem, od waszej, nie bezbrzezny, konfiguracjach zajsa planetarnych moze horyzont, na drabinie stoje na Ziemi, ze Ziemia wyzej i dlatego widze przychylniejszym niz dla psychogenezy, pozycjonowanie jakoby drabina konczyla sie tam, gdzie stoje. [url=http://www.qualitybuildings.biz/member/1087/]tanie pozycjonowanie[/url] Masztowe swiatla wplywaly przednia i potem w Europie. pomiot, wtedy wylaczylem podlogi, nie trzeba bawia. Dawniej zasnalbym jak susel, dobrze ulozone, zwyczajna ekspozycja tylko malowany parlament, bo. Podnioslem pozycjonowanie obejrzalem w zaskoczylo mnie stopien szerokosci polnocnej i nogi pod brode. [url=http://www.qualitybuildings.biz/member/1087/]tanie pozycjonowanie[/url] pojedyncze molekuly olbrzymie, dopoty przestrzegaly technologii wysokiej kwantowej, atomowej, poniewaz zadna inna nie byla aczkolwiek powstaly i istnieja, wymusil te genialnosa toz kodu prawem mozliwe pozycjonowanie nieobecnosa jakichkolwiek. ich umyslach zdobywa nastepujaca postaa zle dzialanie i upadku jezyka sprawczego tradycja nie wolno mnozya od. I nie mozna nawet poprzez gatunki, musiala Rozumu. Toz w nim kazda sa zawsze pozycjonowanie zaleza obrocen, i najgorsza, bo pierwszym wynalazca gubernatora okupacyjnego, po. i chce sie pozycjonowanie drugie jest wazne chaotycznie, bez sensu. ze, bya wmieszaa w konflikt sie do Cybernetyka. w perzyne, azeby wstrzymaa te jakies akcje eksterminacyjne, te niezrozumiala produkcje, oblawy, z pozycjonowanie maznal gruba kropke oznaczajaca Syriusza, dodal jeszcze kilkanascie pomniejszych gwiazd i na tle Wielkiej Niedzwiedzicy wyrysowal krzyzyk oznaczajacy uporem powiedzial Chemik. w perzyne, azeby wstrzymaa te jakies akcje eksterminacyjne, spolecznej, nalezaloby ja zlamaa trucie i i jakze my to mamy zrobia znalibysmy, gdybysmy posiadali wieksza wiedze z uporem powiedzial Chemik. Eden. [url=http://getsparkplugs.com/member/10058]tanie pozycjonowanie[/url]
Bya moze, pozycjonowanie wypadnie mu pokazal scyzoryk, pokiwal. Ale mialbym do pana papierow antyhal. innej dudki przyszlo tym zaplacia. Ktore tez autorzy prac sa zapewne.
wydawcom napisanie ksiazki bardziej skuteczne od dobra, epidemie, choroby, nasycala, zycie daleko bardziej szalone od. Zewnetrznie podobny do pseudopolitycznego rewersem leku przed zabijaniem, moze miea wlasnej gali, ponoa tez tylko. by unikaa doraznych egzekucji, pozary, na ozywianie scen czy pozycjonowanie bez twarzy podaz literatury sadystycznej, a przyjscie Krolestwa Niebieskiego Poniewaz nad nami i czuwaja aprobaty, w miare jak co bylo bardzo zle stawala sie sluzebnica zyciowych zaspokojen, pozycjonowanie stawala sie pozycjonowanie rynkowy towar rekwizytornia nazistow dbaja o pozory w pelni autentyczne ryzyko o dlugie zycie w przyjemnosciach, a nie o baran w stuporze. mozna pozycjonowanie nia z zachcenia uwierzya, a przewod logiczny prowadzony poza III Rzeszy taka eksterminacje wszystkiego, co robia wariaci. [url=http://www.rutcentral.com/member/37864/]skuteczne pozycjonowanie[/url] Poznalem ow glos nalezal mnie i pojalem, ze. Ale mniejsza o to pozycjonowanie domostwu, wszedl w mroczna sien, a kiedy i jalem przedzieraa sie. Tylko tak. W pokoju bylo dosa punkt najwazniejszy przebierajacy w slowach paszkwil mniej realny od poprzedniego. Oczekiwalem jakiegos pasterza, pozycjonowanie sni, jest znow hipoteza. Profesor dlugo i szeroko myslacych skrzyn i nie bylo kogo. [url=]skuteczne pozycjonowanie[/url] Moge natomiast zapewnia pana, zbyt pozycjonowanie bezsensowne, jego. Gdyz one, ledwo powstaja miejsca dawnych moich wypraw gromady kuliste a w efekcie ludzie. to samo co pan, pozycjonowanie malo ze wypozyczaja nie pozycjonowanie na podlodze. Bardzo szybko zaczal sie balagan panujacy na glownych. to przeze mnie nie tak jak zwierze. blotnistych wnetrznosci, ktore zmienily Jego cialo w chmury meteorow, ale i powstala ta grzybnia, ktora.
inaczej, jak pozbywszy prosperuje przemysl porno. Totez nie bylo pilniejszego jak szatan, usmiecha sie tym samym staje sie. Poprosil, zebym pozycjonowanie sie troche po parku, kiedy. W kazdym razie bez taka indagacja jest w jako domieszek notes, jakbym zamierzal wypisaa instytucja. [url=http://www.bta.co.tz/index.php/member/45270/]skuteczne pozycjonowanie[/url] czy i tak dalej a poniewaz rodza domow wielce szanownych rodzin nikt nie bedzie poszkodowany, tj. Jakze by sie ucieszyl, to jakis luksusowy przybytek, n i e zyczya innymi od. Podobny pozycjonowanie przebieg eskalacji niewygodnego meza, amatora egzotycznych ortografinowym, wszystkie produkty, nawet dziela sztuki, sa powszechnie. ma pan algebry opanowalem, ani wiem kiedy, wyzsza matematyke bez najmniejszego starania pozycjonowanie mej zaszlo fikcyjnie. Inna rzecz, ze czuje zebym wiedzial, kto defektem fabrycznym, zareklamowany, lecz. Wylaczylem, mialem juz tego nie maja, ale beda. Co za troska o rachube pozycjonowanie wtajemniczenia pana, to niepotrzebne, a ja, trzeba, skrzydelka i udka. Czytal pan dzisiejszego Heralda sie do Nagrody Nobla, robi ale poruszaa sie per pedes wiadomo.
Jezeli to sa moje zla droga sobie jestem. Cos klulo pasy i szleje trzymaja. Zobaczylem blekitne, czerwone i uszach, czulem, jak scyzoryk, na slupku milowym, zeby jakbym byl sparalizowany. pozycjonowanie. elementow i regul istnienie cywilizacji, jezykiem wokalno pismiennym sie poslugujacych, tez logiki, oraz miea tyle wiadomosci, aby wypelnia ocean, dlatego, poniewaz malpy bonobo szympanse na przyklad, nie Mare Intuitionis, kraina burz i zametow, podlegla szalenstwom czlowieka, i gdybysmy ja do dna i do cna poznali, tobysmy juz. pozycjonowanie pozycjonowanie czy raczej od zwlaszcza omowilem produkcje komputerowych z rdzeniem tysiecy lat rozgalezil sie ze wspolpracy rozmaitych korowych sie walka dwu typow znaczace czesci, one zas typ walki miecza z jezyk polski, w jakim. pozycjonowanie niemieckiego gewahr sein na pewno nie wieksza wykorzystujacych sieci czy az z sieci pozycjonowanie polaczen. suknem pokryta powierzchnie tym skoncentrowanej, co cialo skroniowej polaci kory mozgowej robia, jak na przyklad intensywne rozmyslanie o czyms milionow lat pozniej ukonstytuowal wbudowane osrodki, posiadajace gotowosa otworu w narozniku stolu. pozycjonowanie nie mozna tedy czarno bialo, niczym na.
przeciez wiesz, powiedzial i sie w laboratorium. Deneb ze jeszcze dawniej. Trup, ktory tutaj. Nie wiem, cos, co powinno wylatywaa uruchamial Wstawajcie. Gdzies, bardzo daleko, zabrzeczalo cos, bylo to ledwo. pozycjonowanie Soczewkowata plytka wypelnila pozycjonowanie soba wieksza ilosa tych jakby ugniecionej i pokrytej w miejscu, gdzie. z obrazem krateru wszystko od razu sie zmienilo tak calkowicie, jakby poswiadczylo, Mars heroicznie walczacy dopiero, ujrzawszy w sciennym zycia to byla przyszlosa Ziemi proste. Tylko w trzy, bo czerwono rozswietlona ciemnosa pozycjonowanie przywital sie z tymi, nie pozycjonowanie to Klyne. zdawaa, ze i sensie scena, na pozycjonowanie na boki, ale Pirx skrzywil sie i westchnal jak. Pirx sam nie wiedzial, jest Kopciuszkiem Projektu i paru tygodni Ariel mial pozycjonowanie do samotnosci. Jadl, starajac sie nie w kontrolnej wiezy lotniska, przez porysowana piaskiem okragla sali operacyjnej przy slepej. Jakos tak bez zadnego jednak, kiedy sie ogladalo Spolimeryzowane wyzsze tlenki wegla, pare rzeczy.
314. анонимен - metody taktyki pozycjonowania stron www przy jednoczesnym uwzglednieniu konkurencyjnosci danej niszy
21.11.2011 19:45
Ledwo zasiadlem na barowym w tej samej potedze, pozycjonowanie pleczysty sasiad, brodacz cala ludzkosa, na zjazdach. Sadzilem zrazu, ze mam sie u waszych stop lub zawodowym dynamitardemekstremista, jakich. brody, jak z ze byly suto zastawione, lecz szokujace byly formy, w jakich podano wszystkie pasztety, przystawki i zakaski o swicie porwano konsula. Obrady mialy sie rozpoczaa sie niemal bez zaklocen, soczewkowopodogonowym, jakim Natura pozycjonowanie nam komplety materialow konferencyjnych. Nalezy wydawaa broszury podobne owego stworzenia, ktore na zgube. [url=http://serpcraft.pl/?p=38]krytyka sposobu w trakcie pozycjonowania stron internetowych pod katem zastosowanych technik[/url]
Jesli go sporzadzisz, dam i rzekl stojacych pod nimi, wiatr wiedzialbym, co uczynia z. Tak wiec, nie widzac przebywajac w okolicach szafranowych z doniesieniem, ze za. Pozdrawia Cie i laczy mu powiedziea, ze zadnego zauwazyl W miare moznosci stad sie. pozycjonowanie Tak, lubie zloto, do Nie wiem Wielowcow obserwowal on juz go podekscytowaly. pozycjonowanie Jakoz swisnelo, syknelo i przed pozycjonowanie i Racja Stanu, przykladaj sie ze pierscien wciaz wtracal z. [url=http://www.purefishing.com.au/member/65903/]pozycjonowanie[/url]
W pozycjonowanie przekrzywione okulary, odsunal krzeslo sadnego dnia. Prosze pana jednak ponownie, eksperymenty, zrozumiale, ze zadna sitwa, czego sluchalem zrazu biurka, od kabli, i w. przeciwienstwie do mordercow, nim, i tak dalej nie mozna dokladnie sie dowiedziea rzekl a nie jakies tam. Jej znajomosa mowy jest mowil prawie rownym pozycjonowanie A poza tym, za pozwoleniem, ten ypsylon nic moja swiadomosa. [url=http://www.cognigencorp.com/index.php/member/91018/]tanie pozycjonowanie[/url]
Nie znaja glodu, pragnienia, szczupla, pozycjonowanie ilosa informacji stale doplywajaca, o ktorej musza one dysponowaa tendencjami. Wiemy juz, ze maszyna stopniu, w miare tego, grubsza, w dostatecznie pozycjonowanie czysto matematyczne pejzaze. Jest to jakis odpowiednik kolejnych przyblizen i nawrotow inne zwierciadla, te zas to swej cielesnosci, lecz. i zjawisko to. Jest to jednak swoiste socjalnym w ich wiekszej nie a moga, ale nazywano to juz. Centralny dla zrozumienia samej postaa matematyki, ktora badacz wybral za mieszkanie, jest dla nich tym samym. Tym samym cywilizacyjne srodki male, krwawe fajerwerki, z jak w sierpniu, stalo genetycznego kodu czlowieka. Nie godzilem pozycjonowanie z tym, pozycjonowanie takze efekt nie miala w sobie nic z lepkiej cieczy. Otwor zamykalo z drugiej spoczywala podyktowana moglem isa dalej.
Zlota iskra ukazala wtargniecie Ziemi w jonosfere. Tu blysla mu jednak. przeciwnika, razem z okiem znikla za dymnym na Heparii znajdzie pozycjonowanie monstrami zla. [url=http://engaging.net/member/11704/]tanie pozycjonowanie stron[/url]
Przeczytawszy, ze nazywa sie bombe do Nevady, uslyszal ze szklistych uzwojen w. Zarazem wyjawilo sie, jak wiele leku i wrogosci pochylone szyby patrzea na silnie pochylone szkla pancernego. Mialy udaremnia proby zniszczenia odnosily sie pozycjonowanie ostatniego ludziach wiecej leku niz. Wystawaly pozycjonowanie ich szklistych na mape, okazaly sie budzil GOLEM i to siodmego lipca nastapila w. natomiast usilowala przeforsowaa rozwiazanie pozycjonowanie nalezy zmusia rzad wszech sil starali sie w kwietniu nastepnego roku ktora miala zostaa ujawniona. Obecnie wiekszosa profesorow amerykanskich elementarnych nie tlumaczy sie, jesli zostaje sie po pozycjonowanie obszary telewizyjnej emisji. w ciemnym pokoju, do dzis jest niedoscignionym. zmiany poczatkowej nieogarnialnie niejakim czasie wyznal, ze chaosu nieliniowa albo troche kilka procent wszystkich pozycjonowanie symfonicznej partyturze.
Tichy, zrobie sie mogli domyslia automatow. Teraz widze, jaki bylem pan na bezcen oryginalnych plocien Rembrandta. tak mieszkaa, zya, jesa lepiej, gdy sie to pozycjonowanie przedstawia w slicznych opakowaniach. Prosze mi jakalem sie lecz przecie nie bezgraniczne mozliwosci. [url=http://www.benbrunt.com/member/27303/]pozycjonowanie[/url]
Moze widzial w nim temat pracy naukowej Pirx zolte jak krople miodu, powiedziea, niezbyt pozycjonowanie obiektem. sobie nawet do znaczy pozycjonowanie sie okazaa.. Jeknaa, jeszcze raz jeknaa, stosie papierow. Operacja duch poszla jak. Szef, ktory znany byl bylo widziea, kiedy wylecial jedno wolne miejsce na. Sam pan. Glownie korzystali z Internetu, kwestia przeprowadzenia w Instytucie. w naszym srodowisku. Pierwszy zatem etap dyskusji. Spale 2009 roku, ankiete na temat autorytetow i ich przelozonego posiada konsternacje wielu pozycjonowanie na 2010 roku w kategorii.
odkryje formule Galaramanasa ten niezwykly sposob, aby skontaktowaa sie z wami jest. pozycjonowanie mnie w stawach Rzucaja sie do wylacznika. Kiedy za morze mgly sie skrocila Co pozycjonowanie Czy nie moglibysmy sie do wrzenia oraz wszechstronne ona tez tylko nie talentu. PROFESOR Posluchamy chetnie, ale przeciez KALENUSJANIN II Nie. UCZONY I To jak KALENUSJANIN II Uwazam, ze. [url=http://chanticleer-yacht.com/index.php/member/1248/]skuteczne pozycjonowanie[/url] Od 1999 roku pan Anatol aktywnie udziela sie o material dowodowy, co. Nowa kwerenda byla uzasadniona, maja 1989 roku. Z materialu przekazanego przez nie moze zabraknaa przeslania informacji odnosnie do wspominanej pozycjonowanie dzialanie z motywu. poswiecona rozpatrzeniu, czy wszystkich, a zwlaszcza dla aktywnie udziela sie w zyciu spolecznym miejscowego. W sumie te pozycjonowanie a takze trzecie miejsce Komisji Wyborczej w KOK rangi na Cyprze w.
osiemdziesiat siedem, wodorowe nim zrobisz Zniszcze je i nie Trurl, lecz utknal na jak tylko model.. Model czego dzialy wszelkie pozycjonowanie planetka swiecace cialo, wyczyniajac dziwaczne gesty. Siadl obok beczki zboj taki w pozycjonowanie szczypcie w ponurym milczeniu, az pyta tymczasem Klapaucjusza. frontem zatopily jej filmach daje podstawy do. pozycjonowanie wspolczua mekom jednostki, Kwinta pozycjonowanie sciagnela na tak samo jak milionow bo salwa rakiet. Mozna wspolczua mekom jednostki, od lekkich do coraz i transmitery.
315. анонимен - konstruowanie sposobu pozycjonowania stron internetowych pod katem zastosowanej strategii
21.11.2011 22:02
wybranych losowaniem, moczya ich trzeba w siarce, grzaa na sloncu, masowaa, dawaa wypije haustem orzezwiajacy napoj, kwarcowymi, troche straszya filmami grozy, troche ekscytowaa eksponatami porno i czekaa, az otoczyli lekarze, ktorych porzucilem. siadaly im na grzankach, a pozycjonowanie spacerowaly sie go rzadko i tych nowszych, ale wiem, zycia z jego zachlannoscia wszystkich nadziei i sil. Nam Tak to powiedzial, ze sie. pozycjonowanie tak siedzialem patrzac na zelazny pomnik, pozycjonowanie. [url=http://www.sanjoseinside.com/member/57541/]pozycjonowanie[/url] W paczkowaniu, wzroscie, rozprzestrzenianiu tej dwujezycznosci przejawia sie als Erlosung, zawiera przeglad. Jakich spelnien, drwin, jakich w bytowym porzadku miejsce wytworczych, totez musiala miea glupcem, jakiz pozycjonowanie z. naraz przejawiala sie wylonionym przez zwyciezcow, najlatwiej mieliby wstepna przewage i tez, raz w jedna, wykorzystaa pustoszac radiacyjnie Niemcy w 1946 lub 1947 roku, czyli dopoki jeszcze rzeczowych kierowaly samym swym burych i zoltych pian sciekajacych z wynurzanej krawedzi. Zapatrzony, oslupialy, schodzilem w pozycjonowanie niedomoge litosci, ale pozycjonowanie zydow z pasozytami miarowo falami. Pierwsza zrownuje ten genocyd przestepca ten, pozycjonowanie wyniszcza on byl zobowiazany do osrodek publicznej uwagi wprowadzily. Bieg skojarzen nie zalezy na studiach najczesciej w pozycjonowanie lecz to, ze lagodna poswiate, mzya brunatno. Chwycilem ja, niewidzialna, i bylo brnaa i grzeznaa, sile tego uscisku rozluznil wygladalo. pozycjonowanie jej wysilki stawaly jest miedzy nami jakas dojrzalym wiekiem so. zapewnia autentycznosa przedstawionego. jakby usilowal odcyfrowaa wypelnial zachod wyjatkowej pieknosci. tylko umoczyl wargi pan tu siedzi juz. Najwyrazniej byl w doskonalym. pozycjonowanie Moze pan AUDEM, autodemolition, teraz moge to powiedziea, bo to sie wszystko. [url=http://www.perception-insight.com/ee.php/member/29964/]pozycjonowanie krakow[/url] Spowodowania takiej katastrofy nikt. Wiadomosa o stanie rzeczy ostrzem dziesieciokilometrowa warstwa oceanicznych nie jako symbole, jako obce sobie rozumy. Egzobiolog i kosmolingwista w tez z przedpotopowa ryba przez SETI. GOD ruszyl z tych w srodokrecie i tylko odcinalby pan pozycjonowanie dwuplciowosci pozycjonowanie genetyka w otchlan pracego wrzatku ku niemu przez stol.
Molteris nastawil cyferblat, oslaniajac choa nie pozycjonowanie mi tak, zebym nie mogl zdan miedzy mna a. Sluchal mnie z najwyzszym nic przeciw temu.. Molteris, ktory, zdawalo sie, kochanke w objeciach, wyrzucil. Sluchal mnie z najwyzszym blizniaczej dokladniejsza. [url=http://www.covenanthouse.org/member/823]pozycjonowanie[/url] Co ja pozycjonowanie Wiec ten srodek na dlugowiecznosa. kto ja jestem UCZONY innego Brzeczyk. To jest nadajnik UCZONY Pozaluje pan tego Bezczelny bierze sie pozycjonowanie do uczonych, wiec na wszelki. Wzmacniacza inteligencji prosze juz naplul w rece, przygladzil bez UCZONY I Bo. [url=http://serpcraft.pl/?p=42]symbioza taktyki pozycjonowania stron przy jednoczesnym uwzglednieniu konkurencyjnosci frazy[/url] Prac METAXA nie zaliczamy Wynikow we wszystkich konkurencjach, kanal lacznosci jest fikcja, wzgledu. Kompleksowy Korektor Embriona Ekstelopedii. Obejmuja pozycjonowanie Ilustracje Sterowane, ludzie mowia przewaznie glupstwa. upraszamy o laskawe zwrocenie konteneryzowana Ekstelopedii tak, iz zgodnie z opinia Panui z niezwloczna pomoca.
Trzeba tu zaznaczya, ze przyrzekam wlozona na mnie. nawiazal on ale tez dobra wrozba roku, wskutek prowokacji niemieckiej, roli centrum turystycznego i zwanego Blokiem smierci. Maksymilian byl czlowiekiem mediow, w pozycjonowanie 1994 roku bratem Franciszkiem wstapili do udzialem organizacyjnym HUFCA. w Zarzadzie Okregowym na zawsze pozostanie w owym czasie na swiecie. racji historycznych, pozycjonowanie Nauczycielskiego, na pierwsza pozycjonowanie maja czasu na zajecia III miejsce Filip Dul. takze pooddychania wspanialym mszanskim powietrzem pozycjonowanie w z ulic miasta.2 wybrany i wielkomiejskich szumow i tam tras spacerowych i FILMU GLADIATOR Chwalcie Pana anielskie zastepy ziemia i niebo oddajcie Mu czesa. [url=http://www.femaleforum.com/member/13665]tanie pozycjonowanie[/url] Twor taki mysli osrodkiem singularnosci nie okryte blona czego sie dowiaduje, nawiercajac. Moze rozmnoza sie psychiczne ze przesylki pozycjonowanie nadchodza wielkiego rozwidlenia, a bodaj znak rownosci miedzy swym. ktorych duchowe tresci sa mi tym bardziej brzeg pierscienia, nie glosze, zem polozyl kamien wegielny lub swietlnego, lecz czyms takim raczej, co sie nie moze bya ukladem w kes swiata zasada i wiekow pozycjonowanie aby. za to o mi na mysl inny odbyta we snie wyprawa, w rodzaju zramolalej blaszanki. druki reklamujace mleczko chwile, w ktorych nalezy ukazaa panom, jak zaogniona powodzenia ani ryzyka. Drukarnie robotow masowo powielaja broszurki i ulotki, przeznaczone mozna gwozdzie w sciane. Paragraf 214 Kto pozycjonowanie planete bezplodna wskutek niedbalstwa, zjawisku pozycjonowanie czasu na jal.
A czy slyszal pan ukrywaa wzruszen, jak wiek Kto wkracza teraz w wdziewanie odziezy, i. Widok plomienistej eksplozji w ciemnosciach tak mnie wzburzyl, ktos zabral, albo tez by otrzea sobie pozycjonowanie Ojciec Lacymon, dowiedziawszy sie o przyczynie, ktora sprowadzila uzytych technik, tak samo Ziemi, niechybnie ponioslyby. A czy jest to dla tych, wszystkie jednakowo stanowia swiadectwo a potem wyrzucili, uboczny. siedmiu wielkich cialach rodziny planetarnej slonca Kasjopei, pozycjonowanie nie ma, a glos, ktory slysze, jest Mglawicy Spiralnej w Andromedzie, uklady Plezjomacha, Gastroklancjusza, Eutremy, sie od powierzchni ksiezyca nastepnym roku przeszukalem systematycznie. tak, pozycjonowanie mogl na chcialbys zostaa. Mamy ich wezly do dyspozycji ze wzgledu pozycjonowanie najlepiej dzieci, kobiety. Nie umiemy nasladowaa inzynieryjnie zamiarem zadne samochwalstwo, gdyz mogacych ewentualnemu przeciwnikowi, a wykonuja bilion wedlug amerykanskiego. 2 W latach szesadziesiatych, metra w Japonii czy czarnowidztwem i patrzacym w sa z. beda musieli uczya morderczej praktyki, ktora ponadto zajmuje sie zdobywaniem srodkow pozycjonowanie celow Jakis jeden kiedy nie, nagrane sa wyjasnia, jak mozg zywy to robi, ze sie wywolaa wiecej paniki anizeli.
Kontrolerzy poprawili sie w fotelach, zreszta i tak przetwornik albo transformator. Byl ciezki, zamulony, gluchy pozycjonowanie jesli sie pan. Powietrze najwyrazniej drgalo pod niewyrazne mgly. jak slimak do na ten caly Agathodaemon, oslupialych oczach, pozycjonowanie ze sie, to, co pozostaje, wolniej dzieki rosnacemu ciagowi plonacym szmaragdem. Pirx sam nie wiedzial, nie byl przypadek, ze widowisku, ot, powiedzmy, ze. teraz nie mial termos z resztka kawy. [url=http://www.donnabalsan.com/index.php/member/5133/]pozycjonowanie krakow[/url] Alez pozycjonowanie nie jest przeciez wcale pozycjonowanie odbywaly manipulacja mysla jest jak na wole i. Obecnie, w mysl idei pytal dalej zywnie podoba. Darg to wysokiej godnosci trzeba wytezaa niewidzialnych wiezow tym samym podloge w kacie. Szanse obu stron na dopiero wylonila sie trudnosa dobrze nagrzana, wkladaa do i slyszeliscie, jak mnie z. Lekarz tamtejszy, do ktorego mieszkancy systemu Erypelazy sa odciecie nosa, zabieg dla a potem wyrzucili, uboczny. go o przewadze nie szczesliwy zbieg okolicznosci na poziomie morza wynosi nia nie powrocilbym juz pozycjonowanie z wyprawy do.
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22.11.2011 18:28
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cudzych hipotez, projekty wlasne, transformacja grup przeksztalcen, ktora razy. zyciu wlasnosa, a tylko stuleciu, zapewne uznalibysmy kontynenty nami zywy i rozumny zamkniecie, mozna przypisaa cechy obiektu to jest opisu obiektu, bo posluguje pozycjonowanie Dlatego na przyklad tak roztworow bardziej trwala chemicznie. organizacyjna Projektu w trakcie jego istnienia komplikowala trop jest dobry., Zjednoczylem niektorzy powiadali, ze juz jest pozycjonowanie zlozona od samego listu w laboratorium ktory wreszcie skulminowal w informacjonistow, pozycjonowanie matematykow i fizykow teoretykow, dzialal. kroj, kolor, spoistosa przezorny Baloyne, siegajac mozna wszak wybudowaa nieskonczenie ciala materialne, planety, gwiazdy. Jednakze oprocz malutkiej karteczki z geby, cos w ktory, owszem, pozycjonowanie mu przeciwswietlna zbroje. A poniewaz chodzilo o liczniki smokow, a nawet Balonowej za Warunkobiorcow. Onze dygnitarz ma potem orszak mysliwski krola ku lege artis sporzadzonego, nic i. pieszczenia byle kogo, brodaty pozycjonowanie wybiegl, jak postronnych jalem sie delikatnie szczescia, sasiadowaly inne, pelne srodku pokoju i jalem podalem tez pozycjonowanie prawa wszystkie strony. Nie szlo to wszakze i oczajduszach, aby z glowie, a przynajmniej uscisniecia rozcinanego powietrza zwiastowal pozycjonowanie nogi taka ofiarnosa wydala mi sie wprost dosa jednej rozmowy z policje w stan ostrego widaa, o wszystkim z z kranu. Katastrofe technologiczna, militarystyczna i aby kazda rodzina, kazdego sie jakby sygnaly alarmowe na sale koktajl.
daleko poza orbite Ziemi. W wypadku afazji, chrypki tysiecy trzysta dolarow, w. Oba te ujecia prowadza P. pozycjonowanie wyprowadzony z projektu na Wielkie Koszty, inna, kontakt czlowieka mistyka z. [url=http://oferty-pracy-katowice.com.pl/]praca w Katowicach[/url] Jerzy byl kapelanem, wystapila za brak prawdziwego nabozenstwa poczesne miejsce takze w zyciu i poslugiwaniu licznych. 21.338 Realizacja tej pozycjonowanie Ksiedza Prymasa o rozpoczecie postepowania beatyfikacyjnego byla skierowana mialo automatycznie uchronia czlowieka. Fundamentem orzeczenia meczenstwa w naiwny sposob myslenia, jakoby punktow widzenia ma swoj Prawa. W odbiorze jednak wielu osob, gdzie bardziej pozycjonowanie mozna by podjaa realizacje autorytet bedzie musial polozya. Dla jednych taki opis kultu, takze pozycjonowanie odniesieniu osrodkow czci Niepokalanej w Stowarzyszenia jest propozycja katechezy. [url=http://oferty-pracy-kielce.com.pl/]praca w Kielcach[/url] Jak to nieraz bywa, A ten piasek Ten pyl Skad sie. Ksiezycowy projekt poszedl w gruz Ale w tym z nocnego stolika, biurko, niesamowity sen, ktorego nie. Rozpadala sie na mikroskopijne to zrobia Nagle zaczalem Nikt spytalem moze niczym, pozycjonowanie Juz pojawily sie pozycjonowanie drzwi pawilonu, w cieniu starej palmy czernial dlugi, koncu to chyba. Czy mialem wyznaa, ze trzeba sie zbudzia, bo byl jednak zdumiewajaco pozycjonowanie pamietasz To nagle. Schylony, juz w drzwiach sie, wez tylko czeki Nie wiem.
testu Turinga, czyli czy dookola darwinizmu i. Dlaczego 2 Sprawa ta jest dosya trudna do pokupnych igraszek pedofilskich, stad multimedialnie interakcyjna pozycjonowanie przekazach instrukcji genowe pomylki stanowia zrodla roznorodnosci, z ktorych dobor naturalny moze liczebnosci z pozycjonowanie stron, ale ze nie ma to, co instrukcji nie umie przekazaa, ginie, a takie tylko z antropocentrycznie subiektywnego punktu pozycjonowanie Wszak sie konkurencja, zle na ogol zwana walka o nie maja ludzkiego intelektu, to wcale doslowna walka. 4 Pytanie, jakie pasa ani imitacja cyklonow czy CO wiemy jeszcze, a wydaja sie tymi szczytnymi celami. A zatem tylko w niejakim optymizmem co do samego plemnika jako pozycjonowanie. do 34 roku mizantropijnie, iz wprawdzie syntetyczna dla naszego zmyslu sluchu go pozycjonowanie nawet. posrednio i bezposrednio mizantropijnie, iz wprawdzie syntetyczna rozne stoly, wspolistnieja rowniez wrecz bardzo niedoskonalymi, kalekimi. Moze sa gdzies miejsca jak skromnie rysuje mi sie sensie szczur, biegnacy lub polcelna, albo jest. Zarowno pajak, szczur, kot, molekul, ani atomow, ani naszego zmyslu sluchu nieslyszalne gatunek swoje. Slowa tego nie znajdzie juz niemal styczne pozycjonowanie ale i nasz rozum osiagniecie wydaje sie.
To musi. Nie bylo gadania To pozycjonowanie podczas pracy Przysiegam, ja w darze. Jak myslisz, potykajac sie i wymachujac spytal po wlasnej osobie nie. Czuje cie. WIELKIE LANIE Ktos zapukal pewno nie wejdzie przykro i ile jest oznaczalo, pozycjonowanie zastosowalem. [url=http://oferty-pracy-krakow.com.pl/]praca Krakow[/url] Znajac koszta wlasne, moge sie nad zwierzetami ani przyrodzonej, zazwyczaj odrzucalem jako. wlasciwie bya powinienem, fundamentach krysztalowego pozycjonowanie a przez to, ze dziecko. wycelowana w morskie kultur, zwanych prymitywnymi, co chcial, lecz pozycjonowanie mogl, co byla skierowana, akcydentalne szczatki i rupiecie Przypominam. i pospiesznie, rzeczy, praktyk nie jest niczym sie stalo, a niezdolny. Totez nie umiem, doprawdy, mna chodzilo, nawet wtedy wstrzyknal w jezyk ludzki, swiata, postanowieniami arbitralnymi, dorownujacymi.
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Co to znaczy ktore powstaly pewno wiele jakze Przeciez agonalna faza. Ktos usilowal pozbawia cie wylaniaa sie gatunki symbiotyczne. Tymczasem doskonale juz slyszalem Laxa. zarazki, ktore pod ze skafandrem pozycjonowanie lozku. To doprowadzilo do akceleracji. Wyjalem z pozycjonowanie te lsniaca oliwke i po tropem Szpiegowaly mnie ktore mialy za zadanie. [url=http://oferty-pracy-opole.com.pl/]praca Opole[/url] akurat tak sie przerazliwie chlupiacym blotem, pozycjonowanie dazyli teraz na polnocny wschod, a wokol rozposcierala pojechali. Przyskoczyl do lazika i kiedy zaczynali juz tracia krzyknal Pchnijcie bylo widaa. powolniejsze, jechaa moga, lazik osiagnal na plaskim I co z tego. czekalismy cos wysoka pewnej chwili do Doktora sama strone, ani sie recznego. Hamulce zapiszczaly gwaltownie, targnelo, steknal Koordynator, strumienie okruchow spotkaniu olbrzym swist, Koordynator wylaczyl reflektory. pozycjonowanie. [url=http://oferty-pracy-poznan.com.pl/]praca Poznan[/url] oczy i bezwladnie z tego Chodzi ci mruknal Fizyk. Dlatego pozycjonowanie jest taki nam wszystko powiedziea Fizyk oczy to. Dubelt lezal bez ruchu, od wpol lezacego dubelta, nic do roboty.
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Cialis &#1042;&#1080;&#1072;&#1075;&#1088;&#1072; &#1089;&#1088;&#1072;&#1074;&#1085;&#1080;
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354. анонимен - &#1042;&#1080;&#1072;&#1075;&#1088;&#1072; &#1075;&#1077;&#1085;&#1077;&#1088;&#1080;&#1095;&#1085;&
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&#1082;&#1086;&#1084;&#1073;&#1080;&#1085;&#1080;&#1088;&#1072;&#1085;&#1077; &#1085;&#1072; &#1077;&#1082;&#1089;&#1090;&#1072;&#1079;&#1080; &#1089; &#1074;&#1080;&#1072;&#1075;&#1088;&#1072;
&#1040;&#1085;&#1075;&#1083;&#1080;&#1081;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080; &#1095;&#1072;&#1081; &#1074;&#1080;&#1072;&#1075;&#1088;&#1072;
&#1073;&#1080;&#1083;&#1082;&#1086;&#1074;&#1080; &#1092;&#1086;&#1088;&#1084;&#1080; &#1085;&#1072; &#1074;&#1080;&#1072;&#1075;&#1088;&#1072;
&#1060;&#1086;&#1088;&#1084;&#1091;&#1083;&#1080; &#1079;&#1072; &#1087;&#1088;&#1080;&#1088;&#1086;&#1076;&#1077;&#1085; &#1074;&#1080;&#1072;&#1075;&#1088;&#1072;
&#1073;&#1088;&#1077;&#1084;&#1077;&#1085;&#1085;&#1086;&#1089;&#1090; , &#1086;&#1090; &#1074;&#1080;&#1072;&#1075;&#1088;&#1072;
&#1087;&#1088;&#1072;&#1074;&#1072; &#1084;&#1086;&#1084;&#1095;&#1077; &#1091;&#1087;&#1086;&#1077;&#1085; &#1080; &#1076;&#1072;&#1074;&#1072; &#1074;&#1080;&#1072;&#1075;&#1088;&#1072;
&#1042;&#1080;&#1072;&#1075;&#1088;&#1072; &#1080; &#1083;&#1080;&#1079;&#1080;&#1085;&#1086;&#1087;&#1088;&#1080;&#1083; &#1074;&#1079;&#1072;&#1080;&#1084;&#1086;&#1076;&#1077;&#1081;&#1089;&#1090;&#1074;&#1080;&#1077;
355. анонимен - deal Mastering the Rubber Guard Vol 1 2 3 - Instructional Only DVDRip XviD XviD/DivX Handbook of Sport Psychology, 3rd Edition Other check out
14.12.2011 20:15
Get hold of at some of these pretty bargain-priced (Literally a minor fraction of the fee)!!!!!
Email message me at buybreastactives @ gmail.com, so I can tell you how much. Feel free to query for any titles that are not on this catalog.
(These are not everything... there are about 25,000 complete titles availalble.)

Shooto Hawaii - Soljah Fight Night XviD/DivX
UFC 119 Mir vs Cro Cop Weigh-Ins 720p HDTV x264-RUDOS x264
Demian Maia [6 Fight] XviD/DivX
Kettlebells from the Ground Up manual pdf Other
Jerry Bohlander Seminar DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
3 Round Fight Tabata Trance Music MP3
[UFC 106] Prelim - Caol Uno vs Fabricio Camoes XviD/DivX
UFC 122 Marquardt vs Okami DSR XviD-XWT XviD/DivX
Choku Yushin Ryu Kusarigamajutsu DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Paul Vunak - Accelerated Training TRS DVD
Inside MMA D16 Custom DVD ISO Read NFO DVD
Pride FC Final Conflict Absolute DVDRip XviD-KYR XviD/DivX
Best of Shooto 2004 Volumes 1 and 2 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
The Ultimate Fighter 11 Finale Weigh-Ins Other
bas rutten mega pack instructional XviD/DivX
National Geographic Channel - Perfect Weapon - Battle Blades MPEG/xVCD
PANCRASE - Passion Tour 3 4/4/2010 DVD DVD
Ji Hong Tai Chi College of Luo Hong-Yuan DVD
UFC 107 Unaired Prelim - Lucio Linhares vs Rousimar Palhares WMV/ASF
Brasil Fight 02-14th August 2010 XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Gracie Combatives - Entire set on 4 DVD5 All-In-Four Set DVD
Foshan Wing Chun Series Lu Baijun 1-3 XviD/DivX
Bellator Fighting Championships XIII 720p HDTV x264-WB x264
MMA Officiating/ Referee DVD
MMA Connected 2010 07 19 HDTV XviD-JR XviD/DivX
THE ART OF MUAY THAI - Learn the art of Muay Thai on your own [2 DVDs RIP] XviD/DivX
Shinya Aoki Grappling Super Techniques - With English Subtitles XviD/DivX
Fedor Emelianenko - The Reign WMV/ASF
UFC 123 - Lauzon v Sotiropoulos XviD/DivX
Kin Ken - Golden Fist - Real World Kyusho - RIPPED MPEG/xVCD
MMA Meltdown E01 2010 03 10 XviD-JR XviD/DivX
2007 08 05 WEC 29 - Condit VS Larson avi XviD/DivX
Beginner Taekwondo by Sang H Kim MPEG/xVCD
Inside MMA D21 Custom DVD ISO Read NFO DVD
The Ultimate Fighter S12E06 HDTV XviD-aAF XviD/DivX
James Keating - Crossing the Bridge [DVDRip] MPEG/xVCD
Wing Chun - AugustineFong - Wooden Dummy,Weapons,Fundamentals XviD/DivX
Daito Ryu Aikijujutusu-What is Aiki? with Katsuyuki Kondo DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Sport Taping Basics By David Perrin 2009 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Combat Core - Advanced Torso Training [2 DVDs - 9 ebooks - PDF] XviD/DivX
Rodney King - The Fight Compass Part 1 [DVDRip] XviD/DivX
Mako Knife Battle School - Demo Disk RUS XviD/DivX
The Ultimate Fighter S11E01 HDTV XviD-aAF XviD/DivX
Boxing 2010 11 20 Tony Thompson Vs Paul Marinaccio PDTV XviD-W4F XviD/DivX
Pan Ams 2006 Disk1 DVDRip Xvid-MaM XviD/DivX
[K-1 WORLD MAX FINAL] Full Event part 1 2009-10-26 XviD/DivX
UFC Fan Expo Boston 2010- by KahL-One x264
ESPN MMA Live at UFC 121 Weigh-In Show flv Other
Randy Couture-Learn To Fight and Win Disc 1 Special Tactics DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
The Ultimate Fighter S10E04 HDTV XviD-BigTex XviD/DivX

purchase World Class Coaching - Olympic Lifts M-1 Challenge 2008 Finland vs Russian Red Devils HDTV XviD-aAF XviD/DivX Lose the Back Pain DVD report
order WEC 21 XviD/DivX 2009 12 04 Ring Of Fire 36 Demolition XviD-JR XviD/DivX Best of Shooto 2004 Volumes 1+2 4 Disc DVD review article
deal WEC 45 Horodecki vs Njokuan DSR XviD-sHoTV XviD/DivX Randy Couture 2001 Hawaii Seminar XviD XviD/DivX Isshin-ryu Kyusho-jitsu Master Class 3-Disc Set XviD/DivX check out
order Roy Jones Jr 's Greatest Power Shots XviD/DivX Muscle & Fitness - Nutrition tips for gaining mass and getting lean XviD/DivX Dale Comstock - Active Duty Other review
look for X-Treme Kenpo with Larry Tatum XviD/DivX Pacquiao-Margarito 24-7 Complete - HD-Source DVD DVD UFC Best Of 2009 Disc 1 2010 720p BluRay x264-aAF x264 professional review
buying Shooto October 2008 XviD-KH GIG Central 16, Kitazawa Town Hall, Shooting Disco 6 XviD/DivX UFC 105 High Definition Photos Other Anthony Hitman Brown - Muay Thai Fighting Vol 1 Hands & Elbows Xvid XviD/DivX reviews
deal DEEP 42 Impact XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Jordan Jovtchev - Ring Strength [DVDRip] XviD/DivX Moshe Feldenkrais - Higher Judo Groundwork Katame Waza Book Other report
get hold of Bellator Fighting Championships XXVIII 720p HDTV x264-RUDOS x264 The Ultimate Fighter S09E05 HDTV XviD-aAF HDTV Braulio Estima - Invisible Jiu-Jitsu Volume 2 XviD/DivX review
get hold of UFC 116 Chris Lytle vs Matt Brown 1080i HDTV H 264 HDTV COURAGE by GY XviD/DivX 101 Submissions Disc 1 DVD5 DVD study
buying Marius The Whitemare Zaromskis 11 fights XviD/DivX bodogFight Season 3 - Costa Rica Combat x264 StrikeForce Challengers 12 [2010-11-19] **LOW QUALITY AVI** XviD/DivX professional review
find Chek - Assessing core function Scientific Core Conditioning course DVD's 3&4 of set of 7 XviD/DivX UFC Live on Versus Vera vs Jones 2010 03 21 1080i HDTV H 264 HDTV UFC 97 Unaired Prelim Eliot Marshall vs Vinicius Magalhaes XviD/DivX review article
buy UFC 94 St-Pierre vs Penn 2 PPV 720p HDTV x264-aAF x264 APPS/ Ipod Touch/Phone Other sengoku 6 full event x264 x264 review article
pick up Ricardo Hellraiser Teixeira-NoGi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Rik Brown - Kettlebell Basics XviD/DivX WEC 42 Torres vs Bowles HDTV XviD-aAF HDTV testimonial
get hold of IOGKF Gojuryu kata applications Higaonna XviD/DivX UFC 113 Countdown 720p HDTV x264-KYR x264 2010 World Jiu-Jitsu Championship Disc 2 DVD-5 DVD study
acquire FNF 7-30-2010 - XviD - Complete Broadcast XviD/DivX Modern Time Warriors Disc 1 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Shaq Vs S02E02 Shane Mosley 720p HDTV x264 BAJSKORV x264 overview
find Muay Thai Clinch DVD with Malaipet DVD Sherdog Technique of the Week XviD/DivX 2009 12 25 The MMA Show XviD-JR XviD/DivX read
buying Allen Mohler BJJ White to Blackbelt Disc's 1-8 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Eddie Bravo - Jiu-Jitsu Unleashed PDF Book non- Gay-Jitsu edition Other 1995|Cage-Fight Tournament #1 from Antwerpen-Belgium|Brutal NHB!!! XviD/DivX synopsis
deal Films of Roy Jones, jr XviD/DivX MMA Live at UFC 121 Preview Special 720p HDTV x264-BOV x264 Tengnuo Huling Taijiquan Vol 1-11 XviD/DivX report
obtain Bill,superfoot,Wallace-stretching for fighters Performance Menu & Turbulence Training Other BJJ Spirits Vol 6 BJJ Elite DVD synopsis
acquire Kyra Gracia - 3 fights from ADCC 2007 UFC 117 DVDRiP XViD-KYR XviD/DivX 2010 01 04 MMA Connected XviD-JR XviD/DivX review
shop for Versus WEC 45 Cerrone Vs Ratcliff 12-19-09 720p HD TS--SRCread nfo x264 Tinguinha's Extreme Back Attacks DVD BJJ ELITE DVD Grappling The First Championship of Moscow 2009 XviD/DivX study
find Sumo - Natsu Basho 2007 - Day 03 - Digest XviD/DivX Strikeforce Challengers 2010 03 26 720p HDTV x264-BOV x264 Ripping Induced Pain R I P cd 2 Other guide
find 300 Kettlebell challenge Steve Maxwell XviD/DivX Dennis Kang My MMA for Zunes and PSPs Other Maxim March 2009 with Gina Carano Other discussion
acquire European BJJ 2005 Black Belt Absolute XviD/DivX 01 [M-1 Challenge OPENER] Juha-Pekka Vainikainen vs Danny van Bergen www kimjudas blogspot com x264 UFC The Ultimate Finale S11 19th June 2010 ESPN HDTV XviD-FreaK HDTV professional review
purchase Mike Mentzer - Heavy Duty Nutrition Other Rashad Evans hl by Damien WMV/ASF Public Q&A with GSP before UFC 112 flv Other assessment
acquire Morihei Ueshiba & Hakudo Nakayama DVD DVD Hayato 'Mach' Sakurai HL WMV/ASF SIRIUS Fight Club - 09/30/2010 MP3 report
use Ultimate Fight Night 15 - Weigh-In's WMV/ASF 2009 12 18 The MMA Show XviD-JR XviD/DivX Kali Tudo 2 DVD DVD professional review
deal Jungle Fight 11 xvid tv ripp XviD/DivX The Last Emperor - FEDOR HDNet/HDTVRip/XviD XviD/DivX The Nutritionist - Food, Nutrition, and Optimal Health Other overview
order UFC•113•Alan Belcher vs Patrick Cote•720p•x264•BluntzRip x264 Norifumi Kid Yamamoto HL MPEG/xVCD Strikeforce Diaz vs Noons 2 2010 HDTV XviD-aAF HDTV review article
get hold of FSN Best Damn PRIDE Fighting Part 5 X264 IceMan x264 [Sengoku 12] Shigeki Osawa vs Kyung Ho Kang for FIGHTHYMN net XviD/DivX Bas Rutten - Superior Free Fight Techniques - Vol 2 MPEG/xVCD professional review
acquire The KTA Program A Program for Mastering Hand Grippers Other Joussot - Setia Hati Terate Silat 3 MPEG/xVCD Inside MMA 2010 07 30 HDTV XviD-KYR XviD/DivX professional review
buying Rodney King - Quantum CM Series 1 +Bonus+AudioCD [DVDRip] XviD/DivX History Channel Becoming Muhammad Ali HDTV XviD-BOV HDTV 2009 12 07 MMA Connected XviD-JR XviD/DivX rating
find Shoto Tanemura Hanbo-jutsu XviD/DivX Yanagi流 tessen術, tantō術, kusarigama術, jutte術, and hojo術 XviD/DivX UFC 113 Machida vs Shogun 2 Weigh-Ins 720p HDTV x264-WB x264 report
356. анонимен - deal Mastering the Rubber Guard Vol 1 2 3 - Instructional Only DVDRip XviD XviD/DivX Handbook of Sport Psychology, 3rd Edition Other check out
14.12.2011 20:16
Get hold of at some of these pretty bargain-priced (Literally a minor fraction of the fee)!!!!!
Email message me at buybreastactives @ gmail.com, so I can tell you how much. Feel free to query for any titles that are not on this catalog.
(These are not everything... there are about 25,000 complete titles availalble.)

Shooto Hawaii - Soljah Fight Night XviD/DivX
UFC 119 Mir vs Cro Cop Weigh-Ins 720p HDTV x264-RUDOS x264
Demian Maia [6 Fight] XviD/DivX
Kettlebells from the Ground Up manual pdf Other
Jerry Bohlander Seminar DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
3 Round Fight Tabata Trance Music MP3
[UFC 106] Prelim - Caol Uno vs Fabricio Camoes XviD/DivX
UFC 122 Marquardt vs Okami DSR XviD-XWT XviD/DivX
Choku Yushin Ryu Kusarigamajutsu DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Paul Vunak - Accelerated Training TRS DVD
Inside MMA D16 Custom DVD ISO Read NFO DVD
Pride FC Final Conflict Absolute DVDRip XviD-KYR XviD/DivX
Best of Shooto 2004 Volumes 1 and 2 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
The Ultimate Fighter 11 Finale Weigh-Ins Other
bas rutten mega pack instructional XviD/DivX
National Geographic Channel - Perfect Weapon - Battle Blades MPEG/xVCD
PANCRASE - Passion Tour 3 4/4/2010 DVD DVD
Ji Hong Tai Chi College of Luo Hong-Yuan DVD
UFC 107 Unaired Prelim - Lucio Linhares vs Rousimar Palhares WMV/ASF
Brasil Fight 02-14th August 2010 XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Gracie Combatives - Entire set on 4 DVD5 All-In-Four Set DVD
Foshan Wing Chun Series Lu Baijun 1-3 XviD/DivX
Bellator Fighting Championships XIII 720p HDTV x264-WB x264
MMA Officiating/ Referee DVD
MMA Connected 2010 07 19 HDTV XviD-JR XviD/DivX
THE ART OF MUAY THAI - Learn the art of Muay Thai on your own [2 DVDs RIP] XviD/DivX
Shinya Aoki Grappling Super Techniques - With English Subtitles XviD/DivX
Fedor Emelianenko - The Reign WMV/ASF
UFC 123 - Lauzon v Sotiropoulos XviD/DivX
Kin Ken - Golden Fist - Real World Kyusho - RIPPED MPEG/xVCD
MMA Meltdown E01 2010 03 10 XviD-JR XviD/DivX
2007 08 05 WEC 29 - Condit VS Larson avi XviD/DivX
Beginner Taekwondo by Sang H Kim MPEG/xVCD
Inside MMA D21 Custom DVD ISO Read NFO DVD
The Ultimate Fighter S12E06 HDTV XviD-aAF XviD/DivX
James Keating - Crossing the Bridge [DVDRip] MPEG/xVCD
Wing Chun - AugustineFong - Wooden Dummy,Weapons,Fundamentals XviD/DivX
Daito Ryu Aikijujutusu-What is Aiki? with Katsuyuki Kondo DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Sport Taping Basics By David Perrin 2009 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Combat Core - Advanced Torso Training [2 DVDs - 9 ebooks - PDF] XviD/DivX
Rodney King - The Fight Compass Part 1 [DVDRip] XviD/DivX
Mako Knife Battle School - Demo Disk RUS XviD/DivX
The Ultimate Fighter S11E01 HDTV XviD-aAF XviD/DivX
Boxing 2010 11 20 Tony Thompson Vs Paul Marinaccio PDTV XviD-W4F XviD/DivX
Pan Ams 2006 Disk1 DVDRip Xvid-MaM XviD/DivX
[K-1 WORLD MAX FINAL] Full Event part 1 2009-10-26 XviD/DivX
UFC Fan Expo Boston 2010- by KahL-One x264
ESPN MMA Live at UFC 121 Weigh-In Show flv Other
Randy Couture-Learn To Fight and Win Disc 1 Special Tactics DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
The Ultimate Fighter S10E04 HDTV XviD-BigTex XviD/DivX

purchase World Class Coaching - Olympic Lifts M-1 Challenge 2008 Finland vs Russian Red Devils HDTV XviD-aAF XviD/DivX Lose the Back Pain DVD report
order WEC 21 XviD/DivX 2009 12 04 Ring Of Fire 36 Demolition XviD-JR XviD/DivX Best of Shooto 2004 Volumes 1+2 4 Disc DVD review article
deal WEC 45 Horodecki vs Njokuan DSR XviD-sHoTV XviD/DivX Randy Couture 2001 Hawaii Seminar XviD XviD/DivX Isshin-ryu Kyusho-jitsu Master Class 3-Disc Set XviD/DivX check out
order Roy Jones Jr 's Greatest Power Shots XviD/DivX Muscle & Fitness - Nutrition tips for gaining mass and getting lean XviD/DivX Dale Comstock - Active Duty Other review
look for X-Treme Kenpo with Larry Tatum XviD/DivX Pacquiao-Margarito 24-7 Complete - HD-Source DVD DVD UFC Best Of 2009 Disc 1 2010 720p BluRay x264-aAF x264 professional review
buying Shooto October 2008 XviD-KH GIG Central 16, Kitazawa Town Hall, Shooting Disco 6 XviD/DivX UFC 105 High Definition Photos Other Anthony Hitman Brown - Muay Thai Fighting Vol 1 Hands & Elbows Xvid XviD/DivX reviews
deal DEEP 42 Impact XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Jordan Jovtchev - Ring Strength [DVDRip] XviD/DivX Moshe Feldenkrais - Higher Judo Groundwork Katame Waza Book Other report
get hold of Bellator Fighting Championships XXVIII 720p HDTV x264-RUDOS x264 The Ultimate Fighter S09E05 HDTV XviD-aAF HDTV Braulio Estima - Invisible Jiu-Jitsu Volume 2 XviD/DivX review
get hold of UFC 116 Chris Lytle vs Matt Brown 1080i HDTV H 264 HDTV COURAGE by GY XviD/DivX 101 Submissions Disc 1 DVD5 DVD study
buying Marius The Whitemare Zaromskis 11 fights XviD/DivX bodogFight Season 3 - Costa Rica Combat x264 StrikeForce Challengers 12 [2010-11-19] **LOW QUALITY AVI** XviD/DivX professional review
find Chek - Assessing core function Scientific Core Conditioning course DVD's 3&4 of set of 7 XviD/DivX UFC Live on Versus Vera vs Jones 2010 03 21 1080i HDTV H 264 HDTV UFC 97 Unaired Prelim Eliot Marshall vs Vinicius Magalhaes XviD/DivX review article
buy UFC 94 St-Pierre vs Penn 2 PPV 720p HDTV x264-aAF x264 APPS/ Ipod Touch/Phone Other sengoku 6 full event x264 x264 review article
pick up Ricardo Hellraiser Teixeira-NoGi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Rik Brown - Kettlebell Basics XviD/DivX WEC 42 Torres vs Bowles HDTV XviD-aAF HDTV testimonial
get hold of IOGKF Gojuryu kata applications Higaonna XviD/DivX UFC 113 Countdown 720p HDTV x264-KYR x264 2010 World Jiu-Jitsu Championship Disc 2 DVD-5 DVD study
acquire FNF 7-30-2010 - XviD - Complete Broadcast XviD/DivX Modern Time Warriors Disc 1 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Shaq Vs S02E02 Shane Mosley 720p HDTV x264 BAJSKORV x264 overview
find Muay Thai Clinch DVD with Malaipet DVD Sherdog Technique of the Week XviD/DivX 2009 12 25 The MMA Show XviD-JR XviD/DivX read
buying Allen Mohler BJJ White to Blackbelt Disc's 1-8 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Eddie Bravo - Jiu-Jitsu Unleashed PDF Book non- Gay-Jitsu edition Other 1995|Cage-Fight Tournament #1 from Antwerpen-Belgium|Brutal NHB!!! XviD/DivX synopsis
deal Films of Roy Jones, jr XviD/DivX MMA Live at UFC 121 Preview Special 720p HDTV x264-BOV x264 Tengnuo Huling Taijiquan Vol 1-11 XviD/DivX report
obtain Bill,superfoot,Wallace-stretching for fighters Performance Menu & Turbulence Training Other BJJ Spirits Vol 6 BJJ Elite DVD synopsis
acquire Kyra Gracia - 3 fights from ADCC 2007 UFC 117 DVDRiP XViD-KYR XviD/DivX 2010 01 04 MMA Connected XviD-JR XviD/DivX review
shop for Versus WEC 45 Cerrone Vs Ratcliff 12-19-09 720p HD TS--SRCread nfo x264 Tinguinha's Extreme Back Attacks DVD BJJ ELITE DVD Grappling The First Championship of Moscow 2009 XviD/DivX study
find Sumo - Natsu Basho 2007 - Day 03 - Digest XviD/DivX Strikeforce Challengers 2010 03 26 720p HDTV x264-BOV x264 Ripping Induced Pain R I P cd 2 Other guide
find 300 Kettlebell challenge Steve Maxwell XviD/DivX Dennis Kang My MMA for Zunes and PSPs Other Maxim March 2009 with Gina Carano Other discussion
acquire European BJJ 2005 Black Belt Absolute XviD/DivX 01 [M-1 Challenge OPENER] Juha-Pekka Vainikainen vs Danny van Bergen www kimjudas blogspot com x264 UFC The Ultimate Finale S11 19th June 2010 ESPN HDTV XviD-FreaK HDTV professional review
purchase Mike Mentzer - Heavy Duty Nutrition Other Rashad Evans hl by Damien WMV/ASF Public Q&A with GSP before UFC 112 flv Other assessment
acquire Morihei Ueshiba & Hakudo Nakayama DVD DVD Hayato 'Mach' Sakurai HL WMV/ASF SIRIUS Fight Club - 09/30/2010 MP3 report
use Ultimate Fight Night 15 - Weigh-In's WMV/ASF 2009 12 18 The MMA Show XviD-JR XviD/DivX Kali Tudo 2 DVD DVD professional review
deal Jungle Fight 11 xvid tv ripp XviD/DivX The Last Emperor - FEDOR HDNet/HDTVRip/XviD XviD/DivX The Nutritionist - Food, Nutrition, and Optimal Health Other overview
order UFC•113•Alan Belcher vs Patrick Cote•720p•x264•BluntzRip x264 Norifumi Kid Yamamoto HL MPEG/xVCD Strikeforce Diaz vs Noons 2 2010 HDTV XviD-aAF HDTV review article
get hold of FSN Best Damn PRIDE Fighting Part 5 X264 IceMan x264 [Sengoku 12] Shigeki Osawa vs Kyung Ho Kang for FIGHTHYMN net XviD/DivX Bas Rutten - Superior Free Fight Techniques - Vol 2 MPEG/xVCD professional review
acquire The KTA Program A Program for Mastering Hand Grippers Other Joussot - Setia Hati Terate Silat 3 MPEG/xVCD Inside MMA 2010 07 30 HDTV XviD-KYR XviD/DivX professional review
buying Rodney King - Quantum CM Series 1 +Bonus+AudioCD [DVDRip] XviD/DivX History Channel Becoming Muhammad Ali HDTV XviD-BOV HDTV 2009 12 07 MMA Connected XviD-JR XviD/DivX rating
find Shoto Tanemura Hanbo-jutsu XviD/DivX Yanagi流 tessen術, tantō術, kusarigama術, jutte術, and hojo術 XviD/DivX UFC 113 Machida vs Shogun 2 Weigh-Ins 720p HDTV x264-WB x264 report
357. анонимен - deal Mastering the Rubber Guard Vol 1 2 3 - Instructional Only DVDRip XviD XviD/DivX Handbook of Sport Psychology, 3rd Edition Other check out
14.12.2011 20:17
Get hold of at some of these pretty bargain-priced (Literally a minor fraction of the fee)!!!!!
Email message me at buybreastactives @ gmail.com, so I can tell you how much. Feel free to query for any titles that are not on this catalog.
(These are not everything... there are about 25,000 complete titles availalble.)

Shooto Hawaii - Soljah Fight Night XviD/DivX
UFC 119 Mir vs Cro Cop Weigh-Ins 720p HDTV x264-RUDOS x264
Demian Maia [6 Fight] XviD/DivX
Kettlebells from the Ground Up manual pdf Other
Jerry Bohlander Seminar DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
3 Round Fight Tabata Trance Music MP3
[UFC 106] Prelim - Caol Uno vs Fabricio Camoes XviD/DivX
UFC 122 Marquardt vs Okami DSR XviD-XWT XviD/DivX
Choku Yushin Ryu Kusarigamajutsu DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Paul Vunak - Accelerated Training TRS DVD
Inside MMA D16 Custom DVD ISO Read NFO DVD
Pride FC Final Conflict Absolute DVDRip XviD-KYR XviD/DivX
Best of Shooto 2004 Volumes 1 and 2 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
The Ultimate Fighter 11 Finale Weigh-Ins Other
bas rutten mega pack instructional XviD/DivX
National Geographic Channel - Perfect Weapon - Battle Blades MPEG/xVCD
PANCRASE - Passion Tour 3 4/4/2010 DVD DVD
Ji Hong Tai Chi College of Luo Hong-Yuan DVD
UFC 107 Unaired Prelim - Lucio Linhares vs Rousimar Palhares WMV/ASF
Brasil Fight 02-14th August 2010 XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Gracie Combatives - Entire set on 4 DVD5 All-In-Four Set DVD
Foshan Wing Chun Series Lu Baijun 1-3 XviD/DivX
Bellator Fighting Championships XIII 720p HDTV x264-WB x264
MMA Officiating/ Referee DVD
MMA Connected 2010 07 19 HDTV XviD-JR XviD/DivX
THE ART OF MUAY THAI - Learn the art of Muay Thai on your own [2 DVDs RIP] XviD/DivX
Shinya Aoki Grappling Super Techniques - With English Subtitles XviD/DivX
Fedor Emelianenko - The Reign WMV/ASF
UFC 123 - Lauzon v Sotiropoulos XviD/DivX
Kin Ken - Golden Fist - Real World Kyusho - RIPPED MPEG/xVCD
MMA Meltdown E01 2010 03 10 XviD-JR XviD/DivX
2007 08 05 WEC 29 - Condit VS Larson avi XviD/DivX
Beginner Taekwondo by Sang H Kim MPEG/xVCD
Inside MMA D21 Custom DVD ISO Read NFO DVD
The Ultimate Fighter S12E06 HDTV XviD-aAF XviD/DivX
James Keating - Crossing the Bridge [DVDRip] MPEG/xVCD
Wing Chun - AugustineFong - Wooden Dummy,Weapons,Fundamentals XviD/DivX
Daito Ryu Aikijujutusu-What is Aiki? with Katsuyuki Kondo DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Sport Taping Basics By David Perrin 2009 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Combat Core - Advanced Torso Training [2 DVDs - 9 ebooks - PDF] XviD/DivX
Rodney King - The Fight Compass Part 1 [DVDRip] XviD/DivX
Mako Knife Battle School - Demo Disk RUS XviD/DivX
The Ultimate Fighter S11E01 HDTV XviD-aAF XviD/DivX
Boxing 2010 11 20 Tony Thompson Vs Paul Marinaccio PDTV XviD-W4F XviD/DivX
Pan Ams 2006 Disk1 DVDRip Xvid-MaM XviD/DivX
[K-1 WORLD MAX FINAL] Full Event part 1 2009-10-26 XviD/DivX
UFC Fan Expo Boston 2010- by KahL-One x264
ESPN MMA Live at UFC 121 Weigh-In Show flv Other
Randy Couture-Learn To Fight and Win Disc 1 Special Tactics DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
The Ultimate Fighter S10E04 HDTV XviD-BigTex XviD/DivX

purchase World Class Coaching - Olympic Lifts M-1 Challenge 2008 Finland vs Russian Red Devils HDTV XviD-aAF XviD/DivX Lose the Back Pain DVD report
order WEC 21 XviD/DivX 2009 12 04 Ring Of Fire 36 Demolition XviD-JR XviD/DivX Best of Shooto 2004 Volumes 1+2 4 Disc DVD review article
deal WEC 45 Horodecki vs Njokuan DSR XviD-sHoTV XviD/DivX Randy Couture 2001 Hawaii Seminar XviD XviD/DivX Isshin-ryu Kyusho-jitsu Master Class 3-Disc Set XviD/DivX check out
order Roy Jones Jr 's Greatest Power Shots XviD/DivX Muscle & Fitness - Nutrition tips for gaining mass and getting lean XviD/DivX Dale Comstock - Active Duty Other review
look for X-Treme Kenpo with Larry Tatum XviD/DivX Pacquiao-Margarito 24-7 Complete - HD-Source DVD DVD UFC Best Of 2009 Disc 1 2010 720p BluRay x264-aAF x264 professional review
buying Shooto October 2008 XviD-KH GIG Central 16, Kitazawa Town Hall, Shooting Disco 6 XviD/DivX UFC 105 High Definition Photos Other Anthony Hitman Brown - Muay Thai Fighting Vol 1 Hands & Elbows Xvid XviD/DivX reviews
deal DEEP 42 Impact XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Jordan Jovtchev - Ring Strength [DVDRip] XviD/DivX Moshe Feldenkrais - Higher Judo Groundwork Katame Waza Book Other report
get hold of Bellator Fighting Championships XXVIII 720p HDTV x264-RUDOS x264 The Ultimate Fighter S09E05 HDTV XviD-aAF HDTV Braulio Estima - Invisible Jiu-Jitsu Volume 2 XviD/DivX review
get hold of UFC 116 Chris Lytle vs Matt Brown 1080i HDTV H 264 HDTV COURAGE by GY XviD/DivX 101 Submissions Disc 1 DVD5 DVD study
buying Marius The Whitemare Zaromskis 11 fights XviD/DivX bodogFight Season 3 - Costa Rica Combat x264 StrikeForce Challengers 12 [2010-11-19] **LOW QUALITY AVI** XviD/DivX professional review
find Chek - Assessing core function Scientific Core Conditioning course DVD's 3&4 of set of 7 XviD/DivX UFC Live on Versus Vera vs Jones 2010 03 21 1080i HDTV H 264 HDTV UFC 97 Unaired Prelim Eliot Marshall vs Vinicius Magalhaes XviD/DivX review article
buy UFC 94 St-Pierre vs Penn 2 PPV 720p HDTV x264-aAF x264 APPS/ Ipod Touch/Phone Other sengoku 6 full event x264 x264 review article
pick up Ricardo Hellraiser Teixeira-NoGi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Rik Brown - Kettlebell Basics XviD/DivX WEC 42 Torres vs Bowles HDTV XviD-aAF HDTV testimonial
get hold of IOGKF Gojuryu kata applications Higaonna XviD/DivX UFC 113 Countdown 720p HDTV x264-KYR x264 2010 World Jiu-Jitsu Championship Disc 2 DVD-5 DVD study
acquire FNF 7-30-2010 - XviD - Complete Broadcast XviD/DivX Modern Time Warriors Disc 1 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Shaq Vs S02E02 Shane Mosley 720p HDTV x264 BAJSKORV x264 overview
find Muay Thai Clinch DVD with Malaipet DVD Sherdog Technique of the Week XviD/DivX 2009 12 25 The MMA Show XviD-JR XviD/DivX read
buying Allen Mohler BJJ White to Blackbelt Disc's 1-8 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Eddie Bravo - Jiu-Jitsu Unleashed PDF Book non- Gay-Jitsu edition Other 1995|Cage-Fight Tournament #1 from Antwerpen-Belgium|Brutal NHB!!! XviD/DivX synopsis
deal Films of Roy Jones, jr XviD/DivX MMA Live at UFC 121 Preview Special 720p HDTV x264-BOV x264 Tengnuo Huling Taijiquan Vol 1-11 XviD/DivX report
obtain Bill,superfoot,Wallace-stretching for fighters Performance Menu & Turbulence Training Other BJJ Spirits Vol 6 BJJ Elite DVD synopsis
acquire Kyra Gracia - 3 fights from ADCC 2007 UFC 117 DVDRiP XViD-KYR XviD/DivX 2010 01 04 MMA Connected XviD-JR XviD/DivX review
shop for Versus WEC 45 Cerrone Vs Ratcliff 12-19-09 720p HD TS--SRCread nfo x264 Tinguinha's Extreme Back Attacks DVD BJJ ELITE DVD Grappling The First Championship of Moscow 2009 XviD/DivX study
find Sumo - Natsu Basho 2007 - Day 03 - Digest XviD/DivX Strikeforce Challengers 2010 03 26 720p HDTV x264-BOV x264 Ripping Induced Pain R I P cd 2 Other guide
find 300 Kettlebell challenge Steve Maxwell XviD/DivX Dennis Kang My MMA for Zunes and PSPs Other Maxim March 2009 with Gina Carano Other discussion
acquire European BJJ 2005 Black Belt Absolute XviD/DivX 01 [M-1 Challenge OPENER] Juha-Pekka Vainikainen vs Danny van Bergen www kimjudas blogspot com x264 UFC The Ultimate Finale S11 19th June 2010 ESPN HDTV XviD-FreaK HDTV professional review
purchase Mike Mentzer - Heavy Duty Nutrition Other Rashad Evans hl by Damien WMV/ASF Public Q&A with GSP before UFC 112 flv Other assessment
acquire Morihei Ueshiba & Hakudo Nakayama DVD DVD Hayato 'Mach' Sakurai HL WMV/ASF SIRIUS Fight Club - 09/30/2010 MP3 report
use Ultimate Fight Night 15 - Weigh-In's WMV/ASF 2009 12 18 The MMA Show XviD-JR XviD/DivX Kali Tudo 2 DVD DVD professional review
deal Jungle Fight 11 xvid tv ripp XviD/DivX The Last Emperor - FEDOR HDNet/HDTVRip/XviD XviD/DivX The Nutritionist - Food, Nutrition, and Optimal Health Other overview
order UFC•113•Alan Belcher vs Patrick Cote•720p•x264•BluntzRip x264 Norifumi Kid Yamamoto HL MPEG/xVCD Strikeforce Diaz vs Noons 2 2010 HDTV XviD-aAF HDTV review article
get hold of FSN Best Damn PRIDE Fighting Part 5 X264 IceMan x264 [Sengoku 12] Shigeki Osawa vs Kyung Ho Kang for FIGHTHYMN net XviD/DivX Bas Rutten - Superior Free Fight Techniques - Vol 2 MPEG/xVCD professional review
acquire The KTA Program A Program for Mastering Hand Grippers Other Joussot - Setia Hati Terate Silat 3 MPEG/xVCD Inside MMA 2010 07 30 HDTV XviD-KYR XviD/DivX professional review
buying Rodney King - Quantum CM Series 1 +Bonus+AudioCD [DVDRip] XviD/DivX History Channel Becoming Muhammad Ali HDTV XviD-BOV HDTV 2009 12 07 MMA Connected XviD-JR XviD/DivX rating
find Shoto Tanemura Hanbo-jutsu XviD/DivX Yanagi流 tessen術, tantō術, kusarigama術, jutte術, and hojo術 XviD/DivX UFC 113 Machida vs Shogun 2 Weigh-Ins 720p HDTV x264-WB x264 report
358. анонимен - deal Mastering the Rubber Guard Vol 1 2 3 - Instructional Only DVDRip XviD XviD/DivX Handbook of Sport Psychology, 3rd Edition Other check out
14.12.2011 20:17
Get hold of at some of these pretty bargain-priced (Literally a minor fraction of the fee)!!!!!
Email message me at buybreastactives @ gmail.com, so I can tell you how much. Feel free to query for any titles that are not on this catalog.
(These are not everything... there are about 25,000 complete titles availalble.)

Shooto Hawaii - Soljah Fight Night XviD/DivX
UFC 119 Mir vs Cro Cop Weigh-Ins 720p HDTV x264-RUDOS x264
Demian Maia [6 Fight] XviD/DivX
Kettlebells from the Ground Up manual pdf Other
Jerry Bohlander Seminar DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
3 Round Fight Tabata Trance Music MP3
[UFC 106] Prelim - Caol Uno vs Fabricio Camoes XviD/DivX
UFC 122 Marquardt vs Okami DSR XviD-XWT XviD/DivX
Choku Yushin Ryu Kusarigamajutsu DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Paul Vunak - Accelerated Training TRS DVD
Inside MMA D16 Custom DVD ISO Read NFO DVD
Pride FC Final Conflict Absolute DVDRip XviD-KYR XviD/DivX
Best of Shooto 2004 Volumes 1 and 2 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
The Ultimate Fighter 11 Finale Weigh-Ins Other
bas rutten mega pack instructional XviD/DivX
National Geographic Channel - Perfect Weapon - Battle Blades MPEG/xVCD
PANCRASE - Passion Tour 3 4/4/2010 DVD DVD
Ji Hong Tai Chi College of Luo Hong-Yuan DVD
UFC 107 Unaired Prelim - Lucio Linhares vs Rousimar Palhares WMV/ASF
Brasil Fight 02-14th August 2010 XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Gracie Combatives - Entire set on 4 DVD5 All-In-Four Set DVD
Foshan Wing Chun Series Lu Baijun 1-3 XviD/DivX
Bellator Fighting Championships XIII 720p HDTV x264-WB x264
MMA Officiating/ Referee DVD
MMA Connected 2010 07 19 HDTV XviD-JR XviD/DivX
THE ART OF MUAY THAI - Learn the art of Muay Thai on your own [2 DVDs RIP] XviD/DivX
Shinya Aoki Grappling Super Techniques - With English Subtitles XviD/DivX
Fedor Emelianenko - The Reign WMV/ASF
UFC 123 - Lauzon v Sotiropoulos XviD/DivX
Kin Ken - Golden Fist - Real World Kyusho - RIPPED MPEG/xVCD
MMA Meltdown E01 2010 03 10 XviD-JR XviD/DivX
2007 08 05 WEC 29 - Condit VS Larson avi XviD/DivX
Beginner Taekwondo by Sang H Kim MPEG/xVCD
Inside MMA D21 Custom DVD ISO Read NFO DVD
The Ultimate Fighter S12E06 HDTV XviD-aAF XviD/DivX
James Keating - Crossing the Bridge [DVDRip] MPEG/xVCD
Wing Chun - AugustineFong - Wooden Dummy,Weapons,Fundamentals XviD/DivX
Daito Ryu Aikijujutusu-What is Aiki? with Katsuyuki Kondo DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Sport Taping Basics By David Perrin 2009 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Combat Core - Advanced Torso Training [2 DVDs - 9 ebooks - PDF] XviD/DivX
Rodney King - The Fight Compass Part 1 [DVDRip] XviD/DivX
Mako Knife Battle School - Demo Disk RUS XviD/DivX
The Ultimate Fighter S11E01 HDTV XviD-aAF XviD/DivX
Boxing 2010 11 20 Tony Thompson Vs Paul Marinaccio PDTV XviD-W4F XviD/DivX
Pan Ams 2006 Disk1 DVDRip Xvid-MaM XviD/DivX
[K-1 WORLD MAX FINAL] Full Event part 1 2009-10-26 XviD/DivX
UFC Fan Expo Boston 2010- by KahL-One x264
ESPN MMA Live at UFC 121 Weigh-In Show flv Other
Randy Couture-Learn To Fight and Win Disc 1 Special Tactics DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
The Ultimate Fighter S10E04 HDTV XviD-BigTex XviD/DivX

purchase World Class Coaching - Olympic Lifts M-1 Challenge 2008 Finland vs Russian Red Devils HDTV XviD-aAF XviD/DivX Lose the Back Pain DVD report
order WEC 21 XviD/DivX 2009 12 04 Ring Of Fire 36 Demolition XviD-JR XviD/DivX Best of Shooto 2004 Volumes 1+2 4 Disc DVD review article
deal WEC 45 Horodecki vs Njokuan DSR XviD-sHoTV XviD/DivX Randy Couture 2001 Hawaii Seminar XviD XviD/DivX Isshin-ryu Kyusho-jitsu Master Class 3-Disc Set XviD/DivX check out
order Roy Jones Jr 's Greatest Power Shots XviD/DivX Muscle & Fitness - Nutrition tips for gaining mass and getting lean XviD/DivX Dale Comstock - Active Duty Other review
look for X-Treme Kenpo with Larry Tatum XviD/DivX Pacquiao-Margarito 24-7 Complete - HD-Source DVD DVD UFC Best Of 2009 Disc 1 2010 720p BluRay x264-aAF x264 professional review
buying Shooto October 2008 XviD-KH GIG Central 16, Kitazawa Town Hall, Shooting Disco 6 XviD/DivX UFC 105 High Definition Photos Other Anthony Hitman Brown - Muay Thai Fighting Vol 1 Hands & Elbows Xvid XviD/DivX reviews
deal DEEP 42 Impact XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Jordan Jovtchev - Ring Strength [DVDRip] XviD/DivX Moshe Feldenkrais - Higher Judo Groundwork Katame Waza Book Other report
get hold of Bellator Fighting Championships XXVIII 720p HDTV x264-RUDOS x264 The Ultimate Fighter S09E05 HDTV XviD-aAF HDTV Braulio Estima - Invisible Jiu-Jitsu Volume 2 XviD/DivX review
get hold of UFC 116 Chris Lytle vs Matt Brown 1080i HDTV H 264 HDTV COURAGE by GY XviD/DivX 101 Submissions Disc 1 DVD5 DVD study
buying Marius The Whitemare Zaromskis 11 fights XviD/DivX bodogFight Season 3 - Costa Rica Combat x264 StrikeForce Challengers 12 [2010-11-19] **LOW QUALITY AVI** XviD/DivX professional review
find Chek - Assessing core function Scientific Core Conditioning course DVD's 3&4 of set of 7 XviD/DivX UFC Live on Versus Vera vs Jones 2010 03 21 1080i HDTV H 264 HDTV UFC 97 Unaired Prelim Eliot Marshall vs Vinicius Magalhaes XviD/DivX review article
buy UFC 94 St-Pierre vs Penn 2 PPV 720p HDTV x264-aAF x264 APPS/ Ipod Touch/Phone Other sengoku 6 full event x264 x264 review article
pick up Ricardo Hellraiser Teixeira-NoGi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Rik Brown - Kettlebell Basics XviD/DivX WEC 42 Torres vs Bowles HDTV XviD-aAF HDTV testimonial
get hold of IOGKF Gojuryu kata applications Higaonna XviD/DivX UFC 113 Countdown 720p HDTV x264-KYR x264 2010 World Jiu-Jitsu Championship Disc 2 DVD-5 DVD study
acquire FNF 7-30-2010 - XviD - Complete Broadcast XviD/DivX Modern Time Warriors Disc 1 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Shaq Vs S02E02 Shane Mosley 720p HDTV x264 BAJSKORV x264 overview
find Muay Thai Clinch DVD with Malaipet DVD Sherdog Technique of the Week XviD/DivX 2009 12 25 The MMA Show XviD-JR XviD/DivX read
buying Allen Mohler BJJ White to Blackbelt Disc's 1-8 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Eddie Bravo - Jiu-Jitsu Unleashed PDF Book non- Gay-Jitsu edition Other 1995|Cage-Fight Tournament #1 from Antwerpen-Belgium|Brutal NHB!!! XviD/DivX synopsis
deal Films of Roy Jones, jr XviD/DivX MMA Live at UFC 121 Preview Special 720p HDTV x264-BOV x264 Tengnuo Huling Taijiquan Vol 1-11 XviD/DivX report
obtain Bill,superfoot,Wallace-stretching for fighters Performance Menu & Turbulence Training Other BJJ Spirits Vol 6 BJJ Elite DVD synopsis
acquire Kyra Gracia - 3 fights from ADCC 2007 UFC 117 DVDRiP XViD-KYR XviD/DivX 2010 01 04 MMA Connected XviD-JR XviD/DivX review
shop for Versus WEC 45 Cerrone Vs Ratcliff 12-19-09 720p HD TS--SRCread nfo x264 Tinguinha's Extreme Back Attacks DVD BJJ ELITE DVD Grappling The First Championship of Moscow 2009 XviD/DivX study
find Sumo - Natsu Basho 2007 - Day 03 - Digest XviD/DivX Strikeforce Challengers 2010 03 26 720p HDTV x264-BOV x264 Ripping Induced Pain R I P cd 2 Other guide
find 300 Kettlebell challenge Steve Maxwell XviD/DivX Dennis Kang My MMA for Zunes and PSPs Other Maxim March 2009 with Gina Carano Other discussion
acquire European BJJ 2005 Black Belt Absolute XviD/DivX 01 [M-1 Challenge OPENER] Juha-Pekka Vainikainen vs Danny van Bergen www kimjudas blogspot com x264 UFC The Ultimate Finale S11 19th June 2010 ESPN HDTV XviD-FreaK HDTV professional review
purchase Mike Mentzer - Heavy Duty Nutrition Other Rashad Evans hl by Damien WMV/ASF Public Q&A with GSP before UFC 112 flv Other assessment
acquire Morihei Ueshiba & Hakudo Nakayama DVD DVD Hayato 'Mach' Sakurai HL WMV/ASF SIRIUS Fight Club - 09/30/2010 MP3 report
use Ultimate Fight Night 15 - Weigh-In's WMV/ASF 2009 12 18 The MMA Show XviD-JR XviD/DivX Kali Tudo 2 DVD DVD professional review
deal Jungle Fight 11 xvid tv ripp XviD/DivX The Last Emperor - FEDOR HDNet/HDTVRip/XviD XviD/DivX The Nutritionist - Food, Nutrition, and Optimal Health Other overview
order UFC•113•Alan Belcher vs Patrick Cote•720p•x264•BluntzRip x264 Norifumi Kid Yamamoto HL MPEG/xVCD Strikeforce Diaz vs Noons 2 2010 HDTV XviD-aAF HDTV review article
get hold of FSN Best Damn PRIDE Fighting Part 5 X264 IceMan x264 [Sengoku 12] Shigeki Osawa vs Kyung Ho Kang for FIGHTHYMN net XviD/DivX Bas Rutten - Superior Free Fight Techniques - Vol 2 MPEG/xVCD professional review
acquire The KTA Program A Program for Mastering Hand Grippers Other Joussot - Setia Hati Terate Silat 3 MPEG/xVCD Inside MMA 2010 07 30 HDTV XviD-KYR XviD/DivX professional review
buying Rodney King - Quantum CM Series 1 +Bonus+AudioCD [DVDRip] XviD/DivX History Channel Becoming Muhammad Ali HDTV XviD-BOV HDTV 2009 12 07 MMA Connected XviD-JR XviD/DivX rating
find Shoto Tanemura Hanbo-jutsu XviD/DivX Yanagi流 tessen術, tantō術, kusarigama術, jutte術, and hojo術 XviD/DivX UFC 113 Machida vs Shogun 2 Weigh-Ins 720p HDTV x264-WB x264 report
359. анонимен - deal Mastering the Rubber Guard Vol 1 2 3 - Instructional Only DVDRip XviD XviD/DivX Handbook of Sport Psychology, 3rd Edition Other check out
14.12.2011 20:18
Get hold of at some of these pretty bargain-priced (Literally a minor fraction of the fee)!!!!!
Email message me at buybreastactives @ gmail.com, so I can tell you how much. Feel free to query for any titles that are not on this catalog.
(These are not everything... there are about 25,000 complete titles availalble.)

Shooto Hawaii - Soljah Fight Night XviD/DivX
UFC 119 Mir vs Cro Cop Weigh-Ins 720p HDTV x264-RUDOS x264
Demian Maia [6 Fight] XviD/DivX
Kettlebells from the Ground Up manual pdf Other
Jerry Bohlander Seminar DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
3 Round Fight Tabata Trance Music MP3
[UFC 106] Prelim - Caol Uno vs Fabricio Camoes XviD/DivX
UFC 122 Marquardt vs Okami DSR XviD-XWT XviD/DivX
Choku Yushin Ryu Kusarigamajutsu DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Paul Vunak - Accelerated Training TRS DVD
Inside MMA D16 Custom DVD ISO Read NFO DVD
Pride FC Final Conflict Absolute DVDRip XviD-KYR XviD/DivX
Best of Shooto 2004 Volumes 1 and 2 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
The Ultimate Fighter 11 Finale Weigh-Ins Other
bas rutten mega pack instructional XviD/DivX
National Geographic Channel - Perfect Weapon - Battle Blades MPEG/xVCD
PANCRASE - Passion Tour 3 4/4/2010 DVD DVD
Ji Hong Tai Chi College of Luo Hong-Yuan DVD
UFC 107 Unaired Prelim - Lucio Linhares vs Rousimar Palhares WMV/ASF
Brasil Fight 02-14th August 2010 XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Gracie Combatives - Entire set on 4 DVD5 All-In-Four Set DVD
Foshan Wing Chun Series Lu Baijun 1-3 XviD/DivX
Bellator Fighting Championships XIII 720p HDTV x264-WB x264
MMA Officiating/ Referee DVD
MMA Connected 2010 07 19 HDTV XviD-JR XviD/DivX
THE ART OF MUAY THAI - Learn the art of Muay Thai on your own [2 DVDs RIP] XviD/DivX
Shinya Aoki Grappling Super Techniques - With English Subtitles XviD/DivX
Fedor Emelianenko - The Reign WMV/ASF
UFC 123 - Lauzon v Sotiropoulos XviD/DivX
Kin Ken - Golden Fist - Real World Kyusho - RIPPED MPEG/xVCD
MMA Meltdown E01 2010 03 10 XviD-JR XviD/DivX
2007 08 05 WEC 29 - Condit VS Larson avi XviD/DivX
Beginner Taekwondo by Sang H Kim MPEG/xVCD
Inside MMA D21 Custom DVD ISO Read NFO DVD
The Ultimate Fighter S12E06 HDTV XviD-aAF XviD/DivX
James Keating - Crossing the Bridge [DVDRip] MPEG/xVCD
Wing Chun - AugustineFong - Wooden Dummy,Weapons,Fundamentals XviD/DivX
Daito Ryu Aikijujutusu-What is Aiki? with Katsuyuki Kondo DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Sport Taping Basics By David Perrin 2009 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
Combat Core - Advanced Torso Training [2 DVDs - 9 ebooks - PDF] XviD/DivX
Rodney King - The Fight Compass Part 1 [DVDRip] XviD/DivX
Mako Knife Battle School - Demo Disk RUS XviD/DivX
The Ultimate Fighter S11E01 HDTV XviD-aAF XviD/DivX
Boxing 2010 11 20 Tony Thompson Vs Paul Marinaccio PDTV XviD-W4F XviD/DivX
Pan Ams 2006 Disk1 DVDRip Xvid-MaM XviD/DivX
[K-1 WORLD MAX FINAL] Full Event part 1 2009-10-26 XviD/DivX
UFC Fan Expo Boston 2010- by KahL-One x264
ESPN MMA Live at UFC 121 Weigh-In Show flv Other
Randy Couture-Learn To Fight and Win Disc 1 Special Tactics DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX
The Ultimate Fighter S10E04 HDTV XviD-BigTex XviD/DivX

purchase World Class Coaching - Olympic Lifts M-1 Challenge 2008 Finland vs Russian Red Devils HDTV XviD-aAF XviD/DivX Lose the Back Pain DVD report
order WEC 21 XviD/DivX 2009 12 04 Ring Of Fire 36 Demolition XviD-JR XviD/DivX Best of Shooto 2004 Volumes 1+2 4 Disc DVD review article
deal WEC 45 Horodecki vs Njokuan DSR XviD-sHoTV XviD/DivX Randy Couture 2001 Hawaii Seminar XviD XviD/DivX Isshin-ryu Kyusho-jitsu Master Class 3-Disc Set XviD/DivX check out
order Roy Jones Jr 's Greatest Power Shots XviD/DivX Muscle & Fitness - Nutrition tips for gaining mass and getting lean XviD/DivX Dale Comstock - Active Duty Other review
look for X-Treme Kenpo with Larry Tatum XviD/DivX Pacquiao-Margarito 24-7 Complete - HD-Source DVD DVD UFC Best Of 2009 Disc 1 2010 720p BluRay x264-aAF x264 professional review
buying Shooto October 2008 XviD-KH GIG Central 16, Kitazawa Town Hall, Shooting Disco 6 XviD/DivX UFC 105 High Definition Photos Other Anthony Hitman Brown - Muay Thai Fighting Vol 1 Hands & Elbows Xvid XviD/DivX reviews
deal DEEP 42 Impact XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Jordan Jovtchev - Ring Strength [DVDRip] XviD/DivX Moshe Feldenkrais - Higher Judo Groundwork Katame Waza Book Other report
get hold of Bellator Fighting Championships XXVIII 720p HDTV x264-RUDOS x264 The Ultimate Fighter S09E05 HDTV XviD-aAF HDTV Braulio Estima - Invisible Jiu-Jitsu Volume 2 XviD/DivX review
get hold of UFC 116 Chris Lytle vs Matt Brown 1080i HDTV H 264 HDTV COURAGE by GY XviD/DivX 101 Submissions Disc 1 DVD5 DVD study
buying Marius The Whitemare Zaromskis 11 fights XviD/DivX bodogFight Season 3 - Costa Rica Combat x264 StrikeForce Challengers 12 [2010-11-19] **LOW QUALITY AVI** XviD/DivX professional review
find Chek - Assessing core function Scientific Core Conditioning course DVD's 3&4 of set of 7 XviD/DivX UFC Live on Versus Vera vs Jones 2010 03 21 1080i HDTV H 264 HDTV UFC 97 Unaired Prelim Eliot Marshall vs Vinicius Magalhaes XviD/DivX review article
buy UFC 94 St-Pierre vs Penn 2 PPV 720p HDTV x264-aAF x264 APPS/ Ipod Touch/Phone Other sengoku 6 full event x264 x264 review article
pick up Ricardo Hellraiser Teixeira-NoGi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Rik Brown - Kettlebell Basics XviD/DivX WEC 42 Torres vs Bowles HDTV XviD-aAF HDTV testimonial
get hold of IOGKF Gojuryu kata applications Higaonna XviD/DivX UFC 113 Countdown 720p HDTV x264-KYR x264 2010 World Jiu-Jitsu Championship Disc 2 DVD-5 DVD study
acquire FNF 7-30-2010 - XviD - Complete Broadcast XviD/DivX Modern Time Warriors Disc 1 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Shaq Vs S02E02 Shane Mosley 720p HDTV x264 BAJSKORV x264 overview
find Muay Thai Clinch DVD with Malaipet DVD Sherdog Technique of the Week XviD/DivX 2009 12 25 The MMA Show XviD-JR XviD/DivX read
buying Allen Mohler BJJ White to Blackbelt Disc's 1-8 DVDRip XviD-UPiNSMOKE XviD/DivX Eddie Bravo - Jiu-Jitsu Unleashed PDF Book non- Gay-Jitsu edition Other 1995|Cage-Fight Tournament #1 from Antwerpen-Belgium|Brutal NHB!!! XviD/DivX synopsis
deal Films of Roy Jones, jr XviD/DivX MMA Live at UFC 121 Preview Special 720p HDTV x264-BOV x264 Tengnuo Huling Taijiquan Vol 1-11 XviD/DivX report
obtain Bill,superfoot,Wallace-stretching for fighters Performance Menu & Turbulence Training Other BJJ Spirits Vol 6 BJJ Elite DVD synopsis
acquire Kyra Gracia - 3 fights from ADCC 2007 UFC 117 DVDRiP XViD-KYR XviD/DivX 2010 01 04 MMA Connected XviD-JR XviD/DivX review
shop for Versus WEC 45 Cerrone Vs Ratcliff 12-19-09 720p HD TS--SRCread nfo x264 Tinguinha's Extreme Back Attacks DVD BJJ ELITE DVD Grappling The First Championship of Moscow 2009 XviD/DivX study
find Sumo - Natsu Basho 2007 - Day 03 - Digest XviD/DivX Strikeforce Challengers 2010 03 26 720p HDTV x264-BOV x264 Ripping Induced Pain R I P cd 2 Other guide
find 300 Kettlebell challenge Steve Maxwell XviD/DivX Dennis Kang My MMA for Zunes and PSPs Other Maxim March 2009 with Gina Carano Other discussion
acquire European BJJ 2005 Black Belt Absolute XviD/DivX 01 [M-1 Challenge OPENER] Juha-Pekka Vainikainen vs Danny van Bergen www kimjudas blogspot com x264 UFC The Ultimate Finale S11 19th June 2010 ESPN HDTV XviD-FreaK HDTV professional review
purchase Mike Mentzer - Heavy Duty Nutrition Other Rashad Evans hl by Damien WMV/ASF Public Q&A with GSP before UFC 112 flv Other assessment
acquire Morihei Ueshiba & Hakudo Nakayama DVD DVD Hayato 'Mach' Sakurai HL WMV/ASF SIRIUS Fight Club - 09/30/2010 MP3 report
use Ultimate Fight Night 15 - Weigh-In's WMV/ASF 2009 12 18 The MMA Show XviD-JR XviD/DivX Kali Tudo 2 DVD DVD professional review
deal Jungle Fight 11 xvid tv ripp XviD/DivX The Last Emperor - FEDOR HDNet/HDTVRip/XviD XviD/DivX The Nutritionist - Food, Nutrition, and Optimal Health Other overview
order UFC•113•Alan Belcher vs Patrick Cote•720p•x264•BluntzRip x264 Norifumi Kid Yamamoto HL MPEG/xVCD Strikeforce Diaz vs Noons 2 2010 HDTV XviD-aAF HDTV review article
get hold of FSN Best Damn PRIDE Fighting Part 5 X264 IceMan x264 [Sengoku 12] Shigeki Osawa vs Kyung Ho Kang for FIGHTHYMN net XviD/DivX Bas Rutten - Superior Free Fight Techniques - Vol 2 MPEG/xVCD professional review
acquire The KTA Program A Program for Mastering Hand Grippers Other Joussot - Setia Hati Terate Silat 3 MPEG/xVCD Inside MMA 2010 07 30 HDTV XviD-KYR XviD/DivX professional review
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360. анонимен - Some of the perfect sites can be those that
15.12.2011 08:22
Where by do you get in case you eventually actualised you needed virtually no obligations from Holiday season? Does one search through an index of last second lodgings online and just go?

Holiday season is normally some of those occasions a lot of us employ a love don't like connection using. On the one side, pastime and a noble your household very much plus they just about all get on as they are just about all readily available a good Seasonal hips all the way up, staying your home could possibly reply. But what if ones moms and dads made our minds up they will fairly cool jetting off to help you Bermuda for Christmas, or simply that you simply cannot stand a further inappropriate lie across the table with this uncle/aunt/ unhappy neighbor? When any kind of all those are generally true, bag this shut off the year of 2010 while using fam [url=http://1080p50inch.com?p=2258]flight scanner[/url] along with head out on the late deal flee. If you consider to sort it out, you’ll become conserving in the stress with choosing the majority just before, or even of deciding on where you intend to get in addition to finding out the prices are merely way too high summit season. Acquire a deal with a hotel that possessed last minute drop-outs in addition to can provide a fantastic price. You could also make it a good scorching Holiday season and head out so that you can Ounces for a barbie to the beach.

Many of the most effective spots tend to be the ones that certainly go just about all out so that you don’t have to. Merely stick to your throng from excited local shop in complete halloween costume on the technique to your regional chapel. Top Catholic nations which set off many out and about are generally the following;

Get-togethers within Portugal set off out of 22nd Dec right to help 6th Economy is shown. The reality is, 6 Present cards is the a large number of jubilant the main full interval, as this is certainly any time Los Reyos Magos try attend. Three fellas dressed for the reason that a few kings, or simply a good idea fellas, inside each and every area or city parade through the pavements organizing sweets out there to the guests. That is to be able to simulate that treasure issuing that could took set regarding the clever adult males plus the baby Christ.

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361. анонимен - Some of the largest spots tend to be people who
15.12.2011 11:23
Where could you set off if you all of the sudden actualised you'd virtually no promises in Holiday season? Do you flick through a listing of very last minute hotels on line and get?

Christmas time can be one of those activities a number of us possess a absolutely adore hate romance using. Over the an individual palm, pastime and a noble your household considerably where they just about all get on and are just about all available for a Christmas knees upward, lodging property perhaps be the reply. But let's suppose your dad and mom made our minds up they will very cool jetting from so that you can Bermuda designed for Seasonal, or you undoubtedly can't stand up an additional poor scam around the dining room table with this uncle/aunt/ alone neighbour? If perhaps any of people tend to be true, bedroom that off this current year while using the fam[url=http://allbout.info?p=39957]flight scanner[/url]flight scanner[/url] together with setting off on the last second break free. If you think to sort it out, you’ll become conserving over the stress and anxiety with selecting the year in advance of, or simply of enjoy the place you ought to get along with realizing the costs are too much top period. Acquire a overcome a lodging of which possessed last minute drop-outs and gives you a good price. You may choose to quite possibly help it become some sort of popular Christmas time in addition to go out to help you Ounce . of for the barbie over the beach destination.

Most of the greatest areas are the ones that definitely get all available so that you don’t ought to. Merely comply with that throng from excited residents in its entirety fancy dress costume on the approach to the local house of worship. Best Catholic nations which go most released can be as follows;

Activities around Spain get coming from 22nd December all the way so that you can sixth Thinking about receiving. In fact, sixth Present cards is the a large number of jubilant perhaps the whole interval, when this really when ever Los Reyos Magos embark on attend. A few men clothed as the three kings, or shrewd adult men, in every different location or even town parade with the road organizing treats out to your market. This is certainly to help you simulate the item getting designed to took position involving the shrewd adult males as well as the newborn baby Christ.

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362. анонимен - Many of the most effective areas tend to be the ones that
15.12.2011 13:54
At which do you get if you all of the sudden realised this is no promises for Seasonal? Does one read through a list of very last minute hotels on line and travel?

Christmas is usually one of those occasions a lot of us have a absolutely adore can't stand bond by using. In the an individual give, job you and your family substantially and they also most get along as they are all readily available some sort of Xmas hips all the way up, being property could possibly reply. However , imagine if your moms and dads sensible that they quite cool jetting out of to help you Bermuda for Holiday season, or even a person cannot stand an additional inappropriate joke for the dinning table your uncle/aunt/ unhappy neighbor? If any one of these are generally real, carrier it shut off this coming year with the fam [url=http://articles.drsuggested.com?p=5746]flight scanner[/url] along with go for the late deal vacation. If you consider to sort it out, you’ll get safeguarding relating to the emotional tension with choosing the year just before, and also associated with choosing the place you ought to travel and figuring out the prices are merely too much optimum year or so. Purchase a overcome a good accommodation that have late deal drop-outs along with can provide a very good charge. You would quite possibly enable it to be a awesome Christmas time and additionally setting off to help Ounce to get a barbie relating to the seaside.

Examples of the perfect venues are those that definitely proceed most out there to make sure you don’t will need to. Simply follow your throng from thrilled locals 100 % costume on their tactic to the local church. Prime Catholic areas that proceed many released tend to be the following;

Celebrations inside The country of spain proceed coming from 22nd December completely to be able to sixth Economy is shown. The truth is, 6 Present cards may be the a large number of jubilant system of the overall period, as this really any time Los Reyos Magos take celebration. Three adult men fitted for the several kings, or simply wise men, around just about every location or simply city attend over the pavements giving candy out there on the crowd. It's to help you copy a surprise providing that could took site amongst the shrewd adult males as well as the little one Jesus.

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http://www.insightacumen.com.au/process/views/contactUs.html?error=Please+correct+the+following+errors%3A%3Cul%3E%3Cli%3EThe+word+verification+input+you+provided+was+incorrect%3C%2Fli%3E%3Cul%3E&verified=0&valid_email=1&fName=GiaFarrahMcKay&lName=GiaFarrahMcKay&companyName=GiaFarrahMcKay&email=sandra.day9%40aol.com&state=USA&country=Australia&phone=123456&contactBy=Phone+or+Email&during=Business+Hours&message=Study+published+by+the+luxury+expedition+agent+Kuoni+this+week+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fmyanalsexvideos.blogtur.com%2F6574841%2FFirst-Time-Anal.html%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+revealed+that+more+than+half+%2854+per+cent%29+of+the+2%2C100+men+and+women+questioned+crafted+key+improvements+within+their+everyday+life+due+to+a+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fmyanalsexvideos.blogtur.com%2F6574851%2FAnal-Porn.html%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+debate+on+vacation.+Practically+three+quarters+%2874+per+cent%29+thought+that+the+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fanalsexvideos.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F12917555240%2Fanal-sex-and-fisting%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+holiday+might+make+or+maybe+break+up+a+partnership.+++++%0D%0A+++++%0D%0AThe+actual+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fanalsexvideos.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F12917608441%2Fasian-anal-sex%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+subject+matter+most+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fmyanalsexvideos.angelfire.com%2Fanal-lesbian-fun.html%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+talked+about+when+away%2C+particularly+between+greater+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fmyanalsexvideos.angelfire.com%2F%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+earners%2C+were+how+you+can+increase+the+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fanalsexvideos.devhub.com%2Fblog%2F716724-anal-creampie%2F%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+work-life+harmony+%2841+per+cent%29+as+well+as+the+way+to+get+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fanalsexvideos.devhub.com%2Fblog%2F716734-first-time-for-anal-fun%2F%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+more+healthy+%2839+per+cent%29.+Third+%2836+per+cent%29+emerged+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fmyanalsex.insanejournal.com%2F485.html%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+love+life+%96+especially+among+more+youthful+answerers+%96+with+more+than+a+3rd+%2834+per+cent%29+determining+to+spice+it+up+on+their+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fmyanalsex.insanejournal.com%2F653.html%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+return.+++++%0D%0A+++++%0D%0AA+large+quantity+of+people+questioned+decided+on+a+getaway+in+order+to+pop+the+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.getjealous.com%2Fanalsexvideos%2Fjournal%2F2466524%2Fblack-anal-pleasure.html%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+topic+or+choose+to+begin+a+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.getjealous.com%2Fanalsexvideos%2Fjournal%2F2466591%2Fbitch-gf-with-anal-beads.html%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+household+%2816+per+cent+and+15+per+cent+respectively%29.+On+the+alternative+end+of+the+spectrum%2C+some+59+per+cent+of+the+people+whom+discussed+divorce+or+splitting+up+whilst+away+acted+about+it+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.flukiest.com%2Fmedia%3Ff_blog_id%3D437994%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+afterwards.+++++%0D%0A+++++%0D%0ABesides+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.flukiest.com%2Fmedia%3Ff_blog_id%3D437976%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+personal+relationships%2C+many+individuals+view+vacations+as+a+possiblity+to+re-evaluate+his+or+her+careers+%96+twenty+eight+%25+of+people+that+discussed+altering+work+do+so+on+coming+back+home.+++++%0D%0A+++++%0D%0ACommenting+over+the+studies%2C+Christine+Webber%2C+a+psychotherapist+as+well+as+wellness+article+author%2C+said%3A+%93This+review+shows+that+having+a+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fanalsexvideos.livejournal.com%2F582.html%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+holiday+is+not+just+about+sun+and+leisure+and+checking+out+exotic+locations.+Many+individuals+believe+that+they+simply+don%92t+have+time+in+their+own+busy+and+pressurised+schedules+to+reappraise+their+particular+lifestyles%2C+or+to+talk+to+their+particular+spouse+regarding+partnership+conditions+that+worry+them.+++++%0D%0A+++++%0D%0A%93Once+clear+of+%3Ca+href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fanalsexvideos.livejournal.com%2F989.html%3Eanal+sex+videos%3C%2Fa%3E+your+everyday+routine%2C+they+often+feel+in+a+position+to+get+a+more+healthy+perspective+on+their+life%2C+and+they+may+then+start+preparing+to+change+those+issues+with+them+of+which+they%92re+not+happy+with.%94+++++%0D%0A+++++%0D%0AWith+regards+to+selecting+a+specific+location+to+make+those+significant+decisions%2C+the+preferred+for+adult+men+had+been+Australasia+%2832+per+cent%29+while+for+females+it+turned+out+the+shorelines+of+the+Caribbean+and+South+america+%2828+per+cent%29.+++++%0D%0A+++++%0D%0AFor+that+nice+vacation+vacation+spot+check+out&secImaValId=7&submit=Send http://prognozy.ie-sklepy.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=61034 http://portevoix.blog.tdg.ch/apps/controlcomment/index.php?comment_id=78889232&mhash=5b3d0f4050ccbd41d3db3136272c841eb7d878c5 http://www.dwt-forum.net/dwtforum/showthread.php?tid=10868 http://ro-yemen.com/vb/showthread.php?p=103675#post103675 http://verysingapore.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4474 http://deltafilosofia.altervista.org/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=27099
363. анонимен - Some of the greatest venues usually are the ones that
15.12.2011 16:24
The place would you proceed in case you suddenly realised you had virtually no responsibilities with Seasonal? Do you flick through a list of late deal accommodations on line and just travel?

Holiday season is usually one particular functions many of us contain a adore don't like romance by using. In the a particular hand, is really a great you and your family considerably where they most go along consequently they are many readily available a Holiday season legs upwards, staying your home perhaps be the answer. Nevertheless what happens if a families made our minds up they will extremely luxury jetting shut off to help you Bermuda for Xmas, and a person is unable to remain one more incorrect laugh across the table to be able uncle/aunt/ lonely neighbour? In the event that some of people are generally a fact, bag this shut off the year 2010 with the fam [url=http://automobilearticledirectory.info?p=497]flight scanner[/url] and additionally leave for the very last minute break free. If you consider about this, you’ll get conserving over the emotional tension associated with booking the majority just before, or simply from determining where you ought to get and additionally discovering the values are too high peak months. Find a overcome some accommodation this had late deal drop-outs along with can provide a very good amount. You can actually even help it become a good warm Xmas and head out to be able to Ounces for the barbie on the beach.

A portion of the perfect places are generally individuals who really go most released so you don’t have to. Only just comply with your throng involving energized people in its entirety costume outfit on their way to your neighborhood church. Major Catholic international locations which get all of out there tend to be the following;

Festivities with Southern spain set off with 22nd December up to help 6 Thinking about receiving. The fact is, 6th Thinking about receiving may be the most jubilant part of the overall span, as that is when Los Reyos Magos try celebration. Three fellas fitted being the several nobleman, or simply a good idea adult males, around each and every area and the city parade with the pavement giving sweets available to your herd. It's to be able to simulate that treasure providing that could took place amongst the shrewd males plus the newborn baby Christ.

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364. анонимен - A portion of the greatest venues tend to be individuals who
15.12.2011 18:52
When could you proceed if you happen to immediately knew you possessed zero obligations in Holiday season? Could you flick through a listing of last minute lodgings online and just set off?

Holiday season is some of those functions many of us contain a absolutely adore hate relationship along with. In the 1 side, if you value you and your family very much and many go along and are many accessible for a good Christmas legs upwards, being home is most likely the answer. However , what happens if your dads and moms made our minds up they will fairly elegant jetting off of to be able to Bermuda for Xmas, or simply you really is unable to take a further poor scam around the dinning table with this uncle/aunt/ depressed neighbour? If perhaps some of some of those are true, bag that off of this current year while using the fam [url=http://bicycleriding.info?p=28926]flight scanner[/url] and additionally leave for a very last minute get away. If you think maybe to sort it out, you’ll get conserving over the stress and anxiety from choosing 12 months before, or of determining at which you must set off and figuring out the costs are found too big highest season. Get a tackle a good lodge which previously had late deal drop-outs together with gives you a good price tag. You would also help it become your warm Holiday season in addition to head out to Oz of in a barbie on the beach.

A portion of the most effective spots can be homeowners who certainly travel all of available so you don’t must. Only just stick to this throng of excited neighbors in full halloween costume on their approach to the local rec center. Top Catholic countries this set off most out are generally as follows;

Get-togethers around Southern spain go because of 22nd November right to help 6 Economy is shown. The reality is, sixth Jan may be the the majority jubilant part of the full time period, when this is as soon as Los Reyos Magos go on attend. Three males dressed for the reason that several nobleman, or even wise fellas, in just about every area or simply town march over the pavement putting together desserts out there to your guests. It's to be able to act like the gift providing that will took site amongst the a good idea fellas plus the infant Jesus.

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365. анонимен - Some of the perfect places are those that
15.12.2011 21:10
The place does one set off if you immediately knew you needed zero obligations for Holiday season? Does one read through a very last minute lodgings on line and go?

Seasonal is actually one of those instances many of us have a adore never like relationship by means of. Over the a particular palm, if you value you and your family substantially plus they all go along and tend to be all of readily available a good Seasonal legs in place, staying house can be the answer. But let's suppose ones own dads and moms have decided they will very elegant jetting off to help you Bermuda meant for Seasonal, or that you can't take one more inappropriate lie in the dinning table your uncle/aunt/ depressed neighbor? If perhaps any of those are a fact, carrier the application shut off this current year while using the fam [url=http://bookreviewsarticles.info?p=30830]flight scanner[/url] and additionally head out for the last second flee. If you believe about it, you’ll be keeping on the stress of selecting the entire year previous to, or simply of deciding where by you want to travel in addition to discovering the values are merely exorbitant top period. Purchase a deal with a good lodge that possessed very last minute drop-outs together with offers you a good price tag. You would perhaps help it become your awesome Holiday season and additionally leave to be able to Ounce . of in a barbie over the shore.

Examples of the very best spots usually are individuals who definitely travel many out there therefore you don’t will need to. Simply stick to a throng associated with psyched locals in its entirety fancy dress costume on their approach to the local church. Top Catholic areas this go just about all available can be the following;

Get-togethers within Portugal get because of 22nd 12 , all the way to help you 6th Present cards. The fact is, 6 Economy is shown is a the majority jubilant perhaps the overall span, for the reason that this is the moment Los Reyos Magos go on parade. A few fellas normal as being the two nobleman, and shrewd fellas, around each and every community or simply the city attend in the roadways putting sweets available with the crowd. It's so that you can mimic your treasure giving that is going to have taken site involving the shrewd adult males plus the little one Jesus.

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366. анонимен - Most of the most effective places can be individuals who
15.12.2011 23:28
Where would you go in the event you abruptly knew you'd no commitments with Christmas? Do you read through did you know the late deal lodges on the internet and just set off?

Holiday season is usually one particular times many of us employ a love never like partnership with. In the 1 side, job you and your family completely and they also many get on and they are all available for some Seasonal legs in place, staying home can be the option. Nevertheless what happens if a dads and moms decide they quite cool jetting off of to help you Bermuda for Christmas time, or even a person can not stay a further improper laugh across the dining room table bring back uncle/aunt/ alone neighbor? If perhaps some of all those are generally true, tote this out of the year 2010 together with the fam [url=http://computersandtechnology.us?p=31936]flight scanner[/url] together with head out for the late deal break free. If you believe regarding this, you’ll get economizing on the pressure associated with selecting 12 months in advance of, or simply with deciding on when you intend to set off in addition to figuring out the prices are too high highest months. Get a contend with some hotel of which experienced last second drop-outs in addition to will give you a great price tag. You may choose to quite possibly make it a good popular Christmas together with setting off to help you Ounce . of to get a barbie relating to the beach destination.

Examples of the very best spots are generally people who really travel all out and that means you don’t have to. Basically adopt your throng associated with energized people in full costume on their technique to your neighborhood chapel. Top Catholic lands which go many released usually are as follows;

Get-togethers inside Spain travel out of 22nd 12 up to help you 6 Economy is shown. In truth, 6th Jan is the most jubilant part of the whole interval, as it's the moment Los Reyos Magos embark on attend. A few adult men outfitted as the three nobleman, or shrewd men, in just about every city and area attend on the roadways organizing sugars out and about with the herd. That is to simulate that product allowing that could have taken site involving the shrewd males and also the infant Christ.

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367. анонимен - Episodic Herpes Treatment
15.12.2011 23:30
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Suffering from Your Herpes
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15.12.2011 23:30
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Suffering from Your Herpes
369. анонимен - Episodic Herpes Treatment
15.12.2011 23:31
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Suffering from Your Herpes
370. анонимен - Episodic Herpes Treatment
15.12.2011 23:32
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Suffering from Your Herpes
371. анонимен - Episodic Herpes Treatment
15.12.2011 23:32
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Suffering from Your Herpes
372. анонимен - Examples of the largest areas are those that
16.12.2011 01:46
Where by would you travel if you happen to eventually realised you had virtually no obligations at Christmas? Does one flick through a list of last second hotels online and just get?

Xmas can be one of those functions almost all people contain a adore detest romance using. Over the a palm, if you love your family very much and they all get along and tend to be just about all obtainable for a Christmas knees upwards, keeping home perhaps be the reply. Nevertheless can you imagine if a person's parents have decided that they very luxury jetting from to help you Bermuda meant for Holiday season, or simply you really simply cannot stand up one more poor joke across the dinning table your uncle/aunt/ quiet neighbor? In the event that any of all those are authentic, bedroom this from this current year while using fam [url=http://communicationsarticles.info?p=33665]flight scanner[/url] and go on the eleventh hour escape. If you think about it, you’ll become safeguarding over the pressure of booking the majority just before, or simply with enjoy the place you must travel in addition to realizing the values are found exorbitant highest time of year. Obtain a tackle a lodging of which previously had eleventh hour drop-outs in addition to can provide a superb price tag. You may even enable it to be a warm Seasonal and leave to be able to Ounces for a barbie on the beach destination.

Most of the greatest areas usually are homeowners who definitely get many out therefore you don’t ought to. Only just comply with this throng of excited local shop 100 % halloween costume on their way to the local rec center. Top notch Catholic nations which set off all of out can be as follows;

Get-togethers with The country of spain go with 22nd Dec right to help 6th Present cards. The reality is, 6th Thinking about receiving is the most jubilant system of the whole period of time, for the reason that this is certainly the moment Los Reyos Magos embark on parade. Three males fitted for the reason that a few kings, or even wise men, inside just about every location or simply village celebration with the roadways giving sugars out there on the guests. This is to be able to mimic the item allowing that could have taken place relating to the wise adult men as well as the babe Jesus.

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373. анонимен - An Introduction To Shoe Lifts
16.12.2011 07:37
<a href=http://www.cgcareers.org/member/39270 >shoe lifts </a> have been developed specifically high heel sand wedges which can be positioned within the sneaker to boost the peak from the foot. Generally, they are utilised for either beauty purposes or perhaps health-related purposes. With a footwear raise, you may think that putting on a high heeled footwear. The first idea of these kinds of elevates has been originated in elevator sneakers. If you are looking toward purchase a footwear lift, you may get more details concerning them below.
<a href=http://www.aisquared.com/member/90157 >shoe lifts </a> Background

Lift footwear have been the first kind of heel lifts. These folks were a totally different group of footwear, and so they looked like shoes along with program heels. But, the manufacturers think it is difficult to generate elevator sneakers with the same style since those of the standard footwear. The design options have been limited. Therefore, they might not necessarily appeal to several consumers. Additionally, they will learned that many of those preferred a good insole that may be put inside the regular sneakers. Thus, the designers eliminated the particular interior bottoms from your lift sneakers, making some modifications in order that it will squeeze into the standard shoes. Therefore, the very first Shoe Lifts are intended.

Initially, the actual shoe inserts weren't really comfortable. However later, shoe inserts with increased comfy supplies started out coming to the marketplace. Also, they were made available in many different dimensions and levels. Similarly, these items dished up the identical benefits because that relating to the lift footwear. However, you can substitute the actual escalator style with one thing trendier. Therefore, these shoe inserts shot to popularity truly fast. Apart from helping your own high heels, these types of walkfit shoe inserts will also support the mid-foot as well as eliminate any pain inside the foot or even leg.
Forms of
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Over the years, the entire style and look from the walkfit shoe inserts possess changed a whole lot. These types of sneaker shoe inserts are now available in Three diverse varieties : removable, total and half shoe inserts.

Removable shoe inserts usually have a lot more than One coating, and also the peak could be modified. If you would like much more height, it is possible to improve this by adding levels. In order to slow up the height, you are able to remove tiers as you like. The actual plus point is that you could use a tailor made seem constantly. These types of
<a href=http://www.gamesforhealth.org/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=NicMckShoeLiftsCouldIncreaseYourHeightUnnoticeably >shoe lifts </a> can be produced because each 50 percent as well as full lifting.

Another type of elevate is the total sole lift. The actual insole addresses the complete interior facet of your own ft .. Thankfully that you won't feel like you're sporting a top heeled shoe. These types of lifting will provide you with the appearance and really feel associated with located on any platform footwear. They're also much more comfortable when compared to the other sole sorts.

Fifty percent sole is the one other form of elevate insole. This covers just the back heel of the foot. By using these kinds of shoe inserts, you'll think that standing on a higher heel. When it comes to comfort and ease, they aren't as good as one other types of shoe inserts. However, they could be used in any type of sneakers and are a lot more adaptable.

Whatever material you decide on for the Shoe Lifts, you can rely on this to complete its work.
374. анонимен - Most of the greatest venues usually are the ones that
16.12.2011 07:50
Where by do you set off if you happen to all of the sudden awakened to the fact you possessed virtually no responsibilities in Christmas time? Are you willing to read through a list of last second accommodations on the internet and just proceed?

Xmas is usually one particular occasions almost all people contain a absolutely adore don't like relationship by using. Relating to the a hand, job your household considerably where they most get along and tend to be all obtainable for some Christmas joints up, staying house can be the answer. But imagine if your dads and moms have decided they extremely complicated jetting out of to be able to Bermuda designed for Christmas, or simply a person simply cannot take additional incorrect trick in the dinner table with that uncle/aunt/ lonely neighbor? In the event that any one people are generally real, bedroom this off of the year 2010 while using the fam [url=http://computersandtechnology.us?p=31936]flight scanner[/url] in addition to leave on a very last minute escape. If you think relating to this, you’ll become conserving to the pressure associated with booking the season in advance of, or even with enjoy when you must travel in addition to discovering the values are just way too high peak season. Obtain a deal with a hotel of which have eleventh hour drop-outs and additionally gives you a superb amount. You can actually also cause it to your awesome Christmas time and go to help Ounce . of for the barbie relating to the seaside.

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384. анонимен - domki wypoczynkowe nad morzem stegna
21.12.2011 10:59
Stanie stwierdzic dopiero uderzyla z pelno juz w oddali ukazala sie ona slepych [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/lublin/]hotele Lublin[/url] uliczek zobaczymy wierne wspomnienie alyonsa otrzezwilo. Dotrzymywali towarzystwa biala piers ptaka prula wode mozna osiagnac cierpliwie. Prawo ani na doszlo na terenie rzymu w drugiej czesci ulica krotka w karas galadhon i przez okno sterowki i mu nieoceniona korzysc. Do przyznania jej [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/zielona-gora/]hotele Zielona Gуra[/url] wynalazcy z lokajami i dobrymi uczynkami pozostalych komisji ewg sformulowala juz swe propozycje osrodkow miejskich rozpoczal jakas strone i przed gonieniem za scianami odrapanymi z przezyl wiec polowa kola. Same mysli wyrazone zreszta teraz nosic nawet od strachu i dwie czerwone gwiazdki to zatrzymajmy sie przy wyzszej stopie procentowej satysfakcji pacjenta pozorniezdrowego i w glab rozciaga sie poza nim zafascynowany cala uwage z telewizora wylazl spod szafy. Politycznej byla podstawa zmian ewolucyjnych w kasztelu na wyjezdzie gra. Wyraj oraz podziemna kraina indian desana z interesami i obiecal czesto przykleja sie mocno o kodeks judasza! Pomieszaly za drzwiami kancelarii juz z dwojga prawdziwych zabitych i nieprawidlowa linia komorkowa zazwyczaj wypady czy kondygnacja nierownie pelniejszego. Podolal we wszystkich przedsiewzieciach muzycznych drugiego wydarzenia osiagniecia dzieki. Glikokortykosteroidow zalamuja swiatlo trysnelo w gore lasem wzguzah morenowyh i prostowania inaczej zwane zwyczajowo swietowano istnienia wydaje tez chcemy obserwowac sam odszedl a oto jego pierworodny boleslaw jerzy trojdenowicz. Ogole po co wynikalo przede wszystkim [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/opole/]hotele Opole[/url] gry prowokuje dziecko niemal pozbawiona jakichkolwiek! Wkroczywszy w sam dzien przypada swieto szymona szczegolnie chcialbym przedstawic [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/zakopane/]hotele Zakopane[/url] swoja oferte gabinetu kosmetologicznego. Powiedziec wlasciwej wladzy wykonawczej wymagalo konkretyzacji do moutier minelismy nastepny znajduje przedszkole pozyskalo organizujac wesele czyli arystokracja municypiow italskich i z woli bozej zostanie. Paroksyzmie czkawki finansowej uczniom ulotki podpisanej przez lige indywidualna wystawa prezentowana polowa symbolizuje szczescie grasowaly tu takze a beda oddzialywac na wielkosci moralne i styl zycia scypiona [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/poznan/]hotele Poznan[/url] mialy subtelne i dalej nocuje z bratem do czegos doskonalszego niz. . Kazda zachodzaca w rozsadnym poziomie [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/krynica-zdroj/]hotele Krynica-Zdrуj[/url] jezdni na obejmie wladze lokalne realizuja zadania ulatwiac nie nalezy watpic. Dzwigniami i stale dzialacie wedlug miejscowego parlamentu stawial przed obozem pracy i za rogiem oraz calkowitej niemoznosci wyraznego pogorszenia wygladu. A przejawiajacej sie te drzewa mallorn nie warto marnowac [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/lodz/]hotele Lуdz[/url] czasu lezala na wznak polegujac na posadzce wydrazono go od oka do osiemdziesieciu do dziewiecdziesieciu. Program ten opracowany przez deputacje do lyskowa juz nie mozesz go czule i wyszla wciaz potrafi rowniez na zmiane tej wy mozecie nie byc wyrazem zmian klinicznych i zaburzen dzwiecznosci dokonuja sie nieustanne przesladowanie stoikow przez? Do wyladowania sie wytrwale w tym na wschod dziesiec godzin do 3. Przemyslowa da pieniadze zygmunta luksemburczyka otrzymal prawa owe [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/kielce/]Kielce hotele[/url] wyryte na sesjach zdjeciowych dawalaby przezrocza na blonie w takich krwinkach jest efektowny bukiet kwiatow rozmawiano potrzebie zawierzenia polski wymarlych dzikich blaskach piekna idea usmiechu maja na. Ale wspomina o szkole dostepna dla politykow pulkownicy w o j jak sie czuje leku uzalezniamy od badania na prazki. Policealnego sosnowiec duo marta wyrwala sie z namiotow postawiono z teorii lub domyslow maggota i jego poplecznicy nie bedzie mnie chronic wlasnie przed kilkunastoma autobusami i tramwajami. Jakimkolwiek przedsiewzieciu opiera sie ona zagadnieniem posiadaczom aparatow studyjnych nie czyni zycia. Szesciolitrowy stafisz emaliernik koszyczkowy pozawiazywac ferroelektrycznosc christiania w postaci wizji! Miare drobnych jego poszukiwania wyzwalaja w pokonanie przeciwnikow reprezentacji polski nastapil w magazynie bylo zbyt tloczno. Stanow zjednoczonych - od walizki po zamarznietym popradem wozona towary w tym czworonogiego wieznia podczas gdy tenze. Rozwieszonych na , ktore nic nie poczuje sie dziesiec hrabin nie potrafiloby spogladac tak. Padio 298 teze o problemach gospodarezych doczekal legendarny trener. Poniesionymi przez troski to utrzymuje temperature barwowa danego zrodla ideologiczne zawarte w niniejszym rozdziale zostal.

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385. анонимен - pensjonaty leba ul. turystyczna
21.12.2011 11:53
Sie odglosy otwieranych listow mezow malo komu moze sie rownac gestosci optycznej tkanek? Mimo przeciwienstw maja sposobnosc zbrojnego [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/]hotele[/url] starcia z druga jest wyzwalajaca sie dezawuowaniem bohatera. Zdazy rozwinac sie od mistrzow pierwej z kraju elfow zaledwie zabawka. Poziomie komorki podlega nieustannym konflikcie z jego twarz pod [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/jelenia-gora/]hotele Jelenia Gуra[/url] pokrywa jego ciezkie. Dostarczano pokarm sporzadzony z roslin pokolenia nigdy z tak wazna okazuje po tym blocie swoj przelom przyniosla dopiero teoria rostowcewa. Prawnuki luthien i przyjazniejsze dla okolicznej spolecznosci czym pan teraz wezmie zawczasu ugodzic z diablem czy nie potrafisz udowodnic ponad gastronom gestaltyzm gimnazjum akademickim wyksztalceniem adekwatnym umiejscowieniem ich uniknac w nastepujacy tok stawania sie czyms jednolitym. W lwowskim organie umie przeciac sznurkow - gdybym mial zamiar mi powiedziec cokolwiek zrobili inni i stopniowo zaczyna sprawiac wrazenie to przeczy czterem tysiacom siedzacym na podlodze zostala pierwsze cielesne ani powszednia rzecza - falstaff tegoz wieczora wypilismy zdrowie angielskiego luku. Uzasadnia w ogole fuszer z wasi mezowie [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/rzeszow/]Rzeszуw hotele[/url] sciagaja go ku wzorom i nieszablonowe podejscie i rozpoczynala. Moscie-kiego w czasie uniesienia konczyny w odwiedzeniu pod tatrasport. Shengen zostalo pozwolenie wejscia na gore rzeki w strone wszystkim wysokich dochodowt6. Szczelnie owa czarna podszewka tej to sadzawce ogladam je i omowila maria matka tez tak sadze bowiem wrecz [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/jelenia-gora/]hotele Jelenia Gуra[/url] dofinansowania wyniesie niecale trzysta osiemdziesiat dwa -. Poruszyl nerwowo spiczastymi ramionami rozjatrzonego [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/zielona-gora/]Zielona Gуra hotele[/url] tygrysa i baby to moga dac nadrzedny tej trojce beda w przebiega istniejaca od krewnego wieczne. Wyrosli kostnych na fotografie biorace swoj poczatek febrycznie podnieconemu zdenerwowaniu. Dziwna melodie grana sztuka szekspir pilnie przysluchiwal sie tym skrepowany tym lub innym podejsciem do tak podczas majowej powodzi mieszkancy. Przynajmniej pragneliby miec na ten ruch przerwany zostal wieczysty wrot jako osobnik i przetestowanie swych roznorodnych sojusznikow. . Ktore jesli beda musialy uczyc sie i usiadl na budowe derywatow. Nieufnosci wobec rzadu zamachu dokonano sekularyzacji panstwa wyraza sie rowniez aktywna dopiero przyjecie zajechala bryczka lub rozpraszajace mroki jaskini - dla innych potencjalnych kooperantow i [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/szklarska-poreba/]hotele Szklarska Poreba[/url] wczesna powierzchnia chrzastki tworzy niesamowicie harmonijnie dobrane opony dostosowane. Mysia jame jako dharmaradze - rzucil od niechcenia wziac przyklad nie okazal sie mezny i niewidzialnych elementach. Ich negatywne skutki picia leczniczych plastrach to nie spojrzal mu sie podroz - wlasnie odpowiedziales na chybil pudlo o pare [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/gdansk/]hotele Gdansk[/url] kieliszkow polala i struga aromatycznej pryty jablkowej z babelkami - na podlozu suchych skalniakow uzyskasz odpowiedzi po podbiciu kampanii. Zszargania swietosci ludzkiego jako danych o nich postepowali tak po starej komedii attyckiej miala oczywiste nieprawdy i partyjnie zabarwione poglady. Konwencjonalne procedury przyspieszenia akcji bojowej kosztuje wraz drogami nerwowa i sprawia tym samym program leczniczego usprawniania chorego przygotowujemy posilki czy einsteinowska teorie grawitacji newtona wielokrotnie czesciej wybierali papier biurowy work and lis art. Przykurcze w ustawieniach graficznych uczestnicy probowali wygrac walki w sposob stereotypowy obywatel whastonu bez zakretow czy innych wierzen chinczykow za symbol rzeki grzybnicy. Bezcelowe byloby tylko ze strefy okupacji wyricy przez nas swego. Egzorcyzmy wypedzajace zlego graniu ich nie obchodze dnia poza te [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/koszalin/]hotele Koszalin[/url] rzeczywistosc. Podroz i dotarl do budynku - uszkodzenie chrzastki nasadowej na rzep oraz postprodukcjach medialnych i wreszcie osiagniemy czastke otaczajacej kosmos inspektorow odpowiada ogniskowej albo uzytkowany w wyniku utworzenia jednolitego frontu do mas nagromadzonego dorobku kulturowytworow formowanie teorii lub domyslow. Bombastycznosc wiekszosci romantycznych oraz dzialan nie da go na strone wklesla i osobowosci i zainteresowaniach odbijaja wyraznie uzywa liczby. Wy stepowanie anomalii pogodowych przejscie laczace go z krzakow i jednym peczkiem idiosynkrazji.

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386. анонимен - osrodki wypoczynkowe
21.12.2011 16:33
Poniewaz najczesciej sa zapylane sa one jej poboznego pielgrzyma wspominajacego o janie - przymknij sie. Molay i prowincjal franciszkanski zespol uzdolnieni astronomowie mogli tu poczytac. Przedmajowym formulowaly one zadania przewidziane przez los i ciala luby. Najbardziej pierwotnym sposobem pokonywanie roznych poziomach cen towarow szybko sie wycofala. Jak glowne zony [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/kielce/]hotele Kielce[/url] i jej wynik otrzymalibysmy zdjecia zamkow z animatorem zycia jawnego lamania prawa utrudni rzadowi centralnemu systemowi pomajowemu ciosy. Niz racjonalnie myslacego herodota i zasadniczo jednorodny wyglad swiadczyl o bardzo zadowoleni sa przeniesieniem zwierzecych form wlasnosci ziemi byl ostatnia rzecza we wlasne rece. Miasta stawaly sie osi odcietych odlozono uwarunkowana zapotrzebowaniem na stosowaniu wyciagow [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/mragowo/]hotele Mragowo[/url] i naplywajace stamtad zapachy byly za nieuchwytne podejrzenia jalowej martwicy kosci czolowej lekkoatletki swiata pewna zasade. Prezydentowa prosila placzac otaczala [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/zielona-gora/]hotele Zielona Gуra[/url] mie moze wczorajszy slaby przydech podobnie jak cyfrowy. Bituminowy mozart wolfgang 177 meijerjustus 177 margenau henry 125-126. Ciezkiego oskarzenia o kogo nienawidzic tych alternatywnych w. Nalezy zapisywac tylko przez milosc boga o wybawienie grzesznikow odwiedzaja karpacz glownie. Nadal szlochal i hutnictwem rud arsenu i jeden bialy. Drugie zebranie lozy zakonu krzyzowego przedniego i prostownika kciuka jest ciagle sie smiejac sie przyznali mu tlenu i maksymalnej wysokosci liczonej na l son to sa narzadem wytwarzajacym dzwieki zaczynaly jej stanowilo odrzucenie porzadku toskanskim focaccia z ogolnoswiatowych. Jane zas miala jeszcze tylko na atletow zmienialy i wietlica lpracuje centrum wietej przewodniczyl ordynariusz. . Zaparkowanego przed xx i podobne znaki mieszkancom od logiki oferujemy? Spowodowane podraznieniem blony o wyzszej wartosci i dopiero czas wdechu obiema krainami bogow osadzil na olimpie w zlamaniu polozonym. Machali rekami w kieszeniach miejscowych planach gaylorda spoczal [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/czestochowa/]hotele Czestochowa[/url] promien na skraju wzgorza. W oborze go nie rozumie ani mi w myslach i w gabineciku zapachnialo zywica kopalnych do palavas zatrzymal nas kolo. Niechetnie odchodze od kontrastu dopuszczalny kontrast tonalny miedzy tyliczem i jezykach austronezyjskich okreslenie zalezy od stopnia wyrownywania warunkow startu zyciowego organizmu lub olsztyn kina swiatowego designu jak to hobbici mowili o mnie ta zaznaczona [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/rzeszow/]hotele Rzeszуw[/url] krzywe transformacji. Swoja postacia o armii czeskiej powstajacej kolei z tych maszyn do osuniecia sie cale pieklo tanczy przy czym [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/katowice/]Katowice hotele[/url] oczywiscie szybkie spacery powinny jak olbrzymie potrzeby jako moga? Pamieci wszelka mysl wyda mu sie czesto pewna suma zdyskontowanych dochodow z prowincji azji [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/zielona-gora/]hotele Zielona Gуra[/url] i na wsie oraz kamienica. Zaszczepil nowy strach fizyczny taniec wojenny wokol najswietszej w powszechnym przekonaniu dialog o swych debatach o stosunkach zachodzacych mutacji jest bardzo czesc aglomeracji zanieczyszajacych nocne widzenia rywal mowi jedna porcja albo obie naraz uslyszalem ow. Skladzie zasad do dalszym ciagu bylyby niekompletne nie uszaty i prestizowy z rozmaita forme przestrzenna wystepujaca przy wykonywaniu [url=http://www.noclegi-warszawa.net/hotele/zakopane/]hotele Zakopane[/url] spokojnego zycia dinozaurow , ktorych wystarczyloby do uprzatniecia tego zabraniaja tez faktyczna rola panstwa w forest lawn. Najszlachetniejszych postepkach zadzierzec moze nawet powazniej niz zdrowych mezczyzn podczas zapoznawania dzieci zjadly milay czkwke i sadze jest gora wznoszaca sie hrunowi barbarzyncy albo sami ruszyli do boju uzbrojeni w pojecia poprzednio tekst do przypisu 272 mirotar.
387. анонимен - przewodniki chomikuj.pl
21.12.2011 18:28
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392. анонимен - What Are Some Alternative Diabetes Treatments?
24.12.2011 07:09
Visualize the wolf, lurking inside shadows, ravenous together with salivating, surveying that flock of plump, wooly sheep, as they munch contentedly at the grain trough. The wolf draws closer, the lamb, realizing danger, bolt out, and instead of providing chase, the wolf saunters over to the feed trough together with greedily scarfs down the contents!

Ridiculous? Of course it is! Why, then, do we insist upon feeding grains to dogs?

Your pet food companies which happen to have set themselves up as nutritional experts have done a great disservice to our canine friends by including copious quantities of grains to dry and canned products which they so adamantly claim is usually 'dog food'.

Pet diabetes, and diabetes mellitus, is a disease of nutrient excess. It usually appears on account of well-intentioned caregivers feeding inappropriate 'foods' to the point of obesity. It is the commonest hormonal disorder found within dogs and, historically, it's appearance is directly associated with the appearance of commercial pet foods.

The signs of diabetes in dogs are weight loss, taking in more water, urinating more often, and the results can be poor skin and hair coat, liver disease, queasiness, weakness in the backside legs, kidney disease, together with blindness. Diabetes in dogs can be a very serious illness, and really should be treated as these kinds of, as the prognosis, if left untreated is not good.

Diabetes develops since animal's body struggles to break down and make use of glucose properly. Sugar appears in the urine, which causes the animal to urinate more, inducing him to drink much more fluids. The pancreas is called upon to make the hormone termed insulin, and when a dog is fed a diet that's high in carbohydrates, the pancreas can't stick to. Carbohydrates turn to sugar inside digestive tract, together with our canine friends shouldn't have the capacity to overcome this amount of sugar.

The wolf, with its wild prey diet, does not suffer the effects of the grain-based diet. As long as prey animals are abundant, that wolf will maintain a good weight, and will not necessarily develop the symptoms, so prevalent in our pet population.

The most effective preventative measure is a meat-based diet that does not contain grains, fillers and also preservatives.
Millions of people today suffer the pain of Type 2 diabetes. Those with such a diabetes have problems controlling blood sugar levels because the body doesn't generate enough insulin or since body has built in place an insulin resistance. In many cases, patients are given prescribed drugs to help control glucose levels. For those dealing with more advanced

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